Karma Foods.

Karma Foods.

in Crafting

Posted by: Torqueblue.1945



So after the snow melts and the holiday event is done and over with.Is there any plans for Furture Karma Foods? I really hate to have to go and buy up a smit ton of snowflakes just for karma foods. I’d very much like to see an alternative source for karma food.
Heck i’ve spent more time just catching every DE there is cause of this, where is before I couldn’t give a rat’s behind about DEs unless it’s to finish my Dailies or too just make up for the Waypoint fair.
BTW Anet great job on this Food item. I really like cooking alot so looking forward to seeing more food items with buffs like this.

PS: I Hope this doesn’t drive up the cost of Snowflakes but knowing how some stuff like this tend to make people FREAK OUT and buy up the stock it could happen.

PPS: Not my intention to do drive up the snowflakes just asking a question is all.

Scotch and Pills, what could possibly go wrong? – Max Payne

Karma Foods.

in Crafting

Posted by: Lorana.2468


do people actually use this food?
i got enough Karma for 2 more legendaries doing nothing but my Dailies/Monthlies and using all the boosts before drinking them all at once, and now with even more Karma from Dungeons/Drops of Karma im rolling in it.

Karma Foods.

in Crafting

Posted by: Dispari.3980


Karma food and karma boosters are good for stacking before you open a couple dozen karma jugs.

Karma Foods.

in Crafting

Posted by: laokoko.7403


how do you make karma food?

Karma Foods.

in Crafting

Posted by: Zellax.7821


all the Ice Creams = Karma Food
Best of them being the Candy Corn Ice Cream !!!