Knight's Ascended Gear

Knight's Ascended Gear

in Crafting

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Power/Toughness/Prec is an awesome spread. But sadly, it seems that there is no ascended version of that spread. (Unless I missed it. :P) Are there any plans to add it in the future? It really limits my build and I imagine I’m not the only one that likes knight’s gear.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Knight's Ascended Gear

in Crafting

Posted by: TRON.1085


Iv been asking this for months and still no reply…

Knight's Ascended Gear

in Crafting

Posted by: Ensign.2189


There’s no ascended version of that spread. Ascended gear is essentially Berserker’s, Rabid, Soldier’s, and trash. Just grab your Berserker’s ascended pieces to supplement the rest of your Knight’s gear, and hope they add more variety in the future.

Knight's Ascended Gear

in Crafting

Posted by: Darx.9842


Use power/critdmg/toughness ascended trinkets.

It’s perfect actually. I have both the power/critdmg/tough rings, they’re great, over 100 toughness each and 8 crit damage each. My gear is 4/6 Knights, 2/6 soldiers.

I think the stats of the ascended items are meant to mesh with your builds and give us more options at the same time. The amount of toughness and critdamage I have would not be possible without the ascended rings I have. I plan on getting the amulet too.

Knight's Ascended Gear

in Crafting

Posted by: buki.3108


It would be OP. I think they’re trying to make players balance where they get precision from. Full Ascended Knight’s would give like 3k attack, 3.5k armor, and 100% crit chance for a warrior… along with a 96% chance to heal 324 on crit… broken.