Legendaries (mats)
You need to gather material in order to craft weapons, armor. Thats normal
And legendary weapons are the best looking weapons in-game so you need a lot of materials to do it
They are not weapons everyone should have. Map complete, story, achievements .. everyone will complete this later or sooner. But Legendaries are ment to be crafted only by players who are willing to dedicate the time to farm all the gold, material, etc that is needed.
I already crafted the juggernaut and almost done with the predator. And I did enjoy it. I dont play mmorpgs for story or achievements (found them boring) I play mmorpgs so i can develop my character, farm gold, material for better gear, and play with friends.
So yea .. if you dont like the requirements, just dont go for it. They are just really expensive skins and its really sad how some players keep creating topics like this and expect developers to change requirements.
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
imho they really should have made the whole legendary thing alot more achievment based. atm is more about who can exploit up enough gold to start flipping dawn/dusks.
Just remember that Legendary weapons are a long term goal. Don’t try to rush them… I know that playing the TP is the fastest way for making money, but it is not the only way. I don’t like to spend hours on the TP, so I’m not doing it. I’m playing normally and leveling my alts, and I already got more than half of the materials required for Twilight.
Most of the complains about legendaries are just from people rushing it… People that think that WvW badges are only available in the Jumping Puzzle, people that think that the market is being manipulated because some stuff (lodestones?) is expensive…
Just play the game as you can enjoy it the most… the legendary will eventually be there… and remember that if you want to grind, is it you who decided to do it, not the game forcing you because you want to get a legendary in a week.