Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

in Crafting

Posted by: Sarne.4528


To start, I think it’d be a good thing to have the discussion about this in one place. As for me, I’m close enough to buy it my precursor at its outrageous price if I wanted, but the thought of an alternate method makes the idea of dropping hundreds of gold on something not so appealing. With my luck, they’d implement it tomorrow if I bought it today.

I can’t even find the thread, which I believe was from Gaile Gray mentioning the “Scavenger Hunt” for Legendary Precursors coming soon, which would have been nice to reference here. How soon is soon? Are we talking Wintersday event or beyond? I’m sure the community would love some comments, even if it is as simple as “It is still being worked on.”

I’ve heard several awesome thoughts about how it could be implemented. Instead of another mindless and meaningless grind to feed Zommoros, give each Legendary a quest similar to your personal story.

Wait a sec, the amount of time and resources involved in that?! That could take ages! Just cut out the voice overs and epic cut scenes. I don’t think many people will miss those. Time and money saved and not too much work left other than creating a few lore-like stories which explain a little history on the weapon and how to restore it to its former glory or make it into something amazing, if it was never legendary in the first place. Heck, ask players for stories and may the best ones win.

Back on track – have the Legendary story-line come from an obscure NPC. For example, have this NPC only be available when all the Orr temples are controlled (assuming those get fixed in the same patch). That will give players an excuse to be in Orr and participate in those events. Community building!

A few more caveats to improve immersion and to prevent exploitation of it. Only one Legendary story-line can be active at once. We wouldn’t want those jerks to just complete them all simultaneously just to turn around and resell them, ignoring the story and legendariness of each item. Disable the obnoxious storyline indicators. Make players (at least the first few until someone posts guides) truly have to pay attention to the story to learn where to go next.

I’ll will close by saying – for the love of God and Kittens – don’t make create a fee to start the scavenger hunt or make it trade-able quest starting item. I’m sure the playerbase who doesn’t buy gold or win the drop lottery will appreciate that. It only feeds the bots and illegal gold sellers when that opportunity is out there for them.

Ultimately, I’d just be happy if the RNG element was removed; me and my over 6,000 Greatswords all of which are now with Zommoros.

Edit: Because I forgot to mention. Could you Confirm/Deny/Good idea! any of the thoughts suggestions, should this wall of text merit ArenaNet attention. I’m sure the community would like any bone you can give us.

/wall of text.

(edited by Sarne.4528)

Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

in Crafting

Posted by: Crudelis Perfecto.1659

Crudelis Perfecto.1659

I’ll hope they do it soon, else I take a long break.
Atm I got all the materials, but I refuge to grind the precursor (dusk in my case) or buy it at the TP. I already had enough of the increadible long grind that took me month’s to complete.

If the end-game is only about a long grind, I think I had it with this game. I’m also disapointed by no communication and no information that we get, I know some things take times, but some more information would really do alot.

I just don’t understand why they imply new content, when there are still so many things in the game that are so buggy and doesn’t make any sense. Cfr. the karka event and reward.

Anyway soon steam deals :p

Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

in Crafting

Posted by: Rainzar.6905


at this point it could be anything. i know for sure though you will not see it this year, it will take them months to design, build then test before implementing it into the game.. i just don’t see how they plan to make this work, no matter what it ends up being, if its less time consuming and less costly then the mystic forge method, than everyone will do it. The only way to counter that would be to implement some sort of roadblock or way to slow people down like umh.. slay 50 dragon bosses maybe not that simple but my point was, its something that takes time and you cant exactly speed it up. so you would than have 2 choices, mystic casino or long drawn out “lore related hunt” method.

at the end of the day i’m sure they will come up with something that works but this is just for the precursor, getting the rest of the mats is still no different and just a terribly boring mat grind and/or gold sink. the devs also aren’t the greatest givers of info, usually its after the fact once its been added/changed THEN they tell you.

Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

in Crafting

Posted by: Abriel.4103


Just to throw it out there, right now the overall cost of Sunrise is:

100 Charged Lodgestone at 2g a pop: 200g
100 Icy Runestone at 1g a pop: 100g
500 Glob of Ecto at 35s a pop: 175g
250 powerful blood at 25s a pop: 62.50g
250 Vicious Fang at 20s a pop: 50g
250 Dust at 7.5s a pop: 18.75g
250 Ancient bone at 2s a pop: 5g
250 Venom Sac at 12s a pop:30g
250 Claw at 10s a pop: 25g
250 Eleborate Totem at 27s a pop: 67.5g
500 Orichalcum ingot at 4.5s a pop: 22.5g
+ 50g for other mats/recipe.

The cost of Dawn: 250g.

So overall, the precursor is only about 1/5 of the Legendary in term of gold value and 1/8 in term of afford (karma, token). If you’re lucky enough to have all of the other mats already then power to you, but understand that right now the precursor itself is not a very big factor or unreasonable at all. If you are one of those who think “I will start to work on it once I get my precursor”, you are in for a brutal suprise that I recommend you starting now before you get your precursor.

Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

in Crafting

Posted by: Sarne.4528


Unfortunately that’s the case and point. The Legendary grind doesn’t mean anything at all. Assembling the parts was the most fun of the whole ordeal. I frequented TA for lodestones and cores while helping other people for their armor sets and gifts. I farmed and farmed and farmed some more for all the other components, a lot of it with friends. At least that was social. So now that we’re only missing the precursor, how do I go about that? Continue to farm the same stuff more for money now? That’s great, but I’m tired of it.

Your math is sound, but the method of acquisition is not. “Hey, you have a Legendary! You’re either a grinding masochist or you’re a lucky kitten.” I’m tired of it and there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.

Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

in Crafting

Posted by: Abriel.4103


What you say is still a variable cost though, and the precursor is just that, a variable cost, it’s not a fixed cost (like Icy Runestone).

Take the 100 charged lodgstone for example: going for my sunrise. I bought 30 lodstone when they where 1.3g each. And I either made the mistake, or didn’t have enough money to buy the rest and had to pay a much higher price for the rest. I completed that requirement 3 days ago with the last lodstone bought at something very close to 2g. Unlike your Onyx my Charged can’t be farm, I run CoE religiously but not even a sixth of my 100 came from it.

The precursor is the same, it just stand out more for people because you can’t accumulate it, but it’s no difference from the other. You’re on the last ledge of your journey, and it’s a long journey so it’s nature you feel tired, but remember you chose to do it.

To answer your question and put it in respective: I’m working on Sunrise and here are the last item I still need:
- 150 Blood.
- 200 Ecto.
- 150 Fang
- 150 Scale.

I already got my gift of Sunrise and the precursor. I can “guarantee” you, my last grind for thos items themselves and your grind for money are pretty much the samething, just in different order. So the point is it’s not the precursor is the problem.

Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

in Crafting

Posted by: Kromica.2831


A dev said that it would not be in the next patch (wintersday?) so I am thinking January some time.

Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

in Crafting

Posted by: Charming Rogue.8071

Charming Rogue.8071

Indeed, the making of this scavenger hunt was a big one and not the only thing they’re working on. They also want to make it perfect, hence it won’t be in the next big update.

Desolation – EU – [KING] – Immortal Kingdom

Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

in Crafting

Posted by: Wizzy.7910


. They also want to make it perfect, hence it won’t be in the next big update.

Perfect is the key word here. they will be mostlikely spending alot of time building it up and making it work without problems. Think about what happened with karka event, some people didn’t get their exotic items because they didn’t know that chest would drop them that much and part of event was bugged. HUGE cry fest at forums so i suppose anet doesn’t want that to happen again.

Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

in Crafting

Posted by: Riptide.3012


I hope it will be a long questline where you see your character as a person rather than an amazing hero saving the world. I want a quest line where you roll around an area with a friend(NPC) but find a hidden tomb or something that hints of a legendary weapon. This would only happen every so often because I’d rather the legendary questline to be more relaxed than the personal one.
My character would take a vague interest in the weapon and try to find it, while collecting other things involing the weapon like say the gifts that you have to farm at the moment like the gift of battle. You come to a fighting pit after deciphering the clue but you and your friend decide to take part to have fun and after winning you get an achievment called the gift of battle(because an item wouldn’t make sense) and then you invited to a drink in the local brewery. If you look around there you will find the next clue.
This way you could see your character as a person while also learning lore about the weapon and other stuff(I’m not sure, I’m not a writer) but also have a real meaning to the weapon and gifts rather than just a massive grind.
I think getting the weapon and gifts this way will make you see your character and your legendary a different way.

P.S getting gifts like that would in my opinion would be so much better than before. It would be an real accomplishment and would actually make sense rather than doing jumping puzzles for the gift of battle.

Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

in Crafting

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


This topic has suprisingly little info, considering it’s title.

The scavenger hunt is being worked by Linsey Murdock. She became famous within the Guild Wars 1 community after being the main designer of the Miniature Black Moa scavenger hunt, which was quite popular at the time (and the first such thing to appear in GW1).

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

in Crafting

Posted by: ATC Alpha.4098

ATC Alpha.4098

Alot of people have high hopes for this scavenger hunt and it’s hard to tell what it’ll be like since they haven’t said much. I think they’ll add something like:
X250+Y250 mats (X&Y=T6 mats?) to get Z (Z which can be a key or something) to progress in the scavenger hunt.

It’s just hard to imagine them giving away precursors so easily just by following a long questline. That’s what I think. I’d like to have the staff tho. :q

Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

in Crafting

Posted by: zOLtAm.7824


How that scavenger hunt was in GW1? I dont need any precursor, I’m just curious

Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

in Crafting

Posted by: Tyr.2489


The last news I’ve read relating to the precursor scavenger hunt was a quick post buy Linsey a couple of weeks ago. Scavenger hunt
I realize it takes time to create and implement these kind of changes which personally isn’t the issue. What is an issue is the lack of communication. It took them over a month just to throw a bone to us and say they are working on something. Certain departments at Anet seem to do an awesome job interacting with the community, for example J. Sharp taking an hour out of his work day to talk to the pvp community over at Guru – State of the Game was quite informative and appreciated. I wish there was a little more transparency when it comes to this. Being kept in the dark really only deters me from further working on a legendary. I don’t feel like spending months grinding gifts just to be kitten on with this precursor issue.

Legendary Scavenger Hunt - Thoughts and Info.

in Crafting

Posted by: Markus.9217


I am hoping so much it wont be a scavenger hunt as in kill 78625342726354422 scavengers cause its a 0,00000000000000000000001 drop chance item.