Legendary Weapon Time Investment Requirements
The karma farm train in Orr with boosters is the fastest way.
You can go to lower level zones and do events there as you still get a lot of karma from them because the rewards scale!
Also, WvW is a (though slower) viable way to farm karma!
In regards to mystic coins, be aware that these can be sold and bought on the trading post for pretty cheap coin!
Hope my reply was helpful in your legendary quest!
1 million karma / (4 hours a day * 12,000 karma per hour) = 21 days of farming.
If you’re concerned about getting bored then download some videos and watch them on a second monitor while you farm.
“770 mystic coins” No. You need around 250 average, and you can easily buy them all on the trading post. Wherever you’ve been getting your legendary material list, it’s totally wrong.
It sounds to me like you’re totally misestimating the number of mystic clover attempts you’ll need to do. If you use the 1x recipe you’ll have about a 95% chance to get your 77 clovers within 250 +/-50 attempts. That’s 1 million karma on average.
(edited by Strill.2591)
Oh, and farming the same event over and over is the wrong way. You should be doing as many events as possible. Check out this guide. It’s the same thing I did when I farmed for my legendary.
I still dont know how to quote here (lol)
“but I find it really long to farm for a year just to get a legendary weapon. I feel like I’ll be missing a lot of content while chasing a legendary. So here are my questions.”
My feeling on this is: I think the point of getting a legendary, is that your supposed to be experiencing the content on your way to getting it. The reason it requires so much karma and such is because they WANT you to go out and see the world, and do events to earn it.
Lol all of the attachment above u can do in 1day…
15Skill pts
50k Karma
and Coins… seriously just buy them they’re worth nothing o_O
And you’ll need ~800.000 Karma.
Thanks for all the input. I need to clarify a few things though.
I do know that I can buy coins from TP but I do need all the gold I can get for lodestones. Also they are not that cheap when you try to buy 1k of them since you will need some more for other items, amulets for example.
I do 2 different dungeons runs, WvW jump puzzle, daily achievements and ori/log farming on a daily basis. These take up to 3.5 hours of my day. For the last half an hour, I do crafting or market research. I, of course, will have more time when I finish farming for 500 badges of honor and dungeon tokens but still I don’t think I can earn 15 skill points or 50k karma with the time I left. Also bear in mind that those figures are the figures that you can accomplish simultaneously, not if you focus on one item a day but all together.
By the way, here is the recipe I use;
Feel free to correct me if anything on the list is wrong.
Thanks in advance.
If you think you go out there and experience the world as intended, and will reach anywhere close to 1 million karma, you are playing a very different game.
Your spreadsheet’s clover requirements are totally wrong. The mystic clover recipe you have listed has a 1/3 CHANCE to make TEN clovers, not ONE. Furthermore, you should be using the 1x clover recipe which requires
1x Glob of Ectoplasm
1x Mystic Coin
6x Philospher’s Stone
1x Obsidian Shard
It’s much more likely go give you average results than the 10x recipe. You can most likely expect 250 attempts of this recipe to get your 77 clovers.
Once again, I point you to Unbeatable’s Legendary Guide. You can absolutely make 12,000 karma per hour if you know what you’re doing.
(edited by Strill.2591)
If you think you go out there and experience the world as intended, and will reach anywhere close to 1 million karma, you are playing a very different game.
This is not true. I am a semi-casual player. I just get on for fun, but I have set myself the goal of getting a legendary weapon before any expansions come out (1-year is my assumption)
So far I have not even made it to Orr yet, or rather spent much time there. I have about 15% of Melchior’s Leap. I do daily’s and monthly’s, and pretty much just play with guildies doing whatever needs doing. In a month and a half, with only 1 lvl 80 character I have gotten almost 200k karma. Just playing and using no karma boosts.
That puts me 1/5 of the way to 1 million karma. Once I do get to Orr, I will probably do a bit of karma farming to speed it up, but even if I don’t 1.5 million karma can be obtained in 11 months at the rate I am earning it.
If you are trying to get a Legendary FAST, do not try this method, lol. But I think (depending on obtaining a precursor) that it will possible to get one within a year. All while experiencing the world “as intended”.
The precursor weapon and Loadstones are the hard part. To buy them for my legendary at current TC prices it will cost well over 300 gold! + 20g for the two recipes you need. And the prices go up every day. I was saving, but I can’t keep up with the inflation.
It seems ArenaNet just wants the rich kids to have a legendary.
You need a good deal of money to obtain the rarest item in the game.
True fact.
GW2 needs to have a mandatory tutorial about scarcity and supply/demand before character selection.
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]
12k karma per hour is possible using a booster and perfectly timed dynamic events popping all hour but that will be brushing right up against diminishing returns.
Without a booster you can more casually farm 6-7k per hour while focusing more on mob tagging at the heavy mob spawn events thereby increasing your loot and gold per hour rate.
And for those quoting the average number of attempts to get the clovers using the 1 clover recipe its 77*3 = 231 on average. So roughly 231 mystic coins/ectos/obby shards for this step and about 139 skill points (REMEMBER the clover recipe makes mystic coins, ectos, and obby shards so you will likely have some left over)