Legendary transmutation question

Legendary transmutation question

in Crafting

Posted by: Cerise.9045



If you transmute a legendary weapon onto a different stat set, does the name stay purple or does it turn to the color of the stats that were transmuted onto it like it does with other transmuted items? Does the rarity change from legendary to transmuted?

Legendary transmutation question

in Crafting

Posted by: rlenk.7629


Cerise, No it does not unfortunately.

Legendary transmutation question

in Crafting

Posted by: Cerise.9045


Cerise, No it does not unfortunately.

No to which part?

Legendary transmutation question

in Crafting

Posted by: oZii.2864


I think its both if you transmutate the stats from the exotic to the legendary then it most definitely will become exotic since that section determines the rarity of the item. It will say transmuted I am sure. I think only time it doesn’t say transmutated is if you just take the sigil.

What I was told is that your sword or whatever your making keeps all its effects it will just become exotic because of how the transtones work so no more purple. It will still be legendary imo cause the stats for legendaries aren’t to hot imo.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Legendary transmutation question

in Crafting

Posted by: Arasuki.6094


why would you transmute a legendary anyway though?

[DU]Arasuki – Ranger
Down Under – Stormbluff Isle

Legendary transmutation question

in Crafting

Posted by: Xavos.9357


its because not all stats of legendaries suit a persons play styles, like I do, I dont like the stats of the legendary im crafting now

Xavos – Guardian
Rasz Algethi – Hunter
Fort Aspenwood