Legendary weapon change projectile animation

Legendary weapon change projectile animation

in Crafting

Posted by: Chronologist.9782



Okay in the video that was posted https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/my-legend-grows-forging-your-first-legendary-weapon/ dev states legendary weapon can change projectile animation, did they forget to add this to Bifrost?

When i watched someone who got first Bifrost, I was extremely turned off by it not because of rainbow but because it looks like generic staff with weak rainbow glow that comes off the character, anyone know which legendary weapon can change projectile animation?

Legendary weapon change projectile animation

in Crafting

Posted by: niwaar.5631


This is not a full list by any means, but …

The shortbow will change projectile animations. (Rainbows/unicorn headed arrows.)
The greatsword changes the “throw” animation for mesmers. (The gs’s actual model will be thrown and not the mesmer purple miasmic gs.)

I haven’t seen any word that the longbow changes any projectiles. To my knowledge the Pistol, Rifle, Speargun and Scepter have not been crafted so we have no way of knowing yet.

Legendary weapon change projectile animation

in Crafting

Posted by: Arsenica.2105


im on my way to craft my pistol legendary for my engineer, ill do a vid and post once i have it. but itll be a long long long way so its not anytime soon (mainly becuase of the fact that im broke ,ingame, now and i have to study for exams)