Legendary weapons: stats

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: Asheara.4380



Hi, i would like to ask, if stats of a legendary weapon are just slightly improved from that exotic which is used for, or just all of them have power, toughness, vitality? On wiki all of legendaries shows these stats, and i want to know, if this is correct. I am thinking about crafting Kudzu, and Leaf of Kudzu of Rage has great stats, but power, toughness and vitality are quite useless for a ranger.

I know that legendary is mostly for skin and it does not have really extra stats, but it would be nice to have at least useful stats

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: Neosert.4293


Legendary weapons have exactly the same stats as the exotic ones…and that’s something I don’t like at all.
If I spend hundreds of hours collecting mats to craft a legendary weapon, I should get something more useful than a mere “neon tube”.
I’m not saying that a legendary weapon should be OP, but at least 2/3% more powerful than an exotic one…otherwise it’s totally useless IMHO (give me a rusted and ugly exotic weapon and an armor set made of rags…and send me vs a guy with glowing legendary stuff in WvWvW…it will be a lot of fun shattering that neon tube to pieces and showing him how much “beauty” counts in battle: zero-point-double-zero!

It would be also fun reading a dialogue like the following one in a story about Camelot and the Knights of the Round table:
- Merlin…why is Excalibur a legendary sword?
- Dear Arthur…because it’s beautiful!
- ….hey Merlin: are you kidding me or what???

IMHO: a legendary weapon CAN be beautiful, but MUST be powerful (even only a little bit more than the exotic ones, in GW2 case)…otherwise it’s totally u-se-less!

(edited by Neosert.4293)

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: Micro Hard.3601

Micro Hard.3601

same stats, exotics are maxed out, once you have the stats on all the exotics you want just work on cosmetics

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: aRTy.8951


Concerning the usefullness of the stats: You can use a transmutation stone to combine legendary looks and the stats of a weapon of your choice.

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


Legendary weapons have exactly the same stats as the exotic ones…and that’s something I don’t like at all.
If I spend hundreds of hours collecting mats to craft a legendary weapon, I should get something more useful than a mere “neon tube”.
I’m not saying that a legendary weapon should be OP, but at least 2/3% more powerful than an exotic one…otherwise it’s totally useless IMHO (give me a rusted and ugly exotic weapon and an armor set made of rags…and send me vs a guy with glowing legendary stuff in WvWvW…it will be a lot of fun shattering that neon tube to pieces and showing him how much “beauty” counts in battle: zero-point-double-zero!

It would be also fun reading a dialogue like the following one in a story about Camelot and the Knights of the Round table:
- Merlin…why is Excalibur a legendary sword?
- Dear Arthur…because it’s beautiful!
- ….hey Merlin: are you kidding me or what???

IMHO: a legendary weapon CAN be beautiful, but MUST be powerful (even only a little bit more than the exotic ones, in GW2 case)…otherwise it’s totally u-se-less!

You miss the point of legendary weapons and armor in the gw universe completely. The hard to aquire gear was never more powerful nor should it ever be. What it is is prestige. Its something people see and instantly know you put some effort into getting. Get out of your wow mentality or move on please.

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: ThrottleFox.2735


I do like how GW1 and 2 did this, you can get ‘the best’ armor and weapons rather easily so you can run off and do all the cool things with your friends/guild and so forth. Legendary weapons and armor just like elite armor(kurz lux primeval OBBY) were all for looks, if you want the nice looking stuff you had to put the effort in, but on the other hand, if you just wanted to play at your own rate and run off to play with friends now and then you didn’t need 7k+ gs to do a high end instance like you did in wow because you were pvping or doing something else and simply didn’t have the gear to even compete. Thats what made GW appeal to me, I can go off and play somethign else, BL2 X3AP or something for a while and then come back and play with my guild and friends with out being behind in gear and forced to miss out like I would be in WoW.

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: Skolvikings.5132


but power, toughness and vitality are quite useless for a ranger.

You meant to say “are quite useless for a glass canon.” Newsflash: not all rangers spec that way.

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: Kahlamite.5029


I love how everyone assumes that if you want legendarys to be LEGENDARY then you have a “WoW” mindset. Do any of you kids remember epics in EQ? this set the stage for time sink crap like legendarys to ACTUALLY BE BETTER. I’m not in to cosplay if I drain my free time on something like a legendary I want to gratification of being able to smash face on the battlefield.

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


I love how everyone assumes that if you want legendarys to be LEGENDARY then you have a “WoW” mindset. Do any of you kids remember epics in EQ? this set the stage for time sink crap like legendarys to ACTUALLY BE BETTER. I’m not in to cosplay if I drain my free time on something like a legendary I want to gratification of being able to smash face on the battlefield.

Then the good news for you is you dont need to get a legendary. This is not EQ this is not WoW. This is GW and the carrot so to speak is the appearance and not the stats. If that isent good enough and you need a stat advantage to make it worth your time maybe you should move on.

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: Gordunk.7289


The point of loot design in this game is that loot should NOT be a barrier for entry in the game. It’s rather easy to get a full exotic set, on PURPOSE. The point in GW2, as it was in GW1, is cosmetic distinction.

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: Ynot.8397


Maybe a simple solution would be to adding 1 more weapon slot for an upgrade. That would not be overpowered, but it would justify spending ten bagilion hours gathering mats.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: Aradon.5936


The purpose of legendaries is to give players long-term goals that are not easily attainable, but after many, many hours of gameplay (ideally doing whatever content you want to), you’ll accrue most of the components for legendaries. They are a reward that you’ll approach as you play the game.

Since they are so difficult to obtain, by Anet’s philosophy, this is exactly why they should not be any stronger than more readily available weapons, as content requiring ‘max’ gear should be accessible to everyone, not just people with legendaries. The lower the barrier of entry into max-level content is intended to be simple to overcome, and powered legendaries breaks this down somewhat.

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: Revans.2018


What people don’t know is that the legendaries ARE more powerful that the other exotics of their level. They’re level 81 exotics! You get that tiny tiny tiny little boost. like 15 damage boost. It’s kinda funny.

Weapon Strength: 1011 – 1117
+182 Power
+130 Toughness
+130 Vitality

Normal Exotic level 80 Greatsword:
Weapon Strength: 995 – 1100
+179 Power
+128 Toughness
+128 Vitality

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: mulch.2586


What people don’t know is that the legendaries ARE more powerful that the other exotics of their level. They’re level 81 exotics! You get that tiny tiny tiny little boost. like 15 damage boost. It’s kinda funny.

Weapon Strength: 1011 – 1117
+182 Power
+130 Toughness
+130 Vitality

Normal Exotic level 80 Greatsword:
Weapon Strength: 995 – 1100
+179 Power
+128 Toughness
+128 Vitality

Guildwars2 wiki seems to contradict this assertion at least for some of the weapons. In particular, Sunrise is listed as a 995-1100 weapon, incinerator is the same damage as its predecessor, quip same as lvl 80 exotic…

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: Azi.2045


well i want to know the same thing as OP.. im thinking of working towards rainbowbow but i really dont want vitality and toughness.. i want power, presicion and critdmg like The Lover has; will my unicornrainbowbow have these stats aswell or will they get nasty vitality that my cute ranger dont like?? <3

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


well i want to know the same thing as OP.. im thinking of working towards rainbowbow but i really dont want vitality and toughness.. i want power, presicion and critdmg like The Lover has; will my unicornrainbowbow have these stats aswell or will they get nasty vitality that my cute ranger dont like?? <3

Just use a transmutation stone to get the stats you want.

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

I wish they’d just remove all stats from legendaries altogether and just make them skins you can apply on the item of your choice.

One – Piken Square

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: Strill.2591


Legendaries have the same stats as exotics. You can see this if you link them in chat using the chat link trick.

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: BlackDeath.8106


but power, toughness and vitality are quite useless for a ranger.

You meant to say “are quite useless for a glass canon.” Newsflash: not all rangers spec that way.

Shh… stay quiet why are you telling them this… I love them squishies.

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: Fluffycalico.2715


What people don’t know is that the legendaries ARE more powerful that the other exotics of their level. They’re level 81 exotics! You get that tiny tiny tiny little boost. like 15 damage boost. It’s kinda funny.

Weapon Strength: 1011 – 1117
+182 Power
+130 Toughness
+130 Vitality

Normal Exotic level 80 Greatsword:
Weapon Strength: 995 – 1100
+179 Power
+128 Toughness
+128 Vitality

negative we have known since the day gwdb made that mispost that those stats were wrong. Why they haven’t bothered to correct their error I don’t know. Legenday weapons have the same stats as orange. Orange is max level stats. Red is just a pretty casing to go on it.

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: Mazrim.2167


I love how everyone assumes that if you want legendarys to be LEGENDARY then you have a “WoW” mindset. Do any of you kids remember epics in EQ? this set the stage for time sink crap like legendarys to ACTUALLY BE BETTER. I’m not in to cosplay if I drain my free time on something like a legendary I want to gratification of being able to smash face on the battlefield.


But the problem is that people don’t WANT to see anything that might be superior to what they’re using at “the top”, that would be hard to obtain. That to them signifies stratification, and that to them = some “WoW” mentality that I’m still trying to understand.

To be clear: The “WoW” mentality comprises that which people call the “carebear” mentality. This includes the misconception that everything should be not only available for little to no effort, but should be the most powerful weapons/armor in the game as well.

Those of us who feel motivated to earn a Legendary so that we FEEL legendary, are somehow carebear WoW-Heads somehow?

Explain this exactly, how my willingness to put forth time and energy to earn something that is not instantly obtainable (i.e.: Within a couple days effort running a dungeon for tokens, etc) is somehow a “WoW” mentality?

And no vague garbage assumptions, either. L2Evidence, or GTFO.

And Kahl — I played EQ1 from the day of its launch through Planes of Power. I earned TWO Epic weapons on my Cleric, and they were uber hard to obtain. It was glorious.