Less ocrichalcum nodes?

Less ocrichalcum nodes?

in Crafting

Posted by: Azjenco.9425


Is it just me or are there less ori nodes in Malchor’s Leap and Cursed Shore?

Less ocrichalcum nodes?

in Crafting

Posted by: Grezko.7950


Nope. 5 in malchor’s and 5 in Cursed. You just have to find them. Some times they are well hidden. or inaccessible at all (once there was an ori node inside a mountain in malchor’s – clearly visible on the map)

P.S. don’t forget there are 2 more ori nodes in Frostgorge.

Officer of Executed [EXE] from Piken Square.

Less ocrichalcum nodes?

in Crafting

Posted by: Painking.4703


Ori nodes can sometimes spawn inside the cave jumping puzzle of Malchor’s (the hard water cavern one with the power orb things, not the easy cave one with the free loot).

Less ocrichalcum nodes?

in Crafting

Posted by: Myste.3291


This gets REALLY irritating … the nodes get moved, and people go “o there are some” … but instead of being so vague, how about realising you ALL get the node, they are there for everyone and having the decency to try and make a list showing approximately where?

Like this …. (as at 15/11/2012 on Aurora Glade)
Cursed Shore
1. Meddler’s Waypoint – In the water above Graven Cay – 1 Node ( Graven Cay, south of Harrowed Sea sign). Look for the building, it is underneath. Go straight south from the “W” of Harrowed
2. Point of Interest – Sharn’s Free Camp, (Desmina’s Hallow) check just under the “A” of desmina’s Hallows – 1 Node (Desmina’s Hallow area)
3. Point of Interest – Sharn’s Free Camp, (Desmina’s Hallow) check at 30 degree angle above the “S” of Desmina’s Hallows. against the Semi-circular broken wall – 1 Node. If you are at the POI, and walk up the canyon, you will see it.
4. Point of Interest – Augur’s Torch – 1 Node (The Shipyard area) (Not there now)
5. ? Help

Have to redo this ….
Malchor’s Leap
1. Tempest Waypoint – Above where the event happens – 1 Node
2. Lights Waypoint, just on the land side of POI Harbinger (at one of the Noah’s Arks) – 1 Node
3. ?
4. ? Help
5. ?

1. Path of Starry Skies – just south of the waypoint
2. Earthshake Waypoint – right at the waypoint

If I find more, will update this if I am able to.

Myste Stormme – 80 Ele; Oricle Myste – 80 Mes; Mystestormme – 80 Guardian;
Stormjayde – 80 Necro; Myste Dawn – 80 Ranger; Mysterayne – 80 Engi
Aurora Glade EU Server

(edited by Myste.3291)

Less ocrichalcum nodes?

in Crafting

Posted by: Gilosean.3805


I think the node locations are different on different servers, unfortunately

Less ocrichalcum nodes?

in Crafting

Posted by: Wobels.1679


use orrmaps.com look up your server its people making maps and look to see the ones with most likes and least updated times they are the newer versions they change with every build they put in.