Let's break down legendaries as they are now
I don’t get it. Sounds like you just described playing the game. Are you trying to say that it’s too easy to get a Legendary?
He/she is just saying that it shows nothing of skill/mastery of the game. It does show that you can do near mindless things for hours and hours on end though…
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
Ah, I see. Well, I do enjoy my Legendary. I guess it’s all in the eye of the beholder.
If you do things you enjoy (such as WvW in my case), it makes farming for money much better.
He/she is just saying that it shows nothing of skill/mastery of the game. It does show that you can do near mindless things for hours and hours on end though…
Bingo. I just felt like putting this out there for explanation purposes, I’ll be interested in a legendary when the process is enjoyable and more than a long painful mindless grind. I’m sure people are going to post the same “stop whining”, but that group of people is just too narrow minded to see my point.
@Smooth; I agree to an extent, but it’s kind of like your signature. “I farmed an event. I farmed another event. Hey, I farmed a different event. That’s great.”
He/she is just saying that it shows nothing of skill/mastery of the game. It does show that you can do near mindless things for hours and hours on end though…
Bingo. I just felt like putting this out there for explanation purposes, I’ll be interested in a legendary when the process is enjoyable and more than a long painful mindless grind. I’m sure people are going to post the same “stop whining”, but that group of people is just too narrow minded to see my point.
@Smooth; I agree to an extent, but it’s kind of like your signature. “I farmed an event. I farmed another event. Hey, I farmed a different event. That’s great.”
It’s all about “how” you farmed an event. Since the World Chests have been upgraded, I’ve been doing them all, and it’s kitten fun. Shatterer, Jormag, Shadow Behemoth, Tequatl, etc. I’ll grind these events daily just because it’s fun. The better chest drops are more like a bonus.
Every player’s definition of “fun” is different. You just gotta find it and do it. Jumping Puzzles are good for the challenge. WvW is good for the zerg fest and epic loot drops. Cursed Shore is good for repeatable Karma events. Even playing the TP for cheap goods is like PvP at times, with you competing against other buyers/sellers for the best prices.
And yes, while I did grind for my Legendary, I had a lot of fun doing it.
All depends on the player then I guess, either way, my main point that the very method of obtaining legendary weapons goes against their description and the philosophy of a “grindless game” still stands.
Dunno what drops you get from WvW, but I’m glad somebody gets something good. Spikes don’t fall into my classification of epic loot.
All depends on the player then I guess, either way, my main point that the very method of obtaining legendary weapons goes against their description and the philosophy of a “grindless game” still stands.
Dunno what drops you get from WvW, but I’m glad somebody gets something good. Spikes don’t fall into my classification of epic loot.
LOL! Not just spikes. Heavy Loot Bags are nice. But anyways, the grind exists. Anet didn’t eliminate that completely. They eliminated the grind being mandatory. You can do other things if you want, as there are many challenges in the open world.
If you make the choice to go for a Legendary, they aren’t forcing you to grind it. I think that’s the key difference they were trying to push regarding other “grind” games and GW2.
the very method of obtaining legendary weapons goes against their description and the philosophy of a “grindless game” still stands.
Man, can you sure take things out of context.
They NEVER said that there was going to be no grind. Your friend who told you that was lying. I’ll wait while you go next door to slap his silly face. Go ahead, I’ll wait.
Back? No? Ok.
Oh, you’re back. Now, let me lay down some knowledge.
Arena Net had said that they were against the need to mindlessly grind the same content over and over, to have more numbers than the people who didn’t. You grind a raid over the course of weeks/months to get that Mace+1 with an Orange name. It was statistically better than anything else in the game. Or killing people mindlessly in Instanced PVP would somehow give you more power to kill said people faster with Armor+2.
Their philosophy was that top end gear should be relatively easy to access. They even went as far as to imply that top end gear (Exotics) were not absolutely needed to complete any endgame content, which is true in that a person in Greens/Yellows can complete a dungeon without much more trouble. They did shift gears in November with the introduction to Ascended gear, however, it is not -that- much better than Exotics and is only needed for levels 11+ of Fractals of the Mist; which I must mention that you can see every fractal dungeon just by running levels 1-10, so you aren’t missing out on anything.
They believed that if you put in 100 more hours in than the person who didn’t, your only reward should be to Coolness+1. Not Power+1. They believed in grinding for looks, and for the most part, have stuck to their original idea.
How did I take it out of context? It’s a grind, there’s nothing legendary about it. It’s that simple.
You’re one of the ignorant people I was referring to earlier, case that didn’t strike you yet, now ya know. Carry on.
Legendarily weapons are only a grind if you rush it and grind for them.
If you just play for fun, it will take a while but it doesn’t feel like a grind at all.
I do some dungeons which get me karma, levels, tokens (weapons) and some money. A legendary weapon is my goal, but I won’t farm CoF 10 times a day on all my characters, because I wouldn’t have fun.
I had a blast doing world completion. Don’t really want to do it on any other toon, because some places are boring though. WvW is great and I do it at least 8 hours a week, got more badges than I know what to do with.
Got most of my mats from failing to make clovers. The rest I will buy. Precursor I will unfortunately have to buy, but dungeons provide a decent amount of cash, so I’ll get there eventually.
But yes, if you want your legendary now you will have to grind for it. So stop complaining on the forums and go grind.
I have yet to meet anyone that really grinded for anything other than gold for their legendaries. Then they simply buy what they need to avoid direct grinding.
Grinding, as it commonly referred to in gaming, is the act of repeatedly doing tasks to achieve some goal. You can sugarcoat it all you like, but that’s exactly what you’re doing.
Go read more than the first two lines of the thread as well, you’ll notice I said I have no interest in a legendary while it’s nothing more than a grindfest.
Somehow this flew over your head, I thought I made it pretty obvious, but I guess not. The main point is no matter how you go about getting your legendary, what it boils down to right now is doing the same things, over, and over, and over. There is nothing even remotely “legendary” about this. This is the point I’m trying to prove, and for some reason this concept is easily understood by people who haven’t wasted time on a legendary, likely because they realize it’s a mindless boring grind and a waste of time already, and flies over the heads of most of the people who have wasted time on a legendary. Maybe these people are just frantic to justify that the 200 hours they wasted doing the same things for months on end is meaningful, that’s the only logical explanation I can think of.
Grinding, as it commonly referred to in gaming, is the act of repeatedly doing tasks to achieve some goal. You can sugarcoat it all you like, but that’s exactly what you’re doing.
Go read more than the first two lines of the thread as well, you’ll notice I said I have no interest in a legendary while it’s nothing more than a grindfest.Somehow this flew over your head, I thought I made it pretty obvious, but I guess not. The main point is no matter how you go about getting your legendary, what it boils down to right now is doing the same things, over, and over, and over. There is nothing even remotely “legendary” about this. This is the point I’m trying to prove, and for some reason this concept is easily understood by people who haven’t wasted time on a legendary, likely because they realize it’s a mindless boring grind and a waste of time already, and flies over the heads of most of the people who have wasted time on a legendary. Maybe these people are just frantic to justify that the 200 hours they wasted doing the same things for months on end is meaningful, that’s the only logical explanation I can think of.
I understood you point…don’t be so quick to jump on a post.. all mine was saying is that the “grind” for a legendary is nothing more than grind for gold, which is mostly done via specific avenues: playing the tp, cof p1, or orr grind. Thus the methods of obtaining a legendary are basically those three things grinded, which believe it or not is in agreement with your setiment
Grinding, as it commonly referred to in gaming, is the act of repeatedly doing tasks to achieve some goal. You can sugarcoat it all you like, but that’s exactly what you’re doing.
Go read more than the first two lines of the thread as well, you’ll notice I said I have no interest in a legendary while it’s nothing more than a grindfest.Somehow this flew over your head, I thought I made it pretty obvious, but I guess not. The main point is no matter how you go about getting your legendary, what it boils down to right now is doing the same things, over, and over, and over. There is nothing even remotely “legendary” about this. This is the point I’m trying to prove, and for some reason this concept is easily understood by people who haven’t wasted time on a legendary, likely because they realize it’s a mindless boring grind and a waste of time already, and flies over the heads of most of the people who have wasted time on a legendary. Maybe these people are just frantic to justify that the 200 hours they wasted doing the same things for months on end is meaningful, that’s the only logical explanation I can think of.
I understood you point…don’t be so quick to jump on a post.. all mine was saying is that the “grind” for a legendary is nothing more than grind for gold, which is mostly done via specific avenues: playing the tp, cof p1, or orr grind. Thus the methods of obtaining a legendary are basically those three things grinded, which believe it or not is in agreement with your setiment
That was directed at bcd, my fault.
The only “admirable” thing that getting a legendary weapons shows is dedication, the rest of it is just skill-less farming/grinding.
Nemata Sapshield – Dragonhunter
Lillian Estre – Tempest
It’s supposed to be a representation of your mastery of the game. It’s very far from that right now. Heck if you wanted to you could just turn rl $→gold and buy one off of the tp. If you find grinding fun or not is irrelevant to the problem.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
only problem i see is: no solution to the problem. Very clearly stated problem though, you can obtain a legendary weapon without YOU being legendary, you yourself have just to invest ingame gold. But then again: just the weapon is a legendary one, it’s nowhere stated that the owner should be a legend…
And i stil am on the standpoint: this game has little grind other then the grind you put yourself up to.
only problem i see is: no solution to the problem. Very clearly stated problem though, you can obtain a legendary weapon without YOU being legendary, you yourself have just to invest ingame gold. But then again: just the weapon is a legendary one, it’s nowhere stated that the owner should be a legend…
And i stil am on the standpoint: this game has little grind other then the grind you put yourself up to.
I see an easy solution.
Map completion: Kept as it is now
Gift of Battle: JP reworked or badges removed/number reduced
Obsidian shards: More ways of obtaining them, laurels is a step in the right direction
Precursor/Icy Runestones/Maybe clovers: New dungeon, big dungeon, complicated dungeon, not just wave after wave of over scaled mobs, or bosses that one shot you. Limited to one run per day, hell, maybe one per week like bounties. 1-3 runestones guaranteed to drop, 15-20-25% chance of 1 clover, 10% chance of a precursor token of some sort. Something like Fractals, but no levels, and if limited to once per week would remain “dynamic” for much longer.
Reworking the gifts that require nothing but material farming is a different battle all together, but far from impossible.
Go read more than the first two lines of the thread as well, you’ll notice I said I have no interest in a legendary while it’s nothing more than a grindfest.
Somehow this flew over your head, I thought I made it pretty obvious, but I guess not.
… and for some reason this concept is easily understood by people who haven’t wasted time on a legendary, likely because they realize it’s a mindless boring grind and a waste of time already, and flies over the heads of most of the people who have wasted time on a legendary.
I see what you did there, you sly conversationalist, you.
I see an easy solution.
Precursor/Icy Runestones/Maybe clovers: New dungeon, big dungeon, complicated dungeon, not just wave after wave of over scaled mobs, or bosses that one shot you. Limited to one run per day, hell, maybe one per week like bounties. 1-3 runestones guaranteed to drop, 15-20-25% chance of 1 clover, 10% chance of a precursor token of some sort.
So, let me get this straight. You want a huge, complex dungeon you can run once a week, for 10 weeks, and obtain the precursor, clovers, and runestones for your legendary weapon?
How could I have missed it?! You’re right. This makes it way more legendary.
Go read more than the first two lines of the thread as well, you’ll notice I said I have no interest in a legendary while it’s nothing more than a grindfest.
Somehow this flew over your head, I thought I made it pretty obvious, but I guess not.
… and for some reason this concept is easily understood by people who haven’t wasted time on a legendary, likely because they realize it’s a mindless boring grind and a waste of time already, and flies over the heads of most of the people who have wasted time on a legendary.
I see what you did there, you sly conversationalist, you.
I see an easy solution.
Precursor/Icy Runestones/Maybe clovers: New dungeon, big dungeon, complicated dungeon, not just wave after wave of over scaled mobs, or bosses that one shot you. Limited to one run per day, hell, maybe one per week like bounties. 1-3 runestones guaranteed to drop, 15-20-25% chance of 1 clover, 10% chance of a precursor token of some sort.
So, let me get this straight. You want a huge, complex dungeon you can run once a week, for 10 weeks, and obtain the precursor, clovers, and runestones for your legendary weapon?
How could I have missed it?! You’re right. This makes it way more legendary.
Yeah, it does, and stay with me here this might be a hard concept for you, it would actually be fun too! You could do something different every week instead of zerg in orr, zerg in WvW, play the TP, run CoF P1, etc.
Put tokens that are acquired by doing specific jumping puzzles solo(instanced ones).If further difficulty is needed, add a timer to it.
Make the same thing as guild bounties – special bosses that you need to overcome after you find them.Make them hard or with special mechanics.Use the same idea – a random map(from every single map in the game), and make them able to spawn everywhere.Put little clues here and there that you can read that will guide you to the current position of the boss.Make it so that the boss can actually flee from you(throwing some cheesy one-liners while doing so).
Put special tokens in the chests of every jumping puzzle, and use the tokens(plus something else maybe) to buy the precursor, or for another piece of the whole legendary weapon.
Require level 10 of SPvP (achievable in less than 5 hours iirc).
Make it so combining rares of level over 71 can have a 10% chance to net you a archeological fragment.Gather some(2,3, ideal is 4) and you can go on an expedition!Search specific zones for lore and gather pages into books for deities and cultures, then trade them for other tokens for the legendary.
I had a few other ideas, but I can’t recall them at the moment.
They should really give precursors for completing your personal story, ala the greens from GW1.
Seriously, boss guarding the gates of Arah is even wielding a legendary greatsword. Just say “we found these in Arah’s armory, we think a hero like you can unlock their full potential”, and you’re done.
They should really give precursors for completing your personal story, ala the greens from GW1.
Seriously, boss guarding the gates of Arah is even wielding a legendary greatsword. Just say “we found these in Arah’s armory, we think a hero like you can unlock their full potential”, and you’re done.
Personal story is honestly too easy for that, legendaries would be everywhere if they did that. Plus that only fixes one problem, farming is still the main portion of a legendary if you did it that way.
I’ve seen it suggested multiple times, some story for each legendary, possibly altered by your order decision, race, and maybe even your “alignment” (ferocity, compassion, dignity. Finishing this story rewards a precursor, and maybe other parts for each mission. Clovers, runestones, materials needed for the gifts, etc, small amounts obviously, but it would still alleviate some of the grind.
Since it’s quite evident from the first post that legendaries don’t mean anything, does it really matter if they’re everywhere? I’m just saying. It probably doesn’t. Unless, someone doesn’t want to lose their snowflake status.
I’m more concerned with the amount of fun this process generates. Right now, it doesn’t generate much for most people.
I’m slowly working my way to my 4th legendary – I find it fun!
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
So from what everyone is saying, to make legendary weapons actually represent a mastery of the game, Arenanet should…
1. Make all legendary weapons account-bound (before and after use so players can move them between their characters).
2. Reduce luck needed for precursor weapons (hopefully, eventually, addressed by the scavenger hunt).
3. Reduce Badges of Honor received from jump puzzles and increase those received from killing other players in WvW.
4. Replace gold requirements with skill requirements (such as guild commendations, laurels, or achievements).
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
So from what everyone is saying, to make legendary weapons actually represent a mastery of the game, Arenanet should…
1. Make all legendary weapons account-bound (before and after use so players can move them between their characters).
2. Reduce luck needed for precursor weapons (hopefully, eventually, addressed by the scavenger hunt).
3. Reduce Badges of Honor received from jump puzzles and increase those received from killing other players in WvW.
4. Replace gold requirements with skill requirements (such as guild commendations, laurels, or achievements).
It’s so ridiculously easy to get badges now, especially with the increased loot rate. Friday night resets with roaming zergs give the best badge/hour
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
So from what everyone is saying, to make legendary weapons actually represent a mastery of the game, Arenanet should…
1. Make all legendary weapons account-bound (before and after use so players can move them between their characters).
2. Reduce luck needed for precursor weapons (hopefully, eventually, addressed by the scavenger hunt).
3. Reduce Badges of Honor received from jump puzzles and increase those received from killing other players in WvW.
4. Replace gold requirements with skill requirements (such as guild commendations, laurels, or achievements).
Pretty much, #1 is kind of debatable though.
I got a lucky drop of dusk from the forge 2 weeks ago, so I’ve been farming for gift since then.
Well I sure did a boatloads of cof P1 since then, which yields good progress but isn’t really fun (I’d like to farm the materials myself, but diminishing returns on farming spots make this less profitable as cof P1).
It’s not hard and quite fast (only the gift of fortune to go), but I sure would have liked some sort of epic quest instead (It’d have been more fun).
- make precursors easier to get (some sort of scavanger hunt)
- keep everything else the way it is, it’s good
T 6 mat gathering is not a grind, as Making 10 clovers— failing to do so rewards 20-40 t 6 materials at random now!
The only problem is getting 120 g for two recipies and 100 icy lodestones.
Also the precursor is still a drag.
Laurels (mystic binding agents) can be used in place of wine for everything I believe.
(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)
T 6 mat gathering is not a grind, as Making 10 clovers— failing to do so rewards 20-40 t 6 materials at random now!
The only problem is getting 120 g for two recipies and 100 icy lodestones.
Also the precursor is still a drag.
Laurels (mystic binding agents) can be used in place of wine for everything I believe.
It’s still a grind. Whatever you don’t get you have to farm yourself, or farm the money and buy it.
Hi Toast!
I am going to quote posts you have made in this thread and give you my perspective. I mean to do this in a calm professional matter and I hope we can have a good discussion.
“So, as a whole, legendary weapons show your mastery of: Doing the same events repeatedly, buying things off the TP, using the forge, and farming. If that’s supposed to be mastery of the game, something seems off about that.”
“my main point that the very method of obtaining legendary weapons goes against their description and the philosophy of a “grindless game” still stands.”
“It’s a grind, there’s nothing legendary about it.”
“The main point is no matter how you go about getting your legendary, what it boils down to right now is doing the same things, over, and over, and over. There is nothing even remotely “legendary” about this.”
“You could do something different every week instead of zerg in orr, zerg in WvW, play the TP, run CoF P1, etc.”
“Personal story is honestly too easy for that, legendaries would be everywhere if they did that.”
To get a legendary weapon you have to grind the same things over and over and they should not be so easy to get that everyone has one.
As far as doing the same things over and over. It is possible to do this however the primary way of getting a legendary is:
Gift of Mastery –
Gain XP, Gain Karma, Explore the World, Jump/Defeat Enemies in WvW
Gift of Fortune-
Spend Money
Legendary Weapon Gift-
Mastery of a Dungeon, Mastery of to crafting professions, Spend Money
Luck/ Save for it
How you go about doing all this is up to the player and how they decide to play.
I think the way it is currently limited to keeping everyone from having one is the high cost associated with a legendary weapon/precursor. There are other way it could be done I suppose , but I find the current method is working well. I do not see everyone with a legendary weapon.
What do you think could be done to make it so everyone is able to get one, but prevent the majority of players from having one?
I look forward to your reply
and refuses to spare the life in return for the surrender at discretion (unconditional surrender)
of a vanquished opponent.
Hopefully a wording error, you don’t want something that will prevent anyone from having it, you just want to ensure it isn’t so easy that everyone has it.
Been discussed multiple times, a dungeon, a scavenger hunt, a story line for the precursor, and possibly small amounts of other materials like I mentioned before.
World completion I think is fine as it is.
JP rewards should be adjusted, since the Gift of Battle was supposed to show that you actually did WvW, not just hit F on a mesmer portal and did some easy jumps.
The gifts are tough, because right now as they are their pretty much nothing but a grind, no matter how you hash it. A complete rework would be one way of doing it, or adding an incredibly hard boss (hard in the real sense, not hard as in just one hits everything and has millions of HP) that has a fair chance of giving a gift, or part of a gift, and obviously limited to something like once a week.
There’s a ton of constraints that get in the way unfortunately, but right now a legendary is just about the final product, which is pretty underwhelming. The journey should be enjoyable as well, but right now any way you do it the “farming” is going to get old sooner or later, and even if it didn’t, farming isn’t much of a journey.
Hopefully a wording error, you don’t want something that will prevent anyone from having it, you just want to ensure it isn’t so easy that everyone has it.
Been discussed multiple times, a dungeon, a scavenger hunt, a story line for the precursor, and possibly small amounts of other materials like I mentioned before.
World completion I think is fine as it is.
Sorry but all that is so ridiculously easy. That’s why I like having gold as a requirement. It’s a huge constraint that many people can’t get.
Would I like to have more skill in it? Yeah. But skill and MMOs dont’ go together to act as a constraint.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
I’ve suggested it before and I’m sure others have: use the achievement system. Require several categories of existing achievements and roll out Legendary achievements as a prerequisite to accessing various world challenges and, ultimately, a solo ascension challenge that tests the player’s mastery in various ways.
All of course on top of the heaping mound of perfectly pointless resource gathering that too many accept as fun and confuse with “content”.
(edited by OrianZeta.1537)
Hopefully a wording error, you don’t want something that will prevent anyone from having it, you just want to ensure it isn’t so easy that everyone has it.
Been discussed multiple times, a dungeon, a scavenger hunt, a story line for the precursor, and possibly small amounts of other materials like I mentioned before.
World completion I think is fine as it is.
Sorry but all that is so ridiculously easy. That’s why I like having gold as a requirement. It’s a huge constraint that many people can’t get.
Would I like to have more skill in it? Yeah. But skill and MMOs dont’ go together to act as a constraint.
A dungeon on the scale of 40+ fractals is ridiculously easy? Right….
I’m not talking something that throws hundreds of trash mobs at you, or as I said, a boss with millions of HP and horribly over hyped damage, I’m talking something that actually requires you to cooperate with your team, and actually think about how you’re going to proceed. Not challenging enough? Res orbs disabled, no boosters, no food, no repairs. Nothing but, your group, and your gear.
(edited by Toast.6459)
The problem that many players’ll face is that they’re not going to be happy either way. They essentially want a peaceful, all-win solution, and it’s not possible.
The minute a guaranteed track is added to acquiring these weapons, it’ll only be a matter of time before half the game’s population is toting them. They’ll lose all prestige, and the players in this thread who were once so frenetic about finding them will lose all interest. The scarcity is a good part of the allure, whether one wants to admit it or not. It’s called the Veblen effect and it’s a somewhat sad but very real part of human nature.
The requirements that people lament now were intended to keep the amount of these weapons in circulation very low, and even still you can see many being worn in Lion’s Arch, etc. Clearly the requirements weren’t too difficult for a good many players, and it’s these players the devs are likely worried about when it comes to adding a guaranteed quest track or something of the like.
The problem that many players’ll face is that they’re not going to be happy either way. They essentially want a peaceful, all-win solution, and it’s not possible.
The minute a guaranteed track is added to acquiring these weapons, it’ll only be a matter of time before half the game’s population is toting them. They’ll lose all prestige, and the players in this thread who were once so frenetic about finding them will lose all interest. The scarcity is a good part of the allure, whether one wants to admit it or not. It’s called the Veblen effect and it’s a somewhat sad but very real part of human nature.
The requirements that people lament now were intended to keep the amount of these weapons in circulation very low, and even still you can see many being worn in Lion’s Arch, etc. Clearly the requirements weren’t too difficult for a good many players, and it’s these players the devs are likely worried about when it comes to adding a guaranteed quest track or something of the like.
I only have one question.
Since when did the amount of money you have become an indication you’re a good player?
Then you didn’t even read my post, so different question.
Why did you even post? If you read my post you would understand how money comes into play.
Oh and another question.
Since when does being able to farm for absurd amounts of time indicate you’re a good player?
Did you even read your own post? I did, every word. This one’s new on me, but I’ll break down your own post for you.
“The problem that many players’ll face is that they’re not going to be happy either way. They essentially want a peaceful, all-win solution, and it’s not possible.”
The only thing you said that’s true.
“The minute a guaranteed track is added to acquiring these weapons, it’ll only be a matter of time before half the game’s population is toting them. They’ll lose all prestige, and the players in this thread who were once so frenetic about finding them will lose all interest. The scarcity is a good part of the allure, whether one wants to admit it or not. It’s called the Veblen effect and it’s a somewhat sad but very real part of human nature.”
Scarcity, and limited to a group of people willing to bore themselves for months are two completely different things.
“The requirements that people lament now were intended to keep the amount of these weapons in circulation very low, and even still you can see many being worn in Lion’s Arch, etc. Clearly the requirements weren’t too difficult for a good many players, and it’s these players the devs are likely worried about when it comes to adding a guaranteed quest track or something of the like.”
This is the part you clearly forgot you mentioned, namely the things in bold. Money is the requirement, your argument is flawed if you’re denying that. So I ask again, since when did money, or the amount of time a person could stand to farm day in and day out become the measurement of a good player? Maybe you’ll actually answer my question this time. If this didn’t get through to you, there’s no hope.
(edited by Toast.6459)
Obsidian Armor:
105 ectoplasm : wow shows mastery of farming gold
105 obsidian : shows mastery of farming gold
60k : shows mastery of farming gold
Going to the forgemaster : shows master of the 3 easiest quests in the game.
Eventually, all top tier gear will be farming gold, gold, gold in all games. Be happy that this is merely a cosmetic upgrade. In other games, these weapons would be required to do the Arah Story mode.
Really … what did you expect?
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Personally i think they can leave the legendary weapon as it is now. A legendary weapon would then be just that: a legendary weapon.
A excisting solution of showing off your skill excists in gw1: the GWAMM title track. Although a lot of this was tied of you spending ingame gold, a fair amount of these titles were/are earned by you mastering the game gw1. A similiar overall title track / achievement track could be added with titles and all.
Would this satisfy you all?
As for the suggestion of adding a time limited dungeon: HORRIBLE. To me that defines grind: being forced to wait a week before i can do it again. But then again, i am all against the current form of dungeons already ( whole different discussion, in short dungeons remove the Massive from MMOrpg ).
Obsidian Armor:
105 ectoplasm : wow shows mastery of farming gold
105 obsidian : shows mastery of farming gold
60k : shows mastery of farming gold
Going to the forgemaster : shows master of the 3 easiest quests in the game.Eventually, all top tier gear will be farming gold, gold, gold in all games. Be happy that this is merely a cosmetic upgrade. In other games, these weapons would be required to do the Arah Story mode.
Really … what did you expect?
At least there was a challenge to UW, FoW, and all the other things people farmed, been a while so I forgot. Maybe it’s just me, but at least farming in GW1 had a small aspect of fun and challenge to it, more so than running in a giant group spamming 1 skill like you do now. Looking at you staff guards and thieves.
Hopefully a wording error, you don’t want something that will prevent anyone from having it, you just want to ensure it isn’t so easy that everyone has it.
Been discussed multiple times, a dungeon, a scavenger hunt, a story line for the precursor, and possibly small amounts of other materials like I mentioned before.
World completion I think is fine as it is.
Sorry but all that is so ridiculously easy. That’s why I like having gold as a requirement. It’s a huge constraint that many people can’t get.
Would I like to have more skill in it? Yeah. But skill and MMOs dont’ go together to act as a constraint.
A dungeon on the scale of 40+ fractals is ridiculously easy? Right….
I’m not talking something that throws hundreds of trash mobs at you, or as I said, a boss with millions of HP and horribly over hyped damage, I’m talking something that actually requires you to cooperate with your team, and actually think about how you’re going to proceed. Not challenging enough? Res orbs disabled, no boosters, no food, no repairs. Nothing but, your group, and your gear.
So you’re going to design a dungeon that will more than likely have a chance at rewarding a precursor than the current precursor drop rates. That’s still too high.
Again, ideally you’d want to obtain a legendary through skill, but skill is very subjective and is pretty much non-existent in MMOs (other than in some instances of PvP). You can’t design a system that is difficult enough to reward precursors at a low % while also satisfying a large number of the population.
I can see it now the type of complaints people would churn out on the forums
“Dungeon groups won’t take my class cause we do bad dps”
“Dungeon is too difficult, please nerf!”
“Anet why are you allowing dungeon exploits?”
Gold right now is the best gated requirement since it’s more often than not a time investment in the game. Yeah, it doesn’t necessarily mean that person is skilled, but at least it rewards someone who is actually investing the hours in the game.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
I wish they would make an Achievements (points) requirement for a Legendary.
That really shows your dedication to the game to make you worthy to wield a Legendary.
Of course i mean not the Achievement Points only since there are too many kittens with salvaging weapons for thousands of gold to get as many AP they can…
i mean the achievements itself.
Tell me. How excactly, can they make a long term goal (Which the legendary is) without farming or grinding? Oh wait… thats impossible
Very easily. You might have heard of this weird thing in the game called personal story, funnily enough it’s a long term thing, 80 levels worth actually, and it provides different content.
If you honestly think the Personal Story would be a tough enough requirement for weapons of this nature, I don’t know what to say.