(edited by Reborn.2934)
Level 500 Grandmaster Weaponsmith Photos
Roughly how much dust for 1 weapon? Looks like 10 per inscription?
10 for inscription 10 for blade and hilt
10 for inscription 10 for blade and hilt
thank you that posted this image . this proves my words .
right now to craft the new weapons the pile of crystalline dust is the only material ( until now , if devs changed i dont know ) thakittens drop is not standard and really rare .
source : http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Crystalline_Dust
all other materials someone can gathering or farm them ….
10 for inscription 10 for blade and hilt
thank you that posted this image . this proves my words .
right now to craft the new weapons the pile of crystalline dust is the only material ( until now , if devs changed i dont know ) thakittens drop is not standard and really rare .
source : http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Crystalline_Dust
all other materials someone can gathering or farm them ….
Play world boss events, salvage guaranteed rares, salvage ectos. BOOM crystalline dust farmed.
You’re welcome.
Yay I stayed awake all night to get the “Nail Clipper” achievement!
I’m the best Nail Clipper in the world, yay. Now i can do whatever work I like, I am superior.
Yay I stayed awake all night to get the “Nail Clipper” achievement!
I’m the best Nail Clipper in the world, yay. Now i can do whatever work I like, I am superior.
two hours took me to hit 500 and not all night as you and it was my fault because i didn’t calculated correct how much t6 mats needed every exotic that i crafted . i had bought stacks of t6 mats before patch and i tried to play a bit with market before buy every new t6 . i had watch the dev’s twicth video where she explained everything .
if you don’t follow guild wars 2 in twicth.tv , i advice you to start from today . you are not gonna loose these small secrets .
so visit the Guildwars 2 Official twicth channel and follow them to email you every time they upload a new video
but explain me please . why you are alpha nerd ? it is ok to steal some time from your life to success something
10 for inscription 10 for blade and hilt
thank you that posted this image . this proves my words .
right now to craft the new weapons the pile of crystalline dust is the only material ( until now , if devs changed i dont know ) thakittens drop is not standard and really rare .
source : http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Crystalline_Dust
all other materials someone can gathering or farm them ….
Play world boss events, salvage guaranteed rares, salvage ectos. BOOM crystalline dust farmed.
You’re welcome.
personal i didn’t knew this method and i am reading now in wiki http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glob_of_Ectoplasm that this method needs research.
it says 1-5 dust but it is every time you salvage it . with what tool ? the rare or the exotic ?
give us some statistical results of this salvage method please.
the loot of dust is 100% success or it has a percentage ?
p.s. some market info . ecto costs 30 silver now . yesterday the prise was 38 silver