Leveling to 80 with crafting

Leveling to 80 with crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: GuitarGuy.4359


Hi guys do you know how to level to 80 with purely crafting i have 30g
but i don’t know how its confusing i spent 7 gold for no reason only to be confused
most guides confuse me please help thank you so much.

Leveling to 80 with crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Gillyweeds.7940


These ones are pretty straight forward: http://www.guildwars2-crafting.com/

Leveling to 80 with crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Zaziizu.5729


I´m pretty sure the most guides there aren´t the cheapest. For example how I lvld my Artificer: potions! the first 25 lvls of each tier you can get with refining mats and crafting the crystals (discover with 6x fine-dust of that tier), next 25 with one potion (carrot, leather of that tier, dust, water) and the last 25 with another potion (ore of previous tier, ore of the tier you´re filling right now, water, dust)
I think that one ist muuuch cheaper then the most with all their fine-materials and wood/ore ^^
try to search again for some guides but also look at the prices of the listed items, e.g. sometimes you can choose between 3 different fine-materials, in the guide is 1 mentioned, but there is 1 cheaper you could use for a similar recipe

Leveling to 80 with crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Gillyweeds.7940


The only reason I posted that one was because he said he as confused by other guides. That direct is very direct and simple. It tells you exactly what to have in your inventory for 75 crafting levels and what specifically to make. If he was looking for the cheapest, then there’s others but they’re less direct because they expect you to know what mats are used for the lesser inscriptions and what’s cheapest on the TP.

Here’s one that let’s you choose different mats but it’s a bit more confusing: http://www.errantquest.com/guild-wars-2/