Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: XalkyriezzZ.9634



Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: LinseyMurdock


Game Designer


Woot! Congrats on your Bifrost!!! I am very jealous.

Lead Designer – Living World

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: LoneWolfie.1852


It says “soulbound”.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: XalkyriezzZ.9634


cause I have already equiped it and thus its soulbound, Its actually sellable/ tradeable.

@ Linsey: <3

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethros.1453


very nice and grats

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


Looks better than I thought it might, has a sort of northern lights look.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Malethos.3726


Congrats! i look forward to having mind eventually. Karma is horrible. Grinding is such a terrible thing. Also, i’m severely disappointed that it is sellable. It should be bind on pickup, or ideally account bound.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Silverghost.4192


Congrats and great job. I just read your post and that’s cool how you were able to get all your items through the hard work. You’re lucky you got to go for bi-frost too and didn’t have to go for 2x 100 lodestones at 70s+ each and instead got to go for 250 dyes at 5s each.

Looks nice. It’s going to be even better when they improve the animations and models which I assume will come down the road.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Yozoh.8179


Congrats on your legendary!

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Moses.2690


congratulations to you, i really hate the look of that staff, so i definitely wont be going after it, but nonetheless congratulations for all your hard work.

i wouldn’t mind seeing a video of the particle effects though.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Vayra.3290


Sweet, I need to stop slacking and start working on my own rainbow staff. Please tell me it makes the ground you walk on into the Bifrost as well

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Noviere.7309


Congrats! I don’t think I could commit all of that to a single weapon, personally. Maybe next year?

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Daboris.6730


Can you post a video of it in action? The Twilight and Sunrise videos were really cool, as they have lingering effects as they swing and seem to add some type of dark-step (Twilight) to their user, or something.

“Those dolls they were making underground… Did you think they look like me?”

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Firestrike.3014


This is making me wanna stop and sell all the mats I’ve prepared to craft it..

Looks like utter crap compared to the GS’s and their attack animations..

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Daboris.6730


Actually nevermind I found the video. That’s pretty awesome. You get rainbow footsteps and a rainbow ethereal glow, not to mention the weapon itself looks like a unicorn horn and rainbow had a lovechild. Very nice.

Link to video: http://www.twitch.tv/xalkyriez/b/334164286?t=200m
(I set it to a time he’s walking with it)

“Those dolls they were making underground… Did you think they look like me?”

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Daendur.2357


make a video an post it on youtube please!

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Archaeneoso.8461


Hopefully the footprints and glow effect vanish if you do, heh

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


wow! congrats and the staff looks awesome
Now I am going to have to get one for my mesmer, mmmmm see ya all in 10 years!

Gunnar’s Hold

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


Now someone needs to post that pic of it on the GW2 Wiki entry. I would, but I’m not wiki-proficient.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: nostagmus.9851


I wonder if the bifrost effects are applied to all illusions as a mesmer. On the other hand, staff-clones don’t move :<

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: brickforlife.1364


:O. I can’t keep my mouth closed. It looks kittened kittening amazing.

[BEAR] www.gw2bear.com
[DATE] www.tyriadating.com

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Jasott.7914


After talking with the OP in game (whispered only didn’t get to see….) I’m a bit underwhelmed by it. Lindsey, would there be anyway we can at least get an aura around cast spells similar to The Dreamers’ rainbow trails on arrows? Not like placed aoe’s (like Lava Font and Eruption on Elementalist). But right now, really looking forward to what Incinerator looks like and its effects.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: LinseyMurdock



Game Designer

Personally, The Bifrost might be my favorite Legendary. I wants one soooo bad. The model itself, the rainbow footsteps, rainbow trail and the swoosh rainbow that appears over your character when you stand still… super rad and imo totally worth it. Sometimes I go on our Dev client just so I can run around with one, but of course it will never be the same, I just have to have it on Live. I’m sure it will take me much longer to get, though.

*psst, Incinerator is also a favorite.

Lead Designer – Living World

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Strill.2591


Of course it’ll take you longer to get. You jerks at ANet made it nigh-impossible to obtain last patch with your caps.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Takoma.7231


Tbh… the skin of the weapon is awesome… very, very awesome. BUT

compared to the greatwords…. meeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh. No skill animations changed as far as I could see….. I am playing ele and I am at 80% of finishing The Bifrost, I was patiently awaiting AWESOME skill changes like Twilight has…. I am disappointed. The auto attack didnt even change… idk. Even the Shortbow shoots rainbows….

The staff feels not so legendary to me. I don’t know if I want to complete it.

(edited by Takoma.7231)

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Dibrom.6408


I was hoping it’d be frost related.

Looks like no legendaries for my necro.

Arenanet: The paragon of truth.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Daboris.6730


Personally, The Bifrost might be my favorite Legendary. I wants one soooo bad. The model itself, the rainbow footsteps, rainbow trail and the swoosh rainbow that appears over your character when you stand still… super rad and imo totally worth it. Sometimes I go on our Dev client just so I can run around with one, but of course it will never be the same, I just have to have it on Live. I’m sure it will take me much longer to get, though.

*psst, Incinerator is also a favorite.

I think it’s really cool as Linsey said, I just hope they’ll improve it over time. Because of the time investment, I’d hope for some kind of integration with attacks or something. Or maybe a toggled effect. Like…the Legendary adds an F5 skill that toggles some type of cool transformation or effect. I mean they seem to look great now, but I feel like they’re just not at that Legendary status. It should really make up for lack of better stats through some impressive displays of art. We all know ANet has amazing artists and designers, so I’m just hoping that in the future they’ll add some amazing stuff. Very cool nonetheless!

“Those dolls they were making underground… Did you think they look like me?”

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Atrastea.7361


Well, I have to say i like the Skin of the Staff itself and also the Footprint animation.
But, theres one big thing… That Weapon is lacking some skill animation. If i see Twllight in compair to Bifrost its just unfair. At least make the Autohits different in any way or something, but you cant leave it like that.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: AsherTalos.6478


Tbh… the skin of the weapon is awesome… very, very awesome. BUT

compared to the greatwords…. meeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh. No skill animations changed as far as I could see….. I am playing ele and I am at 80% of finishing The Bifrost, I was patiently awaiting AWESOME skill changes like Twilight has…. I am disappointed. The auto attack didnt even change… idk. Even the Shortbow shoots rainbows….

The staff feels not so legendary to me. I don’t know if I want to complete it.

Well if you don’t wanna complete it I’ll take those mats off your hands for you. =D

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Prophet.6954


Really really really disappointing that these can be purchased
I saw the “legendary” drop down in the trading post, and was seriously hoping that t obe a bug. Not at all legendary when it can be sold to the highest bidder.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: synk.6907


not sold on the visuals in a static image

looking forward to seeing these weapons in-game and animated

Congrats, though.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Prophet.6954


I really like how the swords are gender neutral..however it does not seem to be that they made some of the other items that way…such as this staff, and the bow, and…the scepter.
I just can’t see my archer having little cute daisies pop up under him and around him and such…or being showered in rainbows. I officially no longer desire to finish the rest of my recipes for this which is a bummer.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Prophet.6954


At least they “Appear” to be purchable/sellable. I could be wrong…

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Sebyos.4089


Well it doesn’t look very good. It seems like the legendaries were made by women for a community of mostly male gamers. So many legendary look like 3 yo girl toys.

Also I have to say what many think. Like in every single god kitten game, a small, tiny portion of the community was able find the right exploits at the right time and once again they get everything first.

GW2 is starting to look like D3 where a few got top, exploited stuff pre-nerfs and had legendary armor and weapons first and let me tell you the comparison is pretty negative.

80 Norn Necromancer Max : JC, WS, TL, AT.
100% World completion.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

Congrats on getting a legendary in before the Epic Karma Nerf Capping system. I do honestly commend you on getting a Legendary. The other half of the system is a statement to Anet on their horrible decisions on how to ruin the game.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Shintai.5618


Well it doesn’t look very good. It seems like the legendaries were made by women for a community of mostly male gamers. So many legendary look like 3 yo girl toys.

Fully agree. I dont want any of them :/

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Dark Saviour.9410

Dark Saviour.9410

Really really really disappointing that these can be purchased
I saw the “legendary” drop down in the trading post, and was seriously hoping that t obe a bug. Not at all legendary when it can be sold to the highest bidder.

I knew that wasn’t a bug simply because the Elonian wines are classed as legendary and can be sold there. Expected other items of that nature to follow suit.

Didn’t expect legendary weapons would be able to be sold though…
(And they’re apparently considered mystic-class, rather than legendary?)

As for the looks, I find the less ‘hardcore’ style to be far more distinctive and interesting. Things like bows that shoot skulls that scream curses and spew blood which sets things on fire feel a bit overplayed, IMO. >_>

Gone for good after Halloween 2Ø12.
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.

(edited by Dark Saviour.9410)

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716




Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] Trf-guild.com – Now Recruiting.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


I’m really disappointed that you can sell these… so much for “legendary” more like “I have a lot of cash”

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: mulch.2586


If you’re counting “having the ingredients for” as the same as having, it appears the Sunrise was earlier, on 9/22. I guess it took the patch before anyone could actually finish assembly.

Regardless, phenomenal, congratulations!

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Talsi.1469


Sadly, the staff does not look good at all (judging from the screens and video).

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity,
and I’m not sure about the former.” Albert Einstein

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Casia.4281


“designed by women”
“gender neutral”
“thought it might be frost related”

Seriously people?

BIFROST. The rainbow bridge between Midgard and Asgard.
There is nothing effeminate about Norse Mythology.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


So far Sunrise and Twilight seems to look the best. But I didnt see all of them yet, so there might be even better.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: lucifiel.5296





Quoted for truth!

seriously, it’s a rainbow staff that makes you walk on rainbows…WHY YOU NOT WANT?

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Vithaar.8637



LOL @ “long awaited” when the game is 1 month old

Oh and Alpha tester knowledge! tsk tsk

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Kandrick.8054



Bifrost is the legendary I am aiming for too. Quite a bit away from it yet but one day ..

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Hype.9361


The actual skin without any effect looks like something you get at level 1 after you make your character. Pretty lame.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Chronologist.9782


I knew there was a reason why OP posted only pictures and not videos, compared to sword version, graphics is a bit lacking

Bifrost animation:

Sword animation:

Sword changes how spells look when wielding, staff does not. I thought basic attacks would turn into rainbow or something, how disappointing.

This definitely changed my mind about getting it, grats on all your hardwork though

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Copenhagen.7015


I thought the Bifrost was so awesome that I started thinking about getting a legendary. Today I dropped 10g into the forge to no avail. There are also 0 The Legend of Rage on the trading post. Even if there was one, it would be selling for 200g. Depressing.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Strill.2591


The swords don’t have effects specific to skills, they just leave trails. If you used them with the Mesmer’s Spatial Surge, you probably wouldn’t see anything.