Looking for materials table

Looking for materials table

in Crafting

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


A few days ago I saw a link to a crafting material reference sheet that told you how many of each material you would need to advance to the next level.

However, I can’t locate it any more. Does anybody know where that site is?


Looking for materials table

in Crafting

Posted by: Whispy.4829


I would love to see this as well. Anyone know?

Looking for materials table

in Crafting

Posted by: Thord.2017


This will help you I think. Noy exactly what you want but helps a lot.


Warrior level 80, Guardian level 80, Ranger level 80, Thief level 80, Elementalist level 60

Server: Gunnars Hold [EU]

Looking for materials table

in Crafting

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


YES! That was the link. Thank you very much!

Looking for materials table

in Crafting

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Thanks to all of your for your answers. Since the question has been satisfactorily answered, we proceed to close the thread.