Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Quaz.4931


Aside from cooking, with this lost shores addition and the promise of eventually all armour pieces being of the “ascended” level (although it’s just rings and a back slot now).

Does this mean it is pointless for people to spend time and money getting to level 400 to craft some exotics? Or will ingredients be dropped in dungeons and people can craft this ascended armour themselves?

I am not saying 400 will become useless overnight, but the more ascended armour (and outright better stats) get put into the game, the less I see the reason for crafting (unless we get to craft it ourselves somehow).

Also does this render ectos useless as well? Why not just craft high level greens and skip exotics altogether?

This is not just feedback, but also a question – does anybody know what will become of crafting with Ascended Armour Tier?

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


If dont see why people would want something with a tiny stat increase and the inability to add runes to it.

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Essa.5826


No information was given so far, but as it seems now you will craft the stuff in the mystic forge from what ive understood. Thus making the professions not needed gearwise, except for when leveling up and as a xp-gain. Also for the gifts if youre going after a legendary.

Sad, but i have faith in Anet that they wont drop the ball completly on this one and introduce something that makes crafting worth it.


Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Quaz.4931


Does Ascended Armour not have a rune slot? Surely that would make it a dungeon specific armour and not a higher tier armour? That was not the impression I got.

And I believe the stat increase is around 8%, that is fairly significant.

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


It doesnt have a rune slot, it has dungeon specific “infusions” that only work in the dungeon.

The stat increase is minimal in my opinion, the extra precision translates to about 2% critical hit rate with a full set including jewelry, and about 40 extra power and added MF, which I find useless anyways. Im assuming there will be different builds but Id imagine they would all follow this same scheme.

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Terra.8571


Does Ascended Armour not have a rune slot? Surely that would make it a dungeon specific armour and not a higher tier armour? That was not the impression I got.

And I believe the stat increase is around 8%, that is fairly significant.

Stat increase is 0.2%.

To answer the OP, we do not know if crafting will be needed for ascended armour. What we know so far is the final (actual) armour will come from the forge. The forge needs 4 items. Although drops from the fractal of the mists will be needed, you may well require a crafting profession to convert some of the items into ‘gifts’ or something like that before they will go in to the forge.

Also, we do not know if there is no rune slot. The jewellery example given by Lindsey shows they amalgamated the upgrade slot for that particular item into the jewellery itself. However for armour we have no example so don;t know, so there ‘may’ be an upgrade slot but we’ll have to see.

I think AN have entered a slipper slope though, a small increase (no matter by how much) is still a small increase. If their game was designed behind stats then this wouldn;t be a problem, but now they have decided on this who knows where it will stop.

I am one of the ‘hardcore’ players they are trying to cater to and finished my legendary almost a month ago. I’m happy to see the infusion slots (so they can cater to dungeons specifically) but was there a need to increase the stats, and by 0.2%? Really AN?

I’ve almost finished gearing up my 5th character (mesmer) in full exotics (spent 30g+ on runes etc) and am only a staff short. With the new dungeon I’m not sure it was worth it. People say its only 2 stat points but those add up. Yes a 0.2% more powerful character is hardly anything but whose to say next update the next ascended armour is 0.2% more powerful. Come a year ascended armour will be 1-2% more powerful than exotics.

Then if they introduce a L85 cap, no one will bother with exotics and go for ascended items only. We’ll see what happens.

Back on topic, I think AN will introduce more recipes for crafting and so I would wait and see what happens.

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Quaz.4931


would these infusions be equal to runes (in terms of stats), with the additional effect of protecting from this new mechanic?

And people will want ascended armour instead of exotic for the same reason people want exotics instead of rares, its a very similar situation if we look at the stat differences.

I guess some of this is speculation, crafting level was just one of the things that came to mind when I heard about this new armour.

@Terra, I agree, I don’t mind the infusions themselves, but the stat buff.. I just dont get it. But look at the numbers, what was it? 48 exotic to 50 ascended? That is a much rounder number, makes me think (hope) Ascended was ALWAYS in existance, but just wasn’t implemented at launch. A shame though.. people have spent a lot on exotics…. If they bump levels or armour tiers one more time I will quit – I am just giving A-net the benefit of the doubt that Ascended armour was always part of the game.

(edited by Quaz.4931)

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: thedukesd.3829


Long post including my own concerns regarding the ascended items. Some are related to crafting some are not.

I for once don’t understand the need of better items. Also it looks like it was something not planned at the launch of the game (the fact that lengedary weapons will be changed is the evidence).
We don’t have yet an armor example but I’m sure it will increase the armor stats (the diference between an rare and an exotic crafted armor stats (defense included) is something you can’t ignore).

Something that I do want: more stats combinations (I for once have no idea how to get an item with the following stats: healing power (primary), vitality, toughness). And some tweaks for some professions (minor in some cases, major in other cases) (there is already a gap between some professions, improving the stats will probably increase that gap without any tweaks). I want to be allowed to craft an aqua breather, the ones I can buy with karma don’t work with my builds (not to mention that the stats are under the headpiece that is replaced; no surprise not many people like underwater fights).

If the new and better items will not require crafting then maxing crafting will almost become useless (except chef). You will still craft some items for your new chars if u plan to level up them by playing or you can just level up by crafting.

I already canceled all my plans of crafting the exotics I wanted for my lvl 80 characters (it’s wanted cause are not needed to play, more like some fixes for some mistakes I did and some items required more for wvw then for pve).

Also another concern, not even 3 months have passed since the launch of the game and we already getting better items in the game. How can I be sure for once that after I got full ascended sets for all my characters I won’t have to farm again for new items cause we get new and better items again… I find no fun in farming and farming and farming…

And btw when will events be fixed that make Arah unavailable (I still have 1 char that needs story done and it’s almost a week since I’m waiting and don’t say move to another world I already did that and 1) I have no idea if on the new world Arah is available or not 2) when I move I lose my one man guild upgrades 3) I need to wait 7 days before I can move again )? I would like to see the curent game content being fixed before new content is added. Usualy new content = more bugs (I played lot of games and I failed to find one that don’t follow this rule). I got tired of sending bug reports because I see no results (and yes I have patience but some bugs should be fix in 1 month since they were reported, in my example Arah is blocking finishing personal story and geting tokens for zaithan gift needed for legendary weapon).

Also there are some people that have a job, have kids so they don’t have to much time to play. Won’t be a surprise if some of them barely managed to get a character to level 80 and get full exotic set for that character. For them it might not look to good the fact that better items are added (depending on the way you get them).

Now if u need to use the mystic forge placing an exotic glove with some stats + some other items and you get an ascended glove with same stats only better then the exotic it will not be that bad. But if the result is a complete random ascended it’s kinda bad.

Some people that played gw1 probably reminds the rank discrimination in HA (one of the reasons HA died). We already see level discrimination for AC dungeon “level 80’’s only” (funny that my list of ac epic fails is full with lvl 80s parties). The new better items might add a new discrimination “ping ascended items or kick” similar to “show stones” in gw1.

(edited by thedukesd.3829)

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Black Wolf.7348

Black Wolf.7348

400 crafting is already pretty much redundant at this point since too many people already have one or more at 400. only purpose 400 crafting have at this point is to make legendary weapons.

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: vvp.8512


Right now it looks like there will only be rings from the dungeon and a backpack from the MF.

Plainview (80 Engineer) SoR

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Quaz.4931


400 crafting is already pretty much redundant at this point since too many people already have one or more at 400. only purpose 400 crafting have at this point is to make legendary weapons.

Yes those armour and weapon crafting proffessiona are really pointless, apart from being able to craft the current highest level armour and weapons.

Buying on the TP will be more expensive (but less time consuming potentially) than doing it yourself. I do not believe the economy was ever meant to be run on players crafting abilities, at the moment crafting certainly isnt useless.

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: main character.5460

main character.5460

Just wait for the December patch when they increase the crafting cap to 500 and add craftable Ascended gear that requires new t7 mats /rollseyes

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Bubbles.2507


Sad, but i have faith in Anet that they wont drop the ball completly on this one and introduce something that makes crafting worth it.

Ahahahhahahaha. I had faith that Anet would follow their manifesto too. Look where that went.

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Celestea.4105


They said they added 200 recipes for this patch. Let’s wait and see.

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Plum Butter.4058

Plum Butter.4058

Also, only rings and back items will have ascended stats with the update. No armor as of yet.

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: NaughtyProwler.8653


I’m curious what will happen with some of the mystic forge recipes that are costly like Mjolnir, but are not legendaries. Will these expensive items just fall under ascended as well?

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: LameFox.6349


What do you mean ‘become’?

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Frederick Vael.6293

Frederick Vael.6293

You talk as if crafting were usefull right now.

You can almost buy an crafted exotic armor for the same amount that it cost building it. And the price difference wont compensate the lost money to get to 400.

Crafting, right now, is plain useless.

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: DenverRalphy.4185


I’d bet dollars to donuts that the ascended armor will require an exotic armor piece as one of the ingredients thrown into the mystic forge. So crafting exotics won’t take a hit.

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: DenverRalphy.4185


You talk as if crafting were usefull right now.

You can almost buy an crafted exotic armor for the same amount that it cost building it. And the price difference wont compensate the lost money to get to 400.

Crafting, right now, is plain useless.

I crafted my latest 80 toon’s complete armor set for less than 1 gold. I’d say it’s useful.

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Kreen.3925


Does Ascended Armour not have a rune slot? Surely that would make it a dungeon specific armour and not a higher tier armour? That was not the impression I got.

And I believe the stat increase is around 8%, that is fairly significant.

Stat increase is 0.2%.


Not sure how you worked out 0.2%. Based on the two explorer type rings posted the increase on power and precision is 8% in pure stats, 48+15 compared to 50+18, thats 5 increase on a base of 63 = 8% increase. The increase in MF is whopping 42% although you could argue thats moot. However if that also works out for a beserker ring it might not be 5 exotic jewelery pieces would deliver 35% CD and 5 ascended would give 50% – I would argue thats quite significant.

The key question for me anyway is does this apply to WvW….

I fight for JQ.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.

(edited by Kreen.3925)

Lvl 400 Crafting Going to Become Redundant?

in Crafting

Posted by: Terra.8571


Does Ascended Armour not have a rune slot? Surely that would make it a dungeon specific armour and not a higher tier armour? That was not the impression I got.

And I believe the stat increase is around 8%, that is fairly significant.

Stat increase is 0.2%.


Not sure how you worked out 0.2%. Based on the two explorer type rings posted the increase on power and precision is 8% in pure stats, 48+15 compared to 50+18, thats 5 increase on a base of 63 = 8% increase. The increase in MF is whopping 42% although you could argue thats moot. However if that also works out for a beserker ring it might not be 5 exotic jewelery pieces would deliver 35% CD and 5 ascended would give 50% – I would argue thats quite significant.

The key question for me anyway is does this apply to WvW….

Agree with your math and its about 7-8%. MF is still unusually high and I suspect this because all ascended gear might have it to help with drops? I doubt it will extend to crit damage by that much.