MF Precursor Rares or Exotics?
I read that there is a 20% success rate in the Mystic Forge using rares, or exotics, either way you are still looking at 80% failure rate on all attempts. If you want a 100% chance, your best bet is to buy 1,000 dollars worth of gems, and buy it off the trading post.
~18-20% rate to return an -exotic- from 4 rares. -Not- a 20% chance to get a precursor. It’s FAR less than that.
~18-20% rate to return an -exotic- from 4 rares. -Not- a 20% chance to get a precursor. It’s FAR less than that.
I guess I should have been more clear, but that is what I meant.
If your not even 80 yet, forget about this bit. Focus on simple bits like acquiring mystic clovers. By time you have most of the other stuff you need, fingers and toes crossed, scavenger hunt will be implemented. Go buy your obsidian shards and salvage ectos and make sure you do all your dailys and monthlys for mystic coins and throw them in the mystic forge with some crystals from myani.
Ive put around 1000 rares into the mystic forge and put the subsequent exotics I got from those in and I dont have a precursor.
Anyone who is about to start working towards a legendary now, should leave the precursor until last IMO. Im personally just going to work on upgrading my characters from exotics to ascended.
This is what I’ve been doing.
I’m going for the shield. I only buy exotics off the TP to throw in the MF (as exotics guarantee exotics) and 4 of the cheapest level 70 exo shields cost just over 3g, which isn’t that much (not so for all level 70 exo weapons, just my case).
So I’ll try 2 or 3 times a day. If it doesn’t work out, my returns net me back at least half of what I spent while I make back the other half naturally playing the game.
You NEVER NEVER want to exert yourself financially to the point where you can’t recover. That’s the biggest mistake people make with the mystic forge. They think that if they spend hundreds of gold at one time, they’re guaranteed to get what they want because of it.
And RNG spits in their face….most of the time lol.
Now alot of people will tell you to buy rares as it’s cheaper (which they’re right about) and it allows for more chances. If I stuck with rares then I could probably try 6 times rather than 3.
The only trick is like what someone mentioned before. When using rares you’re not just trying for a precursor. You’re trying simply for an exotic weapon as well. So while it’s cheaper and allows for a greater number of tries in a day, the odds are lower because you’re gambling for the rarity as well as the name. Plus, if you don’t get an exotic back, then selling your returns might barely make back half of what you spent, depending on how much you spent.
So it’s really up to you. I say if you can afford it, stick with exotic weapons so you don’t have to worry about trying to get an exotic weapon back.
But most importantly, do not blow all your gold on it out of impatience. If you can only afford to try once per day then that’s it. Once per day.
But just know that eventually you’ll get what you want.
Dont know about that, I heard the sub level 75s had a big nerf on precursor drops a while back. Once I start getting serious about going for it, Ill be crafting level 80 exotics.
Let’s honestly look at the reality of getting precursors…
and see if this is fair in any way…
What the donk, ANet?
This isn’t end game content, this is not even a grind.
Don’t waste your time on legendaries people…
Let’s honestly look at the reality of getting precursors…
and see if this is fair in any way…
This isn’t end game content, this is not even a grind.Don’t waste your time on legendaries people…
RNG is RNG and his luck is not representative of the luck of others.
Prime example. A player read a thread that I had made, decided to do what I was doing and got his precursor on the first try.
That said, the money he spent buying and/or crafting all those greatswords combined could’ve probably allowed him to simply buy his precursor.
All those greatswords broken down into ectos and then sold?
Soulstar dont say 1500 precursor in mf. It sounds as if you dont anything about this game.
its 28 exotics and 44, 75 & 1500 rare weapons used. NOT Precursors as you say it.
8 Rare level 80 GS’s and I got Dusk. It IS all rng but like other have said only do a few at a time.
200 exotics tossed into forge, (50 attempts). 50 exotics returned not one precursor. but i understand how RNG works so im not too bothered. And about 40% of the money i put in a get back (unless i decided to toss my forge rewards back in).
What does bother me is that others can get it in 1, 2 or 3 attempts and act as if its all worthwhile for everyone else simply because they get lucky. “Hey i got a precursor in a few attempts, so it makes up for everyone elses loss.”
Obviously im just going to buy my precursor at this point as ive done the math and it wouldve worked out cheaper. I dont mind the forge method remaining in game but they need to introduce another means of acquiring precursors fast (i.e. the scavenger hunt).
Look at it that way:
to produce a precursor chance you need to produce an exotic in the MF…so if you forge exotics, you get one such event for every four exotics thrown in. If you use rares, forging about 16-17 rares will end up in one exotic event on average. The rest is calculating prices.
I toss in Rares that I crafted because the materials are easy to gather/come by. When tossing in rare, you have 2 gambles to win, “Will it become an exotic?” and “Which Exotic?”. IF my gambles turns into an nice selling exotic, I will sell to make up my “cost” and if’ it’s an average exotic, I will hold on to it and reuse it in the forge.
When tossing in Exotics, you are 99% guaranteed a exotic back so you only gamble on “Which exotic?” so the chances are better BUT RNG is RNG.
If you wanted to get Venom as a precursor, you wouldn’t put tridents in the forge, would you? Exactly.
If you want to use the MF cheaply and efficiently, you craft all your rares, and only craft greatswords since one of the precursors from that has the highest value.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.