MF success vs. failure for precursors

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Hi – I’m tossing this question out here just to gauge experiences. I received a boatload of mystic forge stones from my achievement chests and used them in conjunction with level 80 rares (bought from BLTC) to get named exotics and (crossed fingers) get a precursor. As luck would have it, somewhere near my 50th (and almost final) try, I got Colossus.

I’m curious how my experience rates with anyone else? For those that have done the MF stone + 3 level 80 rares path, have you had luck getting a precursor? If so, how many tries did it take you? My reason for asking is to get a general idea of whether I was extremely lucky and thus should not really consider doing this again, or if my experience is pretty much on par and should give another go.


MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


I heard from a guildmate that using it with 3 greatswords could produce a weapon that’s not a greatsword. Shaking my head at yet another instance of RNG stupidity, I decided it’s best not to use my stones in that fashion. Instead I use them to turn regular salvage kits into mystic forge kits.

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Just tossed all my gold (100) into MF using bought exotics + the MF stones. No precursors, 2 exos worth more than 5g, rest junk.

It’s true, 3 greatswords (or any exotic wepaon) + MF stone will give a random exotic weapon. In fact I got no exotic greatswords back from using all greatswords at least 12 times. Later I changed to dropping cheapest exotic weapons at random and got more ‘luck’ with the two 5g+ weapon drops.

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Curse Drew.8679

Curse Drew.8679

I got my 2nd precurser yesterday (both from forge).

My 1st was a couple months ago, when they started this 1+ yellow for each world boss. Tossed in almost every yellow, and within 2 weeks of doing it i got The Chosen (290g). Ive been doing every since, even bought many yellows, and had no more luck with yellows.

For the past couple days i’ve been buying cheap exotics and using them with all these mystic forge stones. I’ve done 60+ attempts and i got 1 precurser, Storm which i sold for 110g.

I’d say i’ve broken even on both of them, but if i didn’t get them it would of been a huge loss. Odds are very low for a precurser. Only risk what you can afford to loose, and don’t put all your gold in expecting one and quit if it doesn’t happen. That’s just stupid of the ppl who do this.

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Crossplay, I’ll paraphrase the wiki here.. you can throw in two L80 weapons and a L62 trinket for instance, and the mystic forge stone acts as an intermediary between all three of these items (of the same rarity), meaning you’ll get an L68 ‘item’ out of the forge. So it acts as a random item and the other levels average out.

Personally I’ve played all beta’s and since headstart, more than 3000 hours and never seen a precursor drop from a mob, appear from a chest, nor come from the forge. I’ve heard about having crappy luck before, but that’s just baaad.

Recently I’ve taken to using the same method for a possible precursor, ie. using three L80 rares from event personal chests and throwing in a mystic toilet stone. So far I’ve gotten Rivetwall, Super Hyperbeam Alpha, Emberglow and Al’ir’aska (the voltaic spear from the original GW, without the voltaic). So the potential of getting named exo’s from rares and a stone is definitely there, but I’m still yet to hit the precursor.

The old-school Arrow-Key warrior.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Heylo.4938


I tried twice with level 80 cheap exotics, didn’t get any precursors. Tried with some level 78 cheap exotics, got Dawn on my first try. Since then, I’ve tried probably 5 more time swith level 78-80 cheap exotics, and haven’t gotten anything memorable other than than a named mace.

Sickest Guild [NA] Blackgate

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: VidGhost.3215


1000g over 1 year into the forge .. exotics, rares, stones, named, unnamed, L75+, L80 no precursor.

The one thing that i’ve found over this time is that the more you put in there in 1 single day the worse it becomes .. almost like its got diminishing returns but ANET will jump backwards to convince you it doesn’t!!! .. we cant have our money sink being exposed.

Toss in no more then 10 of each thing a day! ( 10×4 rares, 10×4 exotics, 10x runs ext ) any more will return a less likely chance for something good. ( still a chance if your lucky )

(edited by VidGhost.3215)

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Getefix.9150


a forge stone counts as a weapon of any type that is the average of the levels of the other 3…. i think…

“Nothing is true, Everything is permitted”

Kiel Replacement Movement

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Brando.1374


couple months back I tossed 8 invader daggers (wvw daggers) into the mystic toilet and I got 2 sparks back to back.

ended up selling one and making an incinerator with the other that my Necro currently has.

Xxkakarot [GF] Good Fights
Dark Wizard Incar [GF] Good Fights

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: loaken.9342


i just spent 20g on a bunch of level 80 rare tridents after putting in 3 and forgestone in after about 30 tries got colossus

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: boredinbc.2786


1000g over 1 year into the forge .. exotics, rares, stones, named, unnamed, L75+, L80 no precursor.

The one thing that i’ve found over this time is that the more you put in there in 1 single day the worse it becomes .. almost like its got diminishing returns but ANET will jump backwards to convince you it doesn’t!!! .. we cant have our money sink being exposed.

Toss in no more then 10 of each thing a day! ( 10×4 rares, 10×4 exotics, 10x runs ext ) any more will return a less likely chance for something good. ( still a chance if your lucky )

You should be the new poster child for buying a precursor on the TP. We will throw you in some rags in LA and you can tell your tale of woe. Hopefully passers by will drop a few silver in your hat and then think twice before flushing their dreams down the djinn hole..

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

1000g over 1 year into the forge .. exotics, rares, stones, named, unnamed, L75+, L80 no precursor.

The one thing that i’ve found over this time is that the more you put in there in 1 single day the worse it becomes .. almost like its got diminishing returns but ANET will jump backwards to convince you it doesn’t!!! .. we cant have our money sink being exposed.

Toss in no more then 10 of each thing a day! ( 10×4 rares, 10×4 exotics, 10x runs ext ) any more will return a less likely chance for something good. ( still a chance if your lucky )

You should be the new poster child for buying a precursor on the TP. We will throw you in some rags in LA and you can tell your tale of woe. Hopefully passers by will drop a few silver in your hat and then think twice before flushing their dreams down the djinn hole..

They are not alone. Many of us have thrown 1k+ g into the forge with nothing to show for it. At the same time the same accounts throw 100g worth and consistently obtain desired results. Idk bout anyone else, but this throws red flags for me. It’s hard to say things are truly random when the same patterns repeat time and time again. I have also notice that the same accounts that have forge luck also seem to have better luck with the new weapons dropping.

So basically if your account has luck forge….if not…don’t.

Serenity now~Insanity later

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Aphix.9846


Yep I know some people are lucky in the forge getting several precursors, same people has got 2 or 3 entropys + other 100g drops etc while I play more and farm more than them and have never got anything which was worth more than 10g in 2400h played.
I work way harder get 100g they get rewarded for dumb luck and get 1000g. Its stupid.

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

So…. after reading the responses to this thread and on some other threads – my conclusion is that I was very, very lucky. Which might just be the first time. I played GW1 for 5 years and the best drop I ever got in the game was a rune of superior vigor.

I went back into the MF with more stones and it was not pretty.

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Wow I got several of those, the hardest rune for me to unlock was Sup Shadow Arts, but I got it right when it was most popular (before the big nerf). My best drop was at the end of a PuG FoW run, I scored a q9 Strength Demonic Aegis about 2 weeks after they were released. 100g + 15e, tyvm. From there I didn’t look back, I struggled up till that point.

But that’s just it, is there a turning point us unlucky people haven’t found yet? Are people naturally that gifted with their accounts and others like us with 2k-3k+ hours wasted away without a bean to show for it? I’m yet to find a 10g item.. I think the most expensive I’ve sold was 5g+ and that was just the other day when I went mad crafting tridents and throwing in stones and got 5 named exo’s for my efforts.

Do we just have to turn that corner to find what we’re looking for?

The old-school Arrow-Key warrior.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: DianTheJoker.4372


Dont you get it – you buy Gems from store – you are rewarded (in some strange hidden way).

Happened to me in all MMO`s ive played.Ppl spend money on the game(f2p or b2p – doesnt matter) and they get rewarded by the RNG.Hideous,but true.Whenever i buy some ingame currency,the RNG is always in my favor after (not forever).

Only ppl who pay IRL money know what im talkin bout.Its a game , yeah , but its also a living for the ppl who made and publish it.So dont be frustrated when they “promote” their best investors

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: PH Law.4063

PH Law.4063

lol all ive seen are complains about people not getting precursors considering its ALOT easier to get precursors now then before, legendaries right now are a joke its easily obtainable those who have spent 1kg on mystic forge what u can do is save the g, its your own fault that you decided to spend and spend just to get a precursor instead of buying it AFTER knowing how low the chances were going to be, FYI 1kg now could make u 2 legendaries lol

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: HoboLyra.4908


Dont you get it – you buy Gems from store – you are rewarded (in some strange hidden way).

Happened to me in all MMO`s ive played.Ppl spend money on the game(f2p or b2p – doesnt matter) and they get rewarded by the RNG.Hideous,but true.Whenever i buy some ingame currency,the RNG is always in my favor after (not forever).

Only ppl who pay IRL money know what im talkin bout.Its a game , yeah , but its also a living for the ppl who made and publish it.So dont be frustrated when they “promote” their best investors

Not true- I spend in the gem store (real money) and never get good drops or anything in the forge. Salvaged ectos suck, and still no precursor to show for my time. They don’t base that crap on money spent, and you’re just spouting conspiracy theories.

-Tarnished Coast-
Obsidian Spire OS / EXS

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

I heard from a guildmate that using it with 3 greatswords could produce a weapon that’s not a greatsword. Shaking my head at yet another instance of RNG stupidity, I decided it’s best not to use my stones in that fashion. Instead I use them to turn regular salvage kits into mystic forge kits.

News flash, mystic forge takes 4 things. Putting in 3 of one thing and 1 of anything else means you haven’t only put in 1 type.

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Dont you get it – you buy Gems from store – you are rewarded (in some strange hidden way).

Happened to me in all MMO`s ive played.Ppl spend money on the game(f2p or b2p – doesnt matter) and they get rewarded by the RNG.Hideous,but true.Whenever i buy some ingame currency,the RNG is always in my favor after (not forever).

Only ppl who pay IRL money know what im talkin bout.Its a game , yeah , but its also a living for the ppl who made and publish it.So dont be frustrated when they “promote” their best investors

Not true- I spend in the gem store (real money) and never get good drops or anything in the forge. Salvaged ectos suck, and still no precursor to show for my time. They don’t base that crap on money spent, and you’re just spouting conspiracy theories.

I spent $200 on the Collector’s Edition of this game, and from launch till the karka event in November I probably sunk in another $200+ on characters and buying stuff to help my alt’s along. I haven’t seen crap in terms of anything good (worthwhile drops) such as precursors from the time I’ve bought this game until now, and I’m still waiting for something good. It’s mostly about fluff and polish this and that. You aren’t rewarded for your time here, regardless of what you do, how much you spend in real-life cash, doing whatever it takes to get ahead in the game, the plain fact is that some people are blessed by the RNG gods and other are just crapped on.

For the others that can’t wait to be blessed by said ‘gods’, they go ahead and buy what they want from the trading post. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again here… making precursors and full legendaries available to be BOUGHT from the TP.

Yeah, GG ANet, Legendary stuff. Who was the tool that thought that was a good idea, or should I guess?

The old-school Arrow-Key warrior.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: schray.1423


I just got my 4th precursor today. Until now I dropped 2 Sparks, a Dusk and a Dawn all from Mystic Forge by tossing rare lvl 80 weapons, no mystic forge stones. For every try I spent about 200 gold. I never bought gems.

(edited by schray.1423)