Make masculine versions to go with the girly looking Legendary's for us men please
in Crafting
Posted by: Anatax.3905
Guild member of Rethisis, proud server soldier of Darkhaven.
in Crafting
Posted by: Anatax.3905
Okay, I saw the Shortbow, Pistol, Focus, and Mace today and thought omg what is this art team thinking this is some really silly, circus, girly, stuff. These Legendary items take literally 400+ hours for a player to work for to get and your art team hands them these girly items to use. I do 3d art and I know it takes about a day at most to make a weapon in a game. Some weapons can be fully modelled, and textured, in hours. Do you see the discrepency? We players spend Months working for these rewards and then they only come in one look and it looks like a My little Pony bow that shoots frigging rainbows and has pink tassles on it, ugh. Please make masculine versions of the girly legendaries so that the men in the room can have some hard edged slaying weapons to bring to the battle that we will feel are so kitten that we will be admired by all other men. Not laughed at because we pulled out our ridiculous pistol in combat that looks like it shoots bubbles instead of bullets. Just trying to make your game better by telling you what the boys want. Today our 100 man vent looked at the legendaries and hated the Shortbow, Longbow, Mace, Pistol, and Horn because they were an affront to our masculinity. Thanks Anet, GW2 is the best game ever!
in Crafting
Posted by: Larlik.1532
Although I don’t think this should be a matter of changing existing skins but a matter of adding new skins and different legendary weapons. Of course I’m sure this will all be done in time. Dungeons will be added and with the new dungeons will come dungeon tokens. These tokens will be used to create new gifts and so on.
In the future could we please have legendary weapons that actually look like weapons meant for bringing down ancient dragons and not weapons straight out of sailor moon? Please. Although I will happily swing around a sailor moon wand and kill things, I would also like to swing around a flaming tooth of a dragon(or something like that).
in Crafting
Posted by: EizoPowa.8096
Anatax thats true. Fully agreed. Legendary weapons need more epicness look. Legen weapons are like weapons at level 1 or 10. And i hope ArenaNet can do it better
in Crafting
Posted by: Aphix.9846
You forgot the most girly weapon of them all :S
The Staff. Rainbow glow + trail etc. Very girly weapon imo, and also ridiculous to use for necro.
Otherwise I agree.
in Crafting
Posted by: para.9351
Why don’t you use a non-“girly” weapon instead of moaning about getting legendaries changed? There are tons of weapons out there and no one is forcing you to use one you don’t even like the look of.
in Crafting
Posted by: Haishao.6851
Sunrise, bifrost and dreamer are the only legendary that I think are worth it.
There’s already enough dark and edgy stuff as it is.
in Crafting
Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903
agreed. this is the very reason i dont use my theif anymore aside from farming. i play with pistols and shortbow….k not getting legendary for that.
i get some people may like them or use the #1 excuse "imagine getting killed in wvw by somone with “insert feminine wep” ". but even then, or to even make a reasoning such as that would mean you realize the outrageous look of it. wep like twilight or sunrise or even bifrost (not for necro) feel and look legendary imo to me anyways and i assume most players……. not my little pony bow.
in Crafting
Posted by: Terazeal.1976
Are you seriously assigning genders to inanimate objects? Is this actually a thing that you are doing?
in Crafting
Posted by: para.9351
You could always transmute your legendary to look like something more ~manly~.
in Crafting
Posted by: Anatax.3905
If you transmute your legendary it just becomes a normal exotic without any added effects. After working for hundreds of hours it all becomes a huge waste of time.
in Crafting
Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903
Are you seriously assigning genders to inanimate objects? Is this actually a thing that you are doing?
you act as if its not a thing people do EVERY day, regardless of if it is right or wrong.
You could always transmute your legendary to look like something more ~manly~.
….lol are you serious? then why did u get a legendary in the first place……? the stats?
in Crafting
Posted by: Terazeal.1976
Are you seriously assigning genders to inanimate objects? Is this actually a thing that you are doing?
you act as if its not a thing people do EVERY day, regardless of if it is right or wrong.
I act as if it’s something that is completely insane. Which it very much is. I suggest you have a good think about in what way it makes any kind of logical sense and then get back to me.
in Crafting
Posted by: Aphix.9846
Why don’t you use a non-“girly” weapon instead of moaning about getting legendaries changed? There are tons of weapons out there and no one is forcing you to use one you don’t even like the look of.
I choose the weapon which is actually good and useful for the profession as well for both PvP and PvE.
Please think for at least 2 seconds before posting utter kitten.
I think it’s not about gender also, don’t take things so literally, it’s just that some weapons look horrible and don’t have effects. There should be 2 options for each legendary, not just greatswords.
You can make weapons a bit more ‘neutral’ looking. The bifrost is 100% ‘girly fairy pixie unicorn kitty’ weapon simply because it’s a white stick with rainbow particles effects and trails. Now what the kitten should a necromancer do with that ?
Why does it HAVE to be rainbows and colours ? there’s 567 other options which would suit professions like necro and at the same time go well with mesmers and eles.
That’s the problem.
in Crafting
Posted by: alcopaul.2156
manlier skins often are not legendaries.
so if you are manly, dont get a legendary
in Crafting
Posted by: neoxide.7320
I agree half of the legendaries are pretty lame unless you find them humorous. Wait until the next batch of legendaries, maybe they’ll make a more epic and less silly version of your preferred weapon.
in Crafting
Posted by: Avatar Rage.4369
How about you just don’t get that legendary?
Honestly before I deleted my Norn ranger I was going to go for Dreamer, because there is nothing manlier than unicorns and rainbows!
in Crafting
Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903
Terazeal.1976I act as if it’s something that is completely insane. Which it very much is. I suggest you have a good think about in what way it makes any kind of logical sense and then get back to me.
it isnt insane in the least bit. because it happens all the time every day. or do you think nothing if you i dont know saw a man wearing short shorts or a pink skirt, or what the general reaction to something like that regardless of weather it was right or wrong. people assign gender to things everyday and yes actually it is normal.
in Crafting
Posted by: Aristio.2784
If you don’t like it, don’t get it. If you want the title of “Legendary” then get the weapon and transmute it to something different. Or get a different “manlier” (Whatever the hell that means) Legendary, like the aquatic weapons as they’re all pretty “Manly.”
in Crafting
Posted by: Haishao.6851
Why does it HAVE to be rainbows and colours ? there’s 567 other options which would suit professions like necro and at the same time go well with mesmers and eles.
That’s the problem.
Why should it be different?
dark and edgy evil black demon of death is only one option out of the 567 you said. Why should it be that one and not pinky rainbow pixie fairies?
in Crafting
Posted by: Durzlla.6295
Haven’t seen the pistol or focus… but the mace is hardly girly…. it’s a party stick that makes fireworks happen when you smack people with you… if anything it’s like a ravers dream…
And i’d rather have one of those “Girly” weapons then another dark and edgy weapon… we have plenty of those…
PS: There’s arachnephobia for the shortbow, granted it’s not a “legendary” but still…
in Crafting
Posted by: Augcliffe.1342
I agree 1000% OP. What’s is with the rainbows!?! The Predator rifle is awesome looking but shoots colored bullets?!? The pistol Quip shots party favors from the 1980’s. The shortbow actually shoots rainbows. WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?!
in Crafting
Posted by: Augcliffe.1342
Are you seriously assigning genders to inanimate objects? Is this actually a thing that you are doing?
This is the dumbest thing I’ve read in awhile. Of course inanimate objects lean towards genders. Have you been living under a rock or are you post-modern and don’t think anything should be labeled anything.
in Crafting
Posted by: Bella.3502
In the future could we please have legendary weapons that actually look like weapons meant for bringing down ancient dragons and not weapons straight out of sailor moon? Please.
I have nothing against rainbows, unicorns or bubbles. I just plain and simple don’t like them and don’t think those skins are worth the time and effort put in to obtain them. If I wanted something colorful, shiny and sparkly, I would play Hello Kitty Island Adventure with my three-year-old niece.
Also, I’m a girl so it has nothing to do with gender.
Something that actually looks like a weapon and not a toy, pretty please.
in Crafting
Posted by: Fildydarie.1496
Something that actually looks like a weapon and not a toy, pretty please.
Legendaries are meant to be over-the-top weapons with trails and fireworks which, no matter how emo you make those aspects, will always be toys.
If you want an actual weapon, equip an exotic.
Just my 2cp.
in Crafting
Posted by: edjahman.9104
Men are so silly…
in Crafting
Posted by: vvp.8512
Being a teenage boy is rough and confusing and if you grow out of it posts like this are really embarrassing.
in Crafting
Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903
Being a teenage boy is rough and confusing and if you grow out of it posts like this are really embarrassing.
lol what? legendaries like dreamer, and quip are just plain silly to me, yes me. to me they dont feel legendary, they feel more like easter egg drops or teasers. things like bifrost of sunrise, or the hammer legendary FEEL legendary to me. as someone stated earlier there will be some people who like them but i don’t think a majority of players will. heck “IMO” they dont even fit the lore, its not about being omega emo lol sunrise doesnt even look emo it looks epic, isnt that what legendaries supp to be?
and to people who say if you think they are not “manly” dont farm them. well no kittenwe dont have to farm them, which is precisly why we are on forum asking for a change. personally i like the bifrost and intend to get it for my mesmer, at the same time “I” understand how necromancers would not feel the same way as it kind of does not match the feel on a necro. does not mean im going to bash them into the ground with baseless arguments, because if i actually had a necro i would prob have the same issues some of them do.
in Crafting
Posted by: voidwater.2064
Please make masculine versions of the girly legendaries so that the men in the room can have some hard edged slaying weapons to bring to the battle that we will feel are so kitten that we will be admired by all other men.
You are never going to get meaningful respect from others by waving a flashy item around, FYI.
I agree that the legendaries should have more variety in terms of visual style, more “dark” and “violent” items are needed. But your concerns about masculinity are childish. A real man stands for his own desires, and does not care about society’s arbitrary gender standards (though they might coincide at times)
That mentality reminds me of idiots who somehow believe that certain drinks are “girly”.
in Crafting
Posted by: Akhet.6527
I love these legendaries because they making killing maladjusted people hilariously good fun.
More skins would be nice, though, greatswords get three (THREE!) but every other one other than speargun gets one.
in Crafting
Posted by: Durzlla.6295
I love these legendaries because they making killing maladjusted people hilariously good fun.
More skins would be nice, though, greatswords get three (THREE!) but every other one other than speargun gets one.
Speargun has two? Because i didn’t think they had more then one…
However i totally agree with the entirety of your post xD and tbh, the third skin for greatsword would take a LONG time to get to because of the whole needed 2 legendaries and then some to get the third one…
in Crafting
Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193
I just feel that they went the wrong path to hopefully appeal to the wide player base they had hoped to capture. To appeal to a wider range you need choices. Some will want happy colorful rainbow like colors while others will want darker more aggressive variants.
I am not assigning genders to these options as there are men and women that will like either and both variants.
The statement of if you don’t like it don’t work for it is slightly valid. Their opinion of asking the company to make variants of a different and darker or even more aggressive variant is valid.
I would state that this isn’t a concern of manliness or girlyness is not the right way to put things it’s an aesthetic not a gender issue. Putting the gender issue aside completely what surprises me is that the company didn’t see that by putting only one flavor out there they really limited the desire for the legendary by a large contingent of their customer base.
in Crafting
Posted by: Zefiris.8297
This is the most ‘teenage boy’-thread I have seen in quite a while.
Tell a scot his kilt is not manly, I dare you :> You’ll end up getting a tree lobbed at you!
in Crafting
Posted by: Akhet.6527
@ Durzlla
Apologies, spear*, not speargun.
My bad!
in Crafting
Posted by: Durzlla.6295
@ Durzlla
Apologies, spear*, not speargun.
My bad!
It’s cool lol i make the same mistake regularly xD
in Crafting
Posted by: Yukishiro.8792
I sat around behind a computer for 300+ hours to get my legendary pixels. This is a very manly thing to do so I demand to be rewarded with manly pixels, not girly ones!
Good grief.
in Crafting
Posted by: Bella.3502
Legendaries are meant to be over-the-top weapons with trails and fireworks which, no matter how emo you make those aspects, will always be toys.
If you want an actual weapon, equip an exotic.
Just my 2cp.
So those of us wanting a legendary weapon to actually look like a weapon shoud just shut the kitten up and equip an exotic?
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m really not trying to start a squabble here. However, I do think that those of us who don’t really like the over-the-top weapons with flowery trails and pink unicorns got a bit disappointed and have the right to express it. We’d just like to see more variety when it comes to legendaries. Some of us like rainbows and fireworks, some of us don’t. To each their own, right?
To tell the truth, I’d even settle for the ability to dye my weapon if we can’t expect more skins. Some of those weapons would be more appealing to me that way and I’m quite sure that would also make them more appealing to more than a few players.
in Crafting
Posted by: Anatax.3905
Look lets forget that I ever assigned genders to these items. The point is 80% of your player base is going to be boys and most of us want kitten looking weapons. It takes a modeller about a day to make most of these items for use in the game. How did your art lead ever okay these designs? The art in this game is amazing. The character models gorgeous. The Armor sets highly detailed and fantastic. Legendary weapons are the ultimate skins achievable in GW2. These are the most difficult items in game to gain. There are people who have crafted thousands of items to throw into the Mystic Forge in the first two months the game has been alive to get one of these. This is a huge, huge, huge error by your art team. There are people leaving your game with a sour taste in your mouth because of the difficulty in achieving this item. You should reward them with something spectacular. My guild of over a 100 people all looked at the designs one night together. You want feedback, a focus group of mostly male hardcore gamers. Well the feedback is very negative for Shortbow, Pistol, Mace, Longbow, and Horn.
in Crafting
Posted by: Yukishiro.8792
If you don’t like how they look don’t spend the hundreds of hours and gold to get one.
Anyone who leaves a game because it’s time-consuming to get a cosmetic weapon skin they don’t even like has some serious issues.
I think the my little pony bow is hillarious and one of the best items I’ve ever seen in an MMO.
in Crafting
Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903
Yukishiro.8792If you don’t like how they look don’t spend the hundreds of hours and gold to get one.
Anyone who leaves a game because it’s time-consuming to get a cosmetic weapon skin they don’t even like has some serious issues.
I think the my little pony bow is hillarious and one of the best items I’ve ever seen in an MMO.
aside from your last line which i respect as your opinion(although i think it is interesting that you like it but you are also able to equate a “legendary” wep to my little pony and hilarious and not see why the norm would not want this wep), its almost as if you didn’t read any of the responses before posting.
in Crafting
Posted by: Snow White.9680
Why can’t us girls have anything?
in Crafting
Posted by: Kami.7369
Bifrost being rainbows makes sense, and is manly in it’s own way:
in Crafting
Posted by: Titan.1580
It IS possible to create a unique model for Legendary weapons without having to destroy an entire classes (Ranger) hope for such a weapon. Both LB and SB legendaries look ridiculous to say the least. How do you come up with Twilight then move onto sticking a UNICORN head onto a bow?!
The bright side is because of these models, I have no interest in farming the mats for them. So that opens up a lot more fun stuff to do. lol.
in Crafting
Posted by: monepipi.5160
The bows are really lacking. The Dreamer looks like an event joke weapon. Why do some weapons look so badass and others look like plastic toys? There should be some design consistency across the whole legendary range. They should inspire awe and feel legendary, not just amuse people for like 10 mins.
Also, the amount of effects and general polish varies from weapon to weapon. This shouldn’t be the case.
in Crafting
Posted by: PopeUrban.2578
I will happily take all of your quip precursors in order to spare you the emasculation of equipping such a girly weapon.
I like it.
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