Making rare-exotics through crafting?
Yes, it is possible. You buy recipes for Rare and Exotic inscriptions/insignias/jewels from crafting vendors using karma.
u start seeing the yellows from the karma at the master.
You need to buy the yellow recipes.
The exotics recipies are also sold at the master for karma.
Now is it profitable?
That totally depends on the price of Ecto and Ori @ the time of craft.
Considering how expensive ectos are, and have been… possible no.
Your cheapest route at exotics is though dungeons by the usage of dungeon tokens.
I have grinded 2 characters though AC, swapping to the lowbie at the last boss for the exp bonus.
By the time those characters got to lvl80, i had well over 2k AC tears, to buy exotics from.
@ lvl80, (wham) full exotics from day 1…. and it only required me to grind lvling a smart way without spending any gold.
(edited by Naekuh.7925)
As someone mentioned, it is possible to get dungeons token to buy your exotic armor. But sometimes they do not have exactly what you need (in terms of stats combination). Also, getting into a group to farm dungeons might sometimes be hard for people who do not like to do dungeons (yes, there are people who dislike doing dungeons).
Crafting exotics can be expensive if you buy all your materials, including ecto, which are expensive. However I have crafted full exotics for my Thief without buying any ecto. You get ectos when you savage level 75+ rare or exotics (armor or weapon). I have been salvaging rares I found in drops and got 1 to 3 ecto per salvage (up to 5 if you are savlaging exotics), using the Master Salvage Kit, 75% of the time. I do farm for these rare drops in popular farming area in Orr.
Alternatively, if could craft the level 75+ rare armor (that does not require ecto), and then salvage them for ecto. I can do that because while adventuring and farming, I do get those tier 6/7 materials which I used to craft the rares.
do the easiest
Give up crafting.
Sell all mats on TP
Immediately when you hit lvl 80 you will have more then enough gold to buy all exotic gear (weapons, armor, trinkets) from TP and you will still have some gold left
It is possible to make your own exotic gear. But since the ingredients are more valuable then the finished product, its best to just buy your exotic gear on the TP, and sell your matts/ingredients.