Mandatory Legendary
Still never getting one, because its not worth it unless I can makes enough for all my weapons I use. I need two daggers, staff, specter, axe, etc for just one toon. Not to mention my other toons. They should not have gear scaling ether, just make it a infused slot with no stat difference. I have 5 exotic armor sets already. Each one setup for a different build on my necro.
This is an MMO please remove any semblance of logic or critical thinking.
I have a hat and you will sit in the corner for 10mins.
And dont call me Shirley.
PS Dont want right now since I dont like the skins of them.
I doubt they’ll add more tiers. The pink stuff sounds like it’s only for über-tier dungeons anyway, with slots for dungeon-specific stuff, and stats as though you’d put an orb in an exotic. So if you would have orbed your exotic gear, then I guess you might use this stuff elsewhere, but for the most part it doesn’t even seem like a ‘real’ tier as much as a highly specialised one.
I doubt they’ll add more tiers. The pink stuff sounds like it’s only for über-tier dungeons anyway, with slots for dungeon-specific stuff, and stats as though you’d put an orb in an exotic. So if you would have orbed your exotic gear, then I guess you might use this stuff elsewhere, but for the most part it doesn’t even seem like a ‘real’ tier as much as a highly specialised one.
I hope you’re right, because it looks like they’re venturing down WoW’s slippery, “gear-you-worked(yes, worked)-hard-for-is-worthless-next-patch” slope.
They’ve pretty much said exactly that, I was just paraphrasing:
The stats and functionality normally added to gear through upgrade components are actually built into Ascended items. Instead of upgrade slots, Ascended gear has Infusion slots, and rarer versions of the items also come with additional Agony Resistance built into them.
Just to show everyone I got my legendary before requirements get nerfed:
I know I’m primarily a dagger/dagger thief but I just couldn’t resist that bow as I like ponies (Anet, if you have any ideas of adding in any mounts… ;) The incinerator looks cool, but still looks too much like a lighter instead of a magical fiery dagger, at least that’s the feel I got.
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
Your pony bow is amazing. Does it shoot pony heads?
Pretty epic no matter who disagrees.
Just to show everyone I got my legendary before requirements get nerfed:
I know I’m primarily a dagger/dagger thief but I just couldn’t resist that bow as I like ponies (Anet, if you have any ideas of adding in any mounts…
The incinerator looks cool, but still looks too much like a lighter instead of a magical fiery dagger, at least that’s the feel I got.
Nice of you to stay on-topic. Would you want us all to admire you now or shall we do it after precursors got changed?
Everybody with half a mind will want to try to acquire the legendary weapons now.
Why? Because Arenanet have announced that no matter how many tiers they introduce (like Ascended), the Legendary will always be pumped up to be in the best tier.
If we don’t know how many new tiers will be introduced, then we should all be aiming for the legendary so we don’t have to do all the in-between work, surely?
And yes, I’m calling you Shirley.
Even though Anet said asended is in between exotic and legendary, ascended basically is above legendary already. Since legendary weapons offer no stat bonus above exotic and ascended does.
But it doesn’t matter because the ascended items are trinkets and legendary are weapons they can not be compared
Eventually Ascended items will be expanded to include other types of armor (and possibly weapons) as well, however.
My only concern is that players with Legendary/Ascended items will have an advantage, however small, over other players in WvW/sPvP. However, I’m expecting that ANet will either downscale Legendary/Ascended items, or upscale everybody else’s equipment, in these modes to keep the playing field level.
Still 100000000 times easier to farm the new armor/weapons, instead of going for Legendary. But okay.
In the blog there’s a screenshot comparing exotic and ascended rings, so that might take out some of the guesswork:
Eventually Ascended items will be expanded to include other types of armor (and possibly weapons) as well, however.
My only concern is that players with Legendary/Ascended items will have an advantage, however small, over other players in WvW/sPvP. However, I’m expecting that ANet will either downscale Legendary/Ascended items, or upscale everybody else’s equipment, in these modes to keep the playing field level.
I don’t understand why players are concerned with the advantage, in this case disadvantage, with WvW (haven’t played much PvP). It’s about the same as having a lvl 10 character join WvW versus any other lvl 80 character out there.
Still 100000000 times easier to farm the new armor/weapons, instead of going for Legendary. But okay.
This time, perhaps (and i’m not so sure about how easy it will be to drop one of the new ascended items).
But since they already started the eq progression spiral, eventually there will be a next tier. and next, and next, and next. And since they said that legendaries will always be bumped up to the top tier, it means that you simply have to get them. Preferably now, because if a new tier will appear that will be harder to get than current legendaries are (and with item progression started that is basically a given, eventually), you can bet that acquiring legendaries will be adjusted accordingly.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Studio Design Director Chris Whiteside says this,
“Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill.
[..] We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 months that we expect everyone to chase after and then get the next set and so on.”
It’s encouraging.
And yes, it’s a very pretty rainbowbow.
Just to show everyone I got my legendary before requirements get nerfed:
I know I’m primarily a dagger/dagger thief but I just couldn’t resist that bow as I like ponies (Anet, if you have any ideas of adding in any mounts…
The incinerator looks cool, but still looks too much like a lighter instead of a magical fiery dagger, at least that’s the feel I got.
Where did they state that they will nerf requirements? I just read something that they will add another way to obtain pre cursor? Not anything about easier.
I think they should make it even harder to get a legendary weapon
In essence it is harder to get legendaries now. You check the prices on mats recently? Since the bots got banned, mats have and rare weapons(to break down to ecto) have close to doubled in price. I havn’t checked lodestones in a few days but i bet they are gonna double if they havn’t already.
Am I legendary yet!?
Just to show everyone I got my legendary before requirements get nerfed:
I know I’m primarily a dagger/dagger thief but I just couldn’t resist that bow as I like ponies (Anet, if you have any ideas of adding in any mounts…
The incinerator looks cool, but still looks too much like a lighter instead of a magical fiery dagger, at least that’s the feel I got.
Where did they state that they will nerf requirements? I just read something that they will add another way to obtain pre cursor? Not anything about easier.
I think they should make it even harder to get a legendary weapon
Yep … All what they do is add way to obtain you precursor.
Only because people complains about RNG and mystic forge or overpriced Dusk, Legend on TP. But you should know .. the new way will be also kitten expensive, i guess about 200-300g worth material. Happy ive got my precursor already
I disagree.
They’ve only announced one half-tier so far and we don’t know for certain how many tiers there will be in the future of the game. However, Legendaries should always be on par with the highest tier, it’s just common sense.
You could always put in a fraction of the effort to collect the next gear instead of going all out for a legendary. Unless ANET completely caves in to the crying masses who refuse to grind over 100g for a legendary, I don’t see them being an easier alternative to upgrading each hypothetical tier as they are released.
Except that legendary items just became practically unobtainable, with vials of powerful blood skyrocketing to 27 silver, along with other items needed for crafting a legendary its basically impossible for even semi hardcore players like myself to craft one. Especially when theres 50 other people farming plinx, and I cant even tag anything.
Except that legendary items just became practically unobtainable, with vials of powerful blood skyrocketing to 27 silver, along with other items needed for crafting a legendary its basically impossible for even semi hardcore players like myself to craft one. Especially when theres 50 other people farming plinx, and I cant even tag anything.
basically lol. they are making precursors affordable some how but everything else isnt sooo it kind of negates itself lol
Legendaries are stupidly difficult to obtain. I would have to turn it into a job for a year to afford one.
Legendaries are stupidly difficult to obtain. I would have to turn it into a job for a year to afford one.
Legendary are for those who dedicate more time playing Guild Wars than real life.
When you see someone with legendary you should immidiately know, hes the one who plays for 10+ hours every day. Thats what legendary weapons are about.
Remember that.
PS Dont want right now since I dont like the skins of them.
I’m exactly right there. There’s not a single Legendary skin that I like and can use. I mean, the gswords are pretty cool, but I don’t use one and I’m not about to swap mains just so I can.
Except that legendary items just became practically unobtainable, with vials of powerful blood skyrocketing to 27 silver, along with other items needed for crafting a legendary its basically impossible for even semi hardcore players like myself to craft one. Especially when theres 50 other people farming plinx, and I cant even tag anything.
Practically unobtainable?
Have you even tried hunting monsters for drops, or do you just want to buy everything off the TP? I’ve got blood, scales, bones, and everything else piling up in my bank while I run around killing dragons for rares to salvage for ectos.
And then when I fail to make my Lucky Clovers, I get even more mats.
Seriously, a shortage of mats on the TP shouldn’t even really be a concern. If you wanna complain about something, complain about how you can’t TP your way into a mountain of gold easily for those rune/lodestones.
Except that legendary items just became practically unobtainable, with vials of powerful blood skyrocketing to 27 silver, along with other items needed for crafting a legendary its basically impossible for even semi hardcore players like myself to craft one. Especially when theres 50 other people farming plinx, and I cant even tag anything.
exactly, I’ve stated in another thread about the whiners who cry about legendary precursor, be careful what they wish for. Now Anet gave in to the whiners with some possible tweaks to open more ways to get the precursor, and mats price goes up. Now people are complaining about that? I guess the whiners will not stop until Anet gives out welfare legendaries that practically requires no effort to obtain.
exactly, I’ve stated in another thread about the whiners who cry about legendary precursor, be careful what they wish for. Now Anet gave in to the whiners with some possible tweaks to open more ways to get the precursor, and mats price goes up. Now people are complaining about that? I guess the whiners will not stop until Anet gives out welfare legendaries that practically requires no effort to obtain.
Even if mat prices goes up 5x – that would still be ok with me because they’ve fixed the most annoying part of the legendary process – the precursor.
At least we all know that there will be steady progress instead of a constant frustrating gamble and to everyone that was saying that legendaries will become more common – I really don’t think that will be the case… if anything they will probably be much harder to obtain now with the new system (and that’s a good thing).
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Well, obtaining a legendary weapon is a hard and long achievement – as it should be.
Introduction of the new ‘ascended’ tier, shouldn’t really influence the ammount of time and dedication that a player has to put in to obtain one of these legendary weapons before or after this introduction.
The prerequisite list for a legendary is still very long and those who achieve it have he right to boast about it – albeit, not in a smarta** manner.
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