Master Crafter! Only title I will ever display.

Master Crafter! Only title I will ever display.

in Crafting

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Thanks Arenanet! Crafting is always a favorite activity of mine. I spent lots of money and was satisfied in the end.

Artificer – Slayer Potions made this fast
Tailor – Leveling a Necromancer I kept this up with my level.
Jeweler – Extremely easy, it boiled down to about a stack of the metal for the tier and 7
or 8 jewels to get each tier done.
Cooking – Hurried to finish to conserve inventory. Leveled almost entirely through
discovery. A few times I was a left with no discoveries to reach the next tier.
Leatherworker/Huntsman – Kept these in range of my Thief.
Armorsmith/Weaponsmith – Kept these in range of my Warrior.

The only advice I can give is that when you hit a new material to refine do nothing but refine that metal for about 21 levels. Runes and Insignia discoveries from Rare materials will level you quickly. The best tiers for these are the Pile of —-- Essence. The other items get pretty expensive, and for Sigils you will probably need two of the item.

Master Crafter! Only title I will ever display.

in Crafting

Posted by: Rhellion.8421


I assume you have to get 400 on all your professions? Do they have to be all on the same character? I am 400 in 4 different ones so far, but on 2 characters.

Master Crafter! Only title I will ever display.

in Crafting

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


I have 4 characters with 2 professions each. I can display the title on alts that aren’t even crafters.

Master Crafter! Only title I will ever display.

in Crafting

Posted by: Rhellion.8421


Awesome, thank you.