Mesmers Lose Out With Sunrise/Twilight

Mesmers Lose Out With Sunrise/Twilight

in Crafting

Posted by: Strill.2591


Mesmers really don’t get much out of the special effects from Twilight/Sunrise since their basic attack doesn’t move the sword, and their Phantasmal Berserker doesn’t use Sunrise at all. Is there any way we could get at least a palette swap on our basic attack?

(edited by Strill.2591)

Mesmers Lose Out With Sunrise/Twilight

in Crafting

Posted by: BowmasterSol.3457


GS #1 it twirls around in the air in front of you. GS #3 you stab it in the ground. GS #5 you slash it in front of you. I’m also assuming that the clones will also share the weapon skin. If mesmer clones also gain the particle effects, then that would personally make legendary weapons more epic the other classes.

Knowledge is power.

Mesmers Lose Out With Sunrise/Twilight

in Crafting

Posted by: Strill.2591


GS #1 doesn’t show it at all. The effect only shows when you swing the sword from side to side, so the spinning doesn’t do anything.

Number 3 for all practical purposes doesn’t show it either. You technically see it when your character moves the sword to point downwards, but since it happens so quickly, it’s nigh-impossible to notice. The actual thrusting into the ground doesn’t show any effect since it’s only side-to-side movements that get an effect.

Number 4 also doesn’t show any effects at all since the phantasm doesn’t use Sunrise.

Clones use Sunrise, but since they stand still and use #1, they still don’t show off any trail effects.

They seem to have added an exception to #2 to make it specifically use Sunrise instead of a generic sword projectile, which I’m grateful for, but it would be nice if we could at least get something for the basic attack. A simple palette swap on the spatial surge beam would be enough.

(edited by Strill.2591)

Mesmers Lose Out With Sunrise/Twilight

in Crafting

Posted by: BowmasterSol.3457


I currently use Beaded Greatsword. It’s very big and easy to spot. I stare at it all the time while using the GS skills I’ve mentioned. I agree with you on #4 but I purposely didn’t mention it for this reason.

I am only speculating based on what I have experienced in game with the broad greatsword skins I have used. For those skins, I see them often and they are quite noticeable on myself and my clones. I don’t own a legendary GS myself to say anything definite.

It’s hard to tell from your post. Do you own a Twilight/Sunrise yourself or have seen a mesmer use one in game? If you’re simply telling people something factual based on this, then I had misunderstood the intention of the post.

Knowledge is power.

Mesmers Lose Out With Sunrise/Twilight

in Crafting

Posted by: Strill.2591


I currently use Beaded Greatsword. It’s very big and easy to spot. I stare at it all the time while using the GS skills I’ve mentioned. I agree with you on #4 but I purposely didn’t mention it for this reason.

I am only speculating based on what I have experienced in game with the broad greatsword skins I have used. For those skins, I see them often and they are quite noticeable on myself and my clones. I don’t own a legendary GS myself to say anything definite.

It’s hard to tell from your post. Do you own a Twilight/Sunrise yourself or have seen a mesmer use one in game? If you’re simply telling people something factual based on this, then I had misunderstood the intention of the post.

It’s not the so much the skin that makes Sunrise special, it’s the effects. In particular, whenever you swing Sunrise, it leaves a paint-shaped trail in its wake. Warriors and Guardians have this applied to nearly all their attacks, especially the flashy whirl finishers, where you can clearly see the corkscrew-shaped trail it leaves behind. Mesmers, on the other hand, don’t get to take advantage of this because they don’t swing their greatsword often. Even in those cases where they do swing it the game uses a fixed purple sword graphic rather than the Mesmer’s sword. In fact, if they had not specifically made an exception for Mirror Blade so that it shoots Sunrise instead of the projectile it usually does, Mesmers would have only one skill (#5) that uses this effect.

I’m asking that even if they can’t make Mesmer skills compatible with this effect, it would go a long way for them to just palette swap the laser beam effect on their basic attack so that Mesmers can have an effect comparable to other classes, at least in terms of noticeability.

You can see screenshots of Sunrise on a Mesmer here:

You can see what Sunrise’s effects look like here:

(edited by Strill.2591)

Mesmers Lose Out With Sunrise/Twilight

in Crafting

Posted by: ohwellariel.6420


Those videos kinda show that most of the cool effects are just from running around…

I mean, when you use skill 4 don’t you get all the effects from swinging the sword into the vertical position?

If you use skill 1 while strafing left to right, do you see the weapon trails?

Darmok and Jalad, on the ocean

Mesmers Lose Out With Sunrise/Twilight

in Crafting

Posted by: Monarch.5406


As a mesmer who was considering crafting Sunrise, this news is very disheartening. I didn’t think about the lack of particle effects on the skill #1 auto-attack. If the surge beam was updated with legendary effects, that would make it worthwhile (ie: something that would make it equal to the painterly effect of a warrior/guardian swinging the sword).

Mesmers Lose Out With Sunrise/Twilight

in Crafting

Posted by: Anemone.8913


Basically that- if they could just change the nr1 skill beam into the legendary beam it would dramatically improve the situation. That really is the only problem. Other professions have particle effects on there nr1/spam skill while mesmers only have on the one skill that has a cd and shows only for a second.

C’mon anet, I’m sure its not that hard and to be fair any mesmer using a GS’s in their build should be wanting a legendary sunrise or twilight, not be turned off by the idea of them not getting equal as much as if they started playing with another profession.

I know whining can only get you so far and its really in the hands of anet if they care enough or think that things should stay the way they are or not, but pretty please, at least consider it.

Mesmers Lose Out With Sunrise/Twilight

in Crafting

Posted by: penatbater.4710


It would be sooooo kick kitten if they changed the beam that shoots out from purple to… black. or white (sunrise). Imagine a black ray of death… o.o

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Mesmers Lose Out With Sunrise/Twilight

in Crafting

Posted by: Jujube.4981


Every non-GS class loses out on legendaries.

Mesmers Lose Out With Sunrise/Twilight

in Crafting

Posted by: kahing.1964


Yes. Seriously its quite disappointing. I am thinking if i should get my Mesmer a legendary. Only one skill that is truly affected by the 2handed legendary? Would there be a change on this?

Mesmers Lose Out With Sunrise/Twilight

in Crafting

Posted by: Aphix.9846


oh boo hoo
Let’s all make a necromancer and get a rainbow unicorn fairy pixie wingy staff…

Mesmers Lose Out With Sunrise/Twilight

in Crafting

Posted by: Anemone.8913


oh boo hoo
Let’s all make a necromancer and get a rainbow unicorn fairy pixie wingy staff…

While I understand the pain of necros its still a matter of taste while this case is matter of lack / being unfinished/ effects.