Moneymaking as a metalsmith

Moneymaking as a metalsmith

in Crafting

Posted by: Tysefol.2017



Any tips on that ? I recently reached 400 metalsmith, did a few calculations and it seems that buying mats for exotics and selling them isn’t worth the hassle (I lose a bit of silver each time, I would win a few without this darned 15%). Any special recipes that work well ?

Moneymaking as a metalsmith

in Crafting

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Crafting per se , is not rewarding at all, about metalsmith (about all to be honest).
And if a tiny well hide market corner exists, noone is so fool to post it here to watch it ruined. You ask how to make money on the main forum, after 1 hour the answer becomes junk. Pretty clear isn’t it.
Wrong game, this game doesn’t repay be a master metalsmith like you would have expected logically. As you see, doesn’t worth the hassle craft and sell, and you’re perfectly right.

Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter

(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)

Moneymaking as a metalsmith

in Crafting

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Crafting at this point is pretty much a money sink, between the material costs and fees, you’re looking at a loss especially with all the other nickle and dime mechanisms built into the game. I’ve found the crafts useful to help my alts in other games but here you can buy gear on the cheap and leveling is easy enough plus a lot of players are kiting mobs anyway so it doesn’t even really matter. Anyway, at this point, I think people are mostly running FotM or playing the TP for their income because the rewards in most(if not all) other spots are pretty shabby in comparison.

I’m a compulsive explorer/gatherer with a ton of karma catching dust and that’s the only reason I tried cooking, I found it to be fun even though it ate up a lot of my storage space, I haven’t looked into whether magic find food makes any cash yet so who knows.

Whispers with meat.

Moneymaking as a metalsmith

in Crafting

Posted by: lisamee.2408


I haven’t looked into whether magic find food makes any cash yet so who knows.

Magic find food sells very well, but the ingredients needed to make it is a slow spawn, and not easy to find. So it is not enjoyable for me to make and sell it. And you cant buy the ingredients and make a profit.

Moneymaking as a metalsmith

in Crafting

Posted by: Nashiem.8932


lol magic find food. you can make almost as much just selling the mats than if you cook it.

Moneymaking as a metalsmith

in Crafting

Posted by: RollingBob.8502


You are at a disadvantage attempting to manufacture for profit because it is a closed economy. the raw materials for most armor recipes can be used in 54 separate recipes. You have turned a generic product into a niche product.

That is not a game flaw, it is simply the result of the closed economy. There is no value added in crafting, it is only removing value (you lose a subset of buyers).

Your labor, as it is free for you, is not something others will readily pay for because it is free for them as well. Only buyers who want it “now” are going to be potential proit paths and their price point is pretty low. Not only do they have a plethora of suppliers in your position, they can also farm dungeons, PvE, etc.

Use crafting for what it offers; a flexible and prudent way to outfit yourself and your freinds. Consider the adage “a penny saved is a penny earned” and remember that set of armor you made would have cost you money had you not gathered the mats and crafted it.