treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
I agree with ArenaNet’s comments on the latest AMA, and later Mike O’Brien’s comments, that items should not require grind in Guild Wars 2. Something can be difficult to get (as in, it’s challenging, not merely a mindless grind), time consuming, and etc, without being a grind. Grind, in this context, defined as repeating over and over a piece of content that is not fun.
Something that bothered me in Guild Wars 1 was how everything could be bought with gold. A bot manager, if possessed of a strong sense of humor, could dress its bots in the rarest armor in the game (Fissure of Woe armor, for those who played GW), since getting it was basically a matter of getting gold enough to buy materials. This trivialized a large amount of goals in the game into “getting as much gold as possible as fast as possible”.
With both the points above in mind, I would like to present my opinion on the current way to acquire Legendary items.
Gift of Battles: requires 500 Badges of Honor. I really like this one. As many Legendary components, it’s a symbol over mastery of one aspect of the game, in this case World versus World. The beauty here is that acquiring the badges is not a grind – anyone who likes WvW will acquire those badges simply by playing that game mode. Will it be instant? No, it’s going to take some time. But it doesn’t require mindless repetition of a given goal – it’s not a matter of killing NPC X on the sourther supply camp over and over, rather just a matter of playing WvW. The amount of required badges is great, too – considerably less than the extremely expensive full set of WvW armor, enough that someone can get this badge within a few months of casual play. I would be happier if the badges weren’t available from the jumping puzzles, since those are basically a way to skip everything I have said above, but oh well.
Gift of Exploration: requires world completition. This is a great one, too. It’s a symbol of exploration, as the name implies, and it’s almost the opposite of grind – it rewards going to different places and seeing different things. Anyone who enjoys exploring will eventually get this gift, even if only after months exploring small bits of the map week by week.
Bloodstone Shard: requires 200 skill points. This one is mostly a matter of mastering one character, since it basically rewards playing a long time with the same one. Even ignoring how this one is almost given freely when earning the Gift of Exploration, it’s a nice idea, too – everything rewards experience, and getting 200 points is not unreasonably much. Anyone who simply plays the game and do whatever he/she wants will reach this one within a few months.
Obsidian Shards: require 525.000 karma, and is a way to show mastery over dynamic events. When I first learned of this one, I thought it would be a massive grind – but in the end, it’s not. Playing the game normally for at most a couple hours per day was enough to get half of that without any need for repetition. The rest came from using the Jugs of Liquid Karma acquired by doing some daily achievements and two monthly achievements under karma buffs.
Dungeon Gifts: require 500 dungeon tokens from a single dungeon. They are easy to get, and with each path giving 69 tokens as they do today, someone can get those gifts by doing all paths once per day in less than 3 days. Ergo, it’s also not time consuming. However, despite how it’s something that can be acquired easily and quickly, I think it has been designed badly – it still requires repetition, and so still requires a grind. I think the gifts would work better, and be more interesting, if it required doing all paths in all dungeons once (same as the current Dungeon Master title). This would be harder and more time consuming than the current system, but I think it would be more fitting to ArenaNet’s philosophy in trying to avoid grind, and in rewarding players who see everything the game has to offer.
Everything else… Is bad. For everything else, the limiting factor is gold. If the current method to get a Legendary required only the Icy Runestones, which go for 100k, it would be ok – a lot of things reward gold, and having one part of the Legendary linked to gold earning would make sense. The issue is that more than half of the Legendary components are basically a matter of farming gold – from both crafting materials gifts to all the materials required to craft the weapon gifts and all the ectos required for the Gift of Fortune and the Mystic Clovers. And that’s ignoring the precursors, since they will eventually be changed anyway.
I believe the process of acquiring Legendaries would be better if it focused more on things like the Gift of Exploration and the Gift of Battle, and less on things like the grind required to get the Gift of Magic and the 250 Globs of Ectoplasm needed for the Gift of Fortune.
Gift of Fortune is just ridiculous considering the current price of t6 mats and the horrible drop rate. Even a hardcore grinder playing 24/7 will need a month to just get one of them capped at 250. While A-Net is busy making new content while abandoning the rest, they forget about their “no grind” philosophy completely. I had high hopes for this game because we were promised “rewarding” stuff and the reality is just a typical korean MMO grindfest. The main difference is that in other MMOs you can at least farm the things you want, here you get punished with DR on loot. A real disappointment.
I am almost done with my legendary and I have 1100 hours played.
I found the farm fun and I enjoyed it. If you dont think its worth it, too much expensive. JUST DONT GO FOR IT.
If its worth for you, you wouldnt care. All you want is some shiny weapon and be unique, but legendary is more than that.
Legendary weapon is something that proves you play more than real life. You have golds and you did every aspect of the game.
Legendary isn’t statwise better than other weapons, guys. If you aren’t the kind of player to enjoy the grind, don’t grind for it. There’s lots of things to do after hitting the level cap besides legendaries.
Build up your guild.
Start a guild.
Get a group of players to do theatrical enactments.
Find screenshots you want as wallpaper on your computer.
Collect all the XItem.
Establish a Noob Babysitting service (this is actually really fun – I got to show off for an admiring noob and we both got the daily achievement).
Compete with Toymaker Trixx by handing out cheap crafted items to everyone you see.
Have color-coordinated outfits for all of your alts.
Do all the jumping puzzles blindfolded.
Just because the game isn’t handing you things to achieve doesn’t mean there isn’t more to achieve. It’s just the game taking a step back and letting you decide what you want to do.
Legendary weapon is something that proves you play more than real life.
That’s kinda sad o.O
Anyway, the point above wasn’t that earning Legendaries isn’t fast enough. Rather, that the current way to acquire Legendaries is badly designed. It has many good elements (Gift of Exploration, Gift of Battles, and so on), but it relies too much on earning gold, effectively becoming a grind. Considering how ArenaNet has mentioned often how they would rather avoid grinds, it’s only logical that acquiring Legendaries should be challenging and time consuming, but not based on grind.
Even a hardcore grinder playing 24/7 will need a month to just get one of them capped at 250.
Went from 80 to 250 of two T6 mats in 6 days, farmed around 4-5h per day to achieve such results.
Still ridiculous but I just wanted to bring some actual facts.
Legendary weapon is something that proves you play more than real life.
That’s kinda sad o.O
Anyway, the point above wasn’t that earning Legendaries isn’t fast enough. Rather, that the current way to acquire Legendaries is badly designed. It has many good elements (Gift of Exploration, Gift of Battles, and so on), but it relies too much on earning gold, effectively becoming a grind. Considering how ArenaNet has mentioned often how they would rather avoid grinds, it’s only logical that acquiring Legendaries should be challenging and time consuming, but not based on grind.
You dont understand one thing … Areanet really dont want grind game and they dont encourage grind at all. Thats why you have DR.
They made legendary as long term goal, year or more. They wanted players to play dungeons, wvw, some events, spvp and there gain all the gold and mats, but they cant just stop unpatient HC farmers like me, who enjoy farming gold to achieve it faster by farming.
LEGENDARY WEAPONS are not ment to be grinded in 3 months. it was supposed to take years. But if you are unpatient and HC player like me and you want your legendary in 3-5 months, I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND HOW CAN YOU EVEN COMPLAIN. BECAUSE YOU CHOOSE TO GRIND CAUSE YOU WANT YOUR LEGENDARY FAST.
So please stop complaining that legendary is about farm. Because If you think its about farm and grind, its only because you choose to do that this way and you just want long term goal to be achieved in 3 months.
If they made legendary weapons obtained by long quest which take 1-2 years to complete. There would be another thousands new players complaining about how its long and how its only about lame quests and how its not legendary because the quests are so boring.
And to by honest, for developers and for the game itself its easyer and healthyer to let players craft legendary mostly from gold related materials than some story. If it was story, everyone would have it and it would take huge amount of resources to create this story, those can be used to add major content, as wvw, spvp, dung stuff.
LEGENDARY WEAPONS are ment to be crafted by 5% +- player base of Guild Wars 2. You think its worth to create long story, content that sucks that many resources only for 5% player base? I dont think so.
And dont even try to say anything about everyone should have his legendary, just dont please.
People will complain either if Legendary is done by puzzle, story, gold or whatever. Thats what people do the most. Complain
(edited by Kacigarka.5176)
Even a hardcore grinder playing 24/7 will need a month to just get one of them capped at 250.
Went from 80 to 250 of two T6 mats in 6 days, farmed around 4-5h per day to achieve such results.
Still ridiculous but I just wanted to bring some actual facts.
Well you wanted to grind, nothing ridiculous about this. If you were patient and didnt want your legenadry in 3-4 months, you could easyly farm one hour a day and have it in year or more.
And by the way, maybe gold, material farming is not fun for you, but for many it is. I do enjoy farming 100x more than doing story quests. !!!!!!
If I wanted to play story driven game, I wouldnt play MMORPGs, I would play Assasins creed, Mass effect, skyrim. If I wanted to play skill based game now, I woud play Dota 2, FPS games.
So once again…
Legendary weapons were created as long term goal.
(edited by Kacigarka.5176)
I’m pretty close to my Legendary and I really think you forgot to mention one simple aspect of the game. Trading. It has been important in GW1 and it is important now. It requires skill as well, and is something a lot of people enjoy. If you don’t like it – you don’t have to, you can gather the materials yourself, you will need longer, but you will get it eventually. I’m actually really happy that lengendaries require mastery in every aspect of the game, and trading is one of them IMO.
The only thing you really need to grind to get a legendary is KARMA. I think if you have done EVERY event in the game and every fractal once, you still wouln’t be close to 1mio. Having to do the same things over and over again to get the karma is pure grind and imo the only thing that is wrong with how legendaries are made. The addition of liquid karma was great, but i think you still need to much karma for the shards.
The only thing you really need to grind to get a legendary is KARMA. I think if you have done EVERY event in the game and every fractal once, you still wouln’t be close to 1mio. Having to do the same things over and over again to get the karma is pure grind and imo the only thing that is wrong with how legendaries are made. The addition of liquid karma was great, but i think you still need to much karma for the shards.
I don’t know about this. I’ve been playing the game since release, and despite only doing Dailies (haven’t completed any Monthlies since I haven’t done WvW yet), I’ve already amassed 30+ Jugs of Karma and some Drops of Liquid Karma as well. If I were to use a Karma booster, the Guild +15% bonus and the +5% Guild banner before slugging them all down, that’s more than 230,000 karma gained. People who have been completing Monthlies as well could probably gain close to 500,000 karma, and that’s only been one month since the Jugs were released.
If Legendaries are meant to be an item one earns over a few years of play, they’d have more than enough karma to get a Legendary (yes, even including the Clovers gamble) by the end of just 3 months of regular play.
Even a hardcore grinder playing 24/7 will need a month to just get one of them capped at 250.
Went from 80 to 250 of two T6 mats in 6 days, farmed around 4-5h per day to achieve such results.
Still ridiculous but I just wanted to bring some actual facts.
Well you wanted to grind, nothing ridiculous about this. If you were patient and didnt want your legenadry in 3-4 months, you could easyly farm one hour a day and have it in year or more.
And by the way, maybe gold, material farming is not fun for you, but for many it is. I do enjoy farming 100x more than doing story quests. !!!!!!
If I wanted to play story driven game, I wouldnt play MMORPGs, I would play Assasins creed, Mass effect, skyrim. If I wanted to play skill based game now, I woud play Dota 2, FPS games.So once again…
Legendary weapons were created as long term goal.
I actually enjoy grinding. Wouldn’t have spent that much time per day otherwise.
Just said it was ridiculous because it’s clear someone who hate grinding (or trading) will pretty much never get one. Not that it’s an issue in my eyes though but i get why they would be angry/disappointed.
Frenzy screenshots incoming sunday night or monday for those interested in that legendary btw (probably few :p)
Legendary weapon is something that proves you play more than real life.
That’s kinda sad o.O
Anyway, the point above wasn’t that earning Legendaries isn’t fast enough. Rather, that the current way to acquire Legendaries is badly designed. It has many good elements (Gift of Exploration, Gift of Battles, and so on), but it relies too much on earning gold, effectively becoming a grind. Considering how ArenaNet has mentioned often how they would rather avoid grinds, it’s only logical that acquiring Legendaries should be challenging and time consuming, but not based on grind.
You dont understand one thing … Areanet really dont want grind game and they dont encourage grind at all. Thats why you have DR.
They made legendary as long term goal, year or more. They wanted players to play dungeons, wvw, some events, spvp and there gain all the gold and mats, but they cant just stop unpatient HC farmers like me, who enjoy farming gold to achieve it faster by farming.
LEGENDARY WEAPONS are not ment to be grinded in 3 months. it was supposed to take years. But if you are unpatient and HC player like me and you want your legendary in 3-5 months, I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND HOW CAN YOU EVEN COMPLAIN. BECAUSE YOU CHOOSE TO GRIND CAUSE YOU WANT YOUR LEGENDARY FAST.
So please stop complaining that legendary is about farm. Because If you think its about farm and grind, its only because you choose to do that this way and you just want long term goal to be achieved in 3 months.
If they made legendary weapons obtained by long quest which take 1-2 years to complete. There would be another thousands new players complaining about how its long and how its only about lame quests and how its not legendary because the quests are so boring.
And to by honest, for developers and for the game itself its easyer and healthyer to let players craft legendary mostly from gold related materials than some story. If it was story, everyone would have it and it would take huge amount of resources to create this story, those can be used to add major content, as wvw, spvp, dung stuff.
LEGENDARY WEAPONS are ment to be crafted by 5% +- player base of Guild Wars 2. You think its worth to create long story, content that sucks that many resources only for 5% player base? I dont think so.
And dont even try to say anything about everyone should have his legendary, just dont please.People will complain either if Legendary is done by puzzle, story, gold or whatever. Thats what people do the most. Complain
I hate anyone who brings up the ~5% argument in support of the current requirements of making a legendary.
Let me set you straight, from Steam statistics, usually only about 5% of players ever complete a game in the first place. So really, legendaries should be for someone who completes the game, namely does all the dungeons, explores all the land, completes the story line, and a few of the other good ones from the OP post.
Legendaries should not be for people who grind gold and materials all day for 5 hours everyday. They’re a reward for sticking with it and completing the game, not for grinding. They need a serious revamp. Especially the RNG element of the precursor. (Mats is a RNG matter as well, but you can still get them regularly, but they need fixing too)
Gift of Fortune is just ridiculous considering the current price of t6 mats and the horrible drop rate. Even a hardcore grinder playing 24/7 will need a month to just get one of them capped at 250. While A-Net is busy making new content while abandoning the rest, they forget about their “no grind” philosophy completely. I had high hopes for this game because we were promised “rewarding” stuff and the reality is just a typical korean MMO grindfest. The main difference is that in other MMOs you can at least farm the things you want, here you get punished with DR on loot. A real disappointment.
You speak as if you know well hardcore farmers.
I started my legendary farm around Halloween, and right now I’m about to finish it (only around 100k karma needed, got all the mats besides 4 clovers)
Here’s a funny situation that makes me happy with the current legendary issue at hand:
I’m rotating between characters and for about an hour been seeing the same people simply waiting in Frost Gorge talking about when then Dragon comes instead of doing something more productive for themselves in game.
I really hope that this was just a one bad example, but if the norm is just to expect some RNG to be your saving grace, then I demand the situation to remain as is forever, I’m quite happy with 5% of population owning legendaries.
I hate anyone who brings up the ~5% argument in support of the current requirements of making a legendary.
Let me set you straight, from Steam statistics, usually only about 5% of players ever complete a game in the first place. So really, legendaries should be for someone who completes the game, namely does all the dungeons, explores all the land, completes the story line, and a few of the other good ones from the OP post.
Legendaries should not be for people who grind gold and materials all day for 5 hours everyday. They’re a reward for sticking with it and completing the game, not for grinding. They need a serious revamp. Especially the RNG element of the precursor. (Mats is a RNG matter as well, but you can still get them regularly, but they need fixing too)
Doest matter what you hate or like, you are just one player among millions. Clearly you have your oppinion, but as you can see. Developers agree with him more than with you.
Legendary weapons are and always be luxury weapon, something that only small portion of players will achieve, the most rich and most playing players. End of discussion.
And thats how it should be, if you ask me.
The whole Guild Wars 2 content can be achieved easyly, its easy to complete story, do all dungeons, have 100% map. Every casual can do that in few weeks, months. Legendary weapons are for Hardcore players, dunno why you cant understand it?
Many players are satisfied with the way legendaries are obtained now. Only because you are not, doesnt mean they have to change anything.
I am happy that I am one of the 5% play base and that legendaries are about farming, gold and also about the mastering every aspect of the game. I will be also the first player in my guild to achieve this goal, there are about 5 more players who are close to finish their legendaries too. But I know this, the rest of the guild is not jealous, they are not comming here and complaining about legendaries and how expensive and gold related they are.
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
Legend should be a long therm objective for casual players, “short” for more HC players. If you do it casually surely you wont have the: Why grind? attitude. No one its telling you to do it. So why ppl keep complaining? I grind for my objectives and I’ve chosen to do it. Its the way I play. I don’t complain.
Here is what I think would be a good alternative:
Precursor: get one precursor for completing each explorer mode path for each dungeon. Make it so this can be done once per character.
Monthly achievement: get to pick a gift that can be used towards a legendary (twilight would take 8 months or so for example). The farming route can be an alternative but not required.
Instead of you making it in the Mystic Forge, add some grandmaster weaponsmith, a mystical like character perhaps a dwarf or some ethereal being, anyways… sending you on an epic quest line similar to the story series, perhaps can only be started once your personal story is completed.
Here is what I think would be a good alternative:
Precursor: get one precursor for completing each explorer mode path for each dungeon. Make it so this can be done once per character.
Monthly achievement: get to pick a gift that can be used towards a legendary (twilight would take 8 months or so for example). The farming route can be an alternative but not required.
Instead of you making it in the Mystic Forge, add some grandmaster weaponsmith, a mystical like character perhaps a dwarf or some ethereal being, anyways… sending you on an epic quest line similar to the story series, perhaps can only be started once your personal story is completed.
uhmm, no.
A guaranteed precursor for explorer mode for dungeons that already have walk-through guides all over the internet? THis is just smells like “welfare epic” system of WoW. I like the fact that there’s a bit of luck involved in getting precursor, if you are lucky, u get it from an events or chest drop, if not, you grind and save gold and you buy yourself one that’s determined by the market demand.
Here is what I think would be a good alternative:
Precursor: get one precursor for completing each explorer mode path for each dungeon. Make it so this can be done once per character.
Monthly achievement: get to pick a gift that can be used towards a legendary (twilight would take 8 months or so for example). The farming route can be an alternative but not required.
Instead of you making it in the Mystic Forge, add some grandmaster weaponsmith, a mystical like character perhaps a dwarf or some ethereal being, anyways… sending you on an epic quest line similar to the story series, perhaps can only be started once your personal story is completed.
Story series = epic quest line?
This is epic quest line. In order to get the final weapon you had to do already 2 insane intermediate chains to get a precursor weapon on each. If you are refering to something like his…yes I am all for it.
If you want to replace the cumbersome parts of the process with something….then make it so it actually makes legendaries less frequent than 5% of the total population as ANet claimed they would be. Now tell me what kind of challenge would be able to be completed by only that small fraction of the population…..not to mention the outcry and whining….If they cannot dedicate just time to finish this easy but time consuming process….imagine what would happen if they had to train to increase their playerskill in a timely fashion (about a year) in order to complete (if they could) this whole thing.
GL with that.
(edited by Delolith.9645)
Yep. Exactly agree with these 2 posts above me.
I see nothing wrong about legendaries beeing about gold. They are just epxensive awesome toys.
So whoever is willing to grind 10 hour a day will just have his toy sooner, dont see anything wong with that.
No one here can complain that legendary is about grind! IF ITS about grind, its only because YOU choose to grind and you want it now, you are unpatient.
I should be done with my legendary in a week.
Did I farm a alot? Yes. Did I enjoyed it? Yes. Am I unpatient and HC player? Yes.
Do I enjoy story or quests? No.
But I know players that dont farm or grind ever, they just do dungeons, wvw, world events, spvp, etc. becaues they dont mind getting their legendaries in a year. Thats how it supposed to be.
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
Here is what I think would be a good alternative:
Precursor: get one precursor for completing each explorer mode path for each dungeon. Make it so this can be done once per character.
Monthly achievement: get to pick a gift that can be used towards a legendary (twilight would take 8 months or so for example). The farming route can be an alternative but not required.
Instead of you making it in the Mystic Forge, add some grandmaster weaponsmith, a mystical like character perhaps a dwarf or some ethereal being, anyways… sending you on an epic quest line similar to the story series, perhaps can only be started once your personal story is completed.
uhmm, no.
A guaranteed precursor for explorer mode for dungeons that already have walk-through guides all over the internet? THis is just smells like “welfare epic” system of WoW. I like the fact that there’s a bit of luck involved in getting precursor, if you are lucky, u get it from an events or chest drop, if not, you grind and save gold and you buy yourself one that’s determined by the market demand.
First – there are guides for everything, so that is a moot point.
Let me clarify, the precursor (which is no more powerful than any exotic) for doing ALL paths. You already have a chance of getting it in a chest, but it is more available a a MF gamble? That is not Legendary; that is lottery.
Yep. Exactly agree with these 2 posts above me.
I see nothing wrong about legendaries beeing about gold. They are just epxensive awesome toys.
So whoever is willing to grind 10 hour a day will just have his toy sooner, dont see anything wong with that.
No one here can complain that legendary is about grind! IF ITS about grind, its only because YOU choose to grind and you want it now, you are unpatient.
I should be done with my legendary in a week.
Did I farm a alot? Yes. Did I enjoyed it? Yes. Am I unpatient and HC player? Yes.
Do I enjoy story or quests? No.But I know players that dont farm or grind ever, they just do dungeons, wvw, world events, spvp, etc. becaues they dont mind getting their legendaries in a year. Thats how it supposed to be.
And besides the gift of exploration and gift of battle, farm 1,000,000 karma (with daily and monthly that is not that hard now) and buy gold with gems…. May as well just put the skins on the TP for all they are really worth.
Legendaries are not Legendary. They are not game accomplishments. They are simply how long you can stand farming a single spot. The only “effort” in them right now is research the interwebz for the most efficient farm spot.
I am not even asking them to remove the current method, but I want them to live up to their ideal of flexibility. Heck the method I suggest would require you have conquered the major of the game’s PvE content, and a process taking up to 3/4 of a year.
I am sad to say it but Legendaries = WoW’s grind game play model. A tragedy for what is the pinochle of PvE achievement in the game.
(edited by Doomgrin.8359)
And besides the gift of exploration and gift of battle, farm 1,000,000 karma (with daily and monthly that is not that hard now) and buy gold with gems…. May as well just put the skins on the TP for all they are really worth.
Legendaries are not Legendary. They are not game accomplishments. They are simply how long you can stand farming a single spot. The only “effort” in them right now is research the interwebz for the most efficient farm spot.
I am not even asking them to remove the current method, but I want them to live up to their ideal of flexibility. Heck the method I suggest would require you have conquered the major of the game’s PvE content, and a process taking up to 3/4 of a year.
I am sad to say it but Legendaries = WoW’s grind game play model. A tragedy for what is the pinochle of PvE achievement in the game.
Ofcourse they could. Why not to sell legendary weapon on TP for 800g. I dont see anything wrong with it.
So you wanna tell me that finishing your story in guild wars 2 is bigger acomplishment than gaining 800 gold, 1M karma, 300 skill points, etc? LoL
Because I dont enjoy story in GW at all and I have done everry explorable mode month after the release. Nothing hard about it.
Who has the gold, can buy it. Legendary weapons are just awesome looking skin weapons, thats all.
WoW’s grind game model = almost every mmorpg model (Do you know there exists also another mmorpgs, not only wow and GW ?)
FARMING gold and material is one of the biggest part of MMORPGS.
I am done with my legendary in a week max and I am 100% sure after I craft it, It will be BIG acomplishement for me. Atleast 1000x bigger than finishing GW story, finishing dungeon master title, finishing JPs … those are easyly finished by every player..
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
The whole Guild Wars 2 content can be achieved easyly, its easy to complete story, do all dungeons, have 100% map
And it’s easy to farm. In fact, it’s so easy, and so mindless, that even the very simple bots that used to infestate GW2 could do it easily.
Is it easy to do the dungeons? Sure. But still, even if it only takes half of a player’s attention to play through a dungeon while he/she reads a book at the same time, that’s still more attention needed than that of bot managers, who don’t even have to pay attention to the game while bots farm. The storyline is easy, too, but farming manages to be even easier and significantly more mindless.
In the end, what does the current system reward? Time spent and grind. That is, simply, not enough. Legendaries should be rewards for skill, for doing challenging content, for playing everything the game has to offer. Farming is none of that – repeating the same activity over and over in the same little corner of the world is actually rather worthless.
The Gift of Exploration is a step in the right direction – it’s not a huge challenge, true, but it’s at least more challenging than farming (a bot couldn’t do it). Playing through WvW for Badges of Honor is better than farming, too – a bot also couldn’t do it successfully. It is odd, then, that despite having those interesting components, most of acquiring a Legendary is a matter of only time spent and grind. The game should reward better, more worthy, things than that.
If you want to replace the cumbersome parts of the process with something….then make it so it actually makes legendaries less frequent than 5% of the total population as ANet claimed they would be. Now tell me what kind of challenge would be able to be completed by only that small fraction of the population…..
GL with that.
I’m picturing a Clock Tower type difficult jump puzzle at the end of challenging PvE dungeon. At the top is a grand arena. Once 25 people make it, a PvP battle royal ensues. Only the survivor gets the item used to make the legendary so it rewards the best of all in game challenges.
I’m joking of course. But it seemed funny in my head at least.
The whole Guild Wars 2 content can be achieved easyly, its easy to complete story, do all dungeons, have 100% map
And it’s easy to farm. In fact, it’s so easy, and so mindless, that even the very simple bots that used to infestate GW2 could do it easily.
Is it easy to do the dungeons? Sure. But still, even if it only takes half of a player’s attention to play through a dungeon while he/she reads a book at the same time, that’s still more attention needed than that of bot managers, who don’t even have to pay attention to the game while bots farm. The storyline is easy, too, but farming manages to be even easier and significantly more mindless.
In the end, what does the current system reward? Time spent and grind. That is, simply, not enough. Legendaries should be rewards for skill, for doing challenging content, for playing everything the game has to offer. Farming is none of that – repeating the same activity over and over in the same little corner of the world is actually rather worthless.
The Gift of Exploration is a step in the right direction – it’s not a huge challenge, true, but it’s at least more challenging than farming (a bot couldn’t do it). Playing through WvW for Badges of Honor is better than farming, too – a bot also couldn’t do it successfully. It is odd, then, that despite having those interesting components, most of acquiring a Legendary is a matter of only time spent and grind. The game should reward better, more worthy, things than that.
Well you say, legendary weapons should be this and I say Legendary weapons should be about gold and farm … And if I am corrent, developers agree with me more on this.
So dont act you speak for whole player base, cause there are thousands of players like me, who enjoy farming, etc. Yes, there are also thousands of players that dont enjoy it. But you CANT please everyone, can you?
So what Arenanet did is, they set up Legendary weapons to be about gold and about farming, materials, etc. You should just get over it, get use to it. And decide either its worth for you to spend the gold on it or not.
I dont see why are you making post about it, because there wont change anything about it. Its already running system, players already did spend thousands of golds for their legendaries. Not gonna happen
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
If you want to replace the cumbersome parts of the process with something….then make it so it actually makes legendaries less frequent than 5% of the total population as ANet claimed they would be. Now tell me what kind of challenge would be able to be completed by only that small fraction of the population…..
GL with that.I’m picturing a Clock Tower type difficult jump puzzle at the end of challenging PvE dungeon. At the top is a grand arena. Once 25 people make it, a PvP battle royal ensues. Only the survivor gets the item used to make the legendary so it rewards the best of all in game challenges.
I’m joking of course. But it seemed funny in my head at least.
And I am picturing Legendary weapons to cost 1500 +- gold. So who has right to say how it should be?
I am totally happy with the way Legendary weapons are obtained now.
And I say once more, again MMORPGs are and always will be about gold, farming, material, gear. Not about SKILL (skill is pvp related), puzzles, …
You want skill based game ? Dota, FPS games, Starcraft 2, etc.
You want story driven games? Mass effect, etc ..
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
Agreed, the legendary process (aside from the dungeon gift/WvW gift and exploration gift) requiring little more than grinding gold is incredibly dull and unimaginative.
I dont see why are you making post about it, because there wont be any change to this.
There will. We have already been told that precursors will be changed from the current grind to a scavenger hunt. And one of the reasons for the change was the feedback ArenaNet received from those asking them to change the way precursors are acquired. They have already taken one step in the right direction by requiring things such as the Gift of Exploration, another will be taken by changing how to get precursors… How long do you think it will take for them to change the rest?
I have the feeling you are asking people to not discuss this subject simply because you like things as they currently are and do not want to see any change. Change, however, is already coming.
And I say once more, again
MMORPGs are and always will be about gold, farming, material, gear. Not about SKILL (skill is pvp related), puzzles, …
You want skill based game ? Dota, FPS games, Starcraft 2, etc.
You want story driven games? Mass effect, etc ..
I remember when people said, “You want story driven games? Forget FPS, go play RPGs!”, and then Half Life proved them wrong, opening the door to Bioshock and many similar and extremely successful games.
Other MMORPGs are all about grind. This does not mean MMORPGs are about grind – rather, that all other MMORPGs are just copying each other (which happens to be true, in fact). It’s about time someone made a MMORPG that is trying to be fun, not a grind. And if all someone wants is a grind-based MMORPG… There are half a dozen other MMOs like that out there.
(edited by Erasculio.2914)
“And besides the gift of exploration and gift of battle, farm 1,000,000 karma (with daily and monthly that is not that hard now) and buy gold with gems…. May as well just put the skins on the TP for all they are really worth”
Well… Legendaries cost about 1200g (roughly)
So with this argument/point
100 Gems = 1 Gold
4000 gems = $50
4000/100= 40G
40G = $50
1200G/40G = 30
30x $50 = $1500
$1500 for a skin.
No one in their right mind will spend $1500 for a legendary.
I’m 100% behind Dogblaster.6713 on this one.
I used to think like everyone else until I actually did something about it.
Right now I only need an uncontested temple to complete my weapon, and it took me more or less around a month to do so.
I got less than 700 hours played by the way, so it’s really up to you guys.
Leave legendary as is.
Regardless of what it represents, it differentiates you from everyone else in a game that is already very homogenized.
There will. We have already been told that precursors will be changed from the current grind to a scavenger hunt.
They are not changing anything!!!! They are ADDING (not replacing) the new way of obtaining it. But it will be on pair with current MF and drop way
And If you think ‘’scavenger hunt’’ way will be something about story, etc. You will be highly disappointed, It will more likely be another farm of material, dungeon things, etc. It wont help you to get your precursor in a week. As the dev said, hes working on it (alone) so it wont be anything that requires team, etc.
(Imagine Obsidian shards, they were obtained by karma only. Now they add them to Fractals so you can buy them with tokens there. Did they make it easyer? No. They just add another way, but its equal difficulty)
The only reason they are doing it was because Dusk, Legend, Dawn were for 400-500g, if they were 200g like every other precursor, nothing would be added.
With the fact you are tryeing to prove here, I have no more intentions to argue with you I will just lol quietly in my hearth
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
“And besides the gift of exploration and gift of battle, farm 1,000,000 karma (with daily and monthly that is not that hard now) and buy gold with gems…. May as well just put the skins on the TP for all they are really worth”
Well… Legendaries cost about 1200g (roughly)
So with this argument/point
100 Gems = 1 Gold
4000 gems = $50
4000/100= 40G
40G = $50
1200G/40G = 30
30x $50 = $1500
$1500 for a skin.
No one in their right mind will spend $1500 for a legendary.
You would be surprised. The guy who crafted eternity first, admitted to dumping thousands into the gem store, and converted his gems into gold to purchase the mats to craft it.
“And besides the gift of exploration and gift of battle, farm 1,000,000 karma (with daily and monthly that is not that hard now) and buy gold with gems…. May as well just put the skins on the TP for all they are really worth”
Well… Legendaries cost about 1200g (roughly)
So with this argument/point
100 Gems = 1 Gold
4000 gems = $50
4000/100= 40G
40G = $50
1200G/40G = 30
30x $50 = $1500
$1500 for a skin.
No one in their right mind will spend $1500 for a legendary.You would be surprised. The guy who crafted eternity first, admitted to dumping thousands into the gem store, and converted his gems into gold to purchase the mats to craft it.
I think it has 2 positives, the guy has his legendary and Arenanet made more money than from 50+ avarage players.
Remeber .. Arenanet is company, their main goal is to make money. What do you think will players spend more real money on??? Expensive legendary weapons, where they need to farm 1000 g or some story, where you dont need any gold at all?
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
“And besides the gift of exploration and gift of battle, farm 1,000,000 karma (with daily and monthly that is not that hard now) and buy gold with gems…. May as well just put the skins on the TP for all they are really worth”
Well… Legendaries cost about 1200g (roughly)
So with this argument/point
100 Gems = 1 Gold
4000 gems = $50
4000/100= 40G
40G = $50
1200G/40G = 30
30x $50 = $1500
$1500 for a skin.
No one in their right mind will spend $1500 for a legendary.You would be surprised. The guy who crafted eternity first, admitted to dumping thousands into the gem store, and converted his gems into gold to purchase the mats to craft it.
And you think thats wrong? I think it has 2 positives, the guy has his legendary and Arenanet made more money than from 50+ avarage players.
Remeber .. Arenanet is company, their main goal is to make money. What do you think will players spend more real money on??? Expensive legendary weapons, where they need to farm 1000 g or some story, where you dont need any gold at all?
Where did I say there was anything wrong with what the player decided to do with his money?
The person I was responding to made a comment and I replied to it, I don’t know why you’re attempting to paint it as though I have a problem with someone deciding to spend their money on a in-game item.
I recently decided to go for a legendary weapon because it’s so shiny and I wants it. When I made my decision I knew full well that it would probably take a year to make it. I’m slowly but happily working towards my goal. I already had my badges of honor, my gift of exploration and bunches of karma. Every time I get a clover there’s a big smile on my face. So I’m thoroughly enjoying the process and don’t find it to be a grind because I’m not grinding. I spend a few minutes here and there around the world to get my mats instead of staying in one place for hours grinding. I’m visiting maps I haven’t been to since I first cleared them out. So I don’t mind that there is this getting gold and mats part of the legendary. It makes it just that much harder to get and a little more special.
I will add that the only thing I don’t like is getting the Arah dungeon tokens.
(edited by Pangie.3217)
I recently decided to go for a legendary weapon because it’s so shiny and I wants it. When I made my decision I knew full well that it would probably take a year to make it. I’m slowly but happily working towards my goal. I already had my badges of honor, my gift of exploration and bunches of karma. Every time I get a clover there’s a big smile on my face. So I’m thoroughly enjoying the process and don’t find it to be a grind because I’m not grinding. I spend a few minutes here and there around the world to get my mats instead of staying in one place for hours grinding. I’m visiting maps I haven’t been to since I first cleared them out. So I don’t mind that there is this getting gold and mats part of the legendary. It makes it just that much harder to get and a little more special.
I will add that the only thing I don’t like is getting the Arah dungeon tokens.
thanks for sharing this. i knew i wanted a legendary from when i first heard about them. when i laid eyes on the Juggernaut, i knew i wanted THAT one. so then, i began my quest for one…
and the same, i knew what i was getting into. i knew i wasn’t going to be world first. i knew it would take quite some time and materials and effort. but i don’t mind at all. i’m slowly but surely making my way towards the legendary. i’m about half way with most stuff.. but pretty much everything i do in-game is, one way or another, contributing to my legendary. i’ve had about 99% map completion for the longest time. what with only a few skillpoints and POIs i can count on one hand left to tackle, but i’m in no hurry. sure i like seeing progress, and that being said, i don’t mind taking my time either. i love the game as is, and only look forward to more improvements. the day i get my legendary will just be a huge bonus. ; )))
(Imagine Obsidian shards, they were obtained by karma only. Now they add them to Fractals so you can buy them with tokens there. Did they make it easyer? No. They just add another way, but its equal difficulty)
More difficult, actually (since doing Fractals is less mindless than farming). Which is exactly what I have been asking for. Thank you for proving my point
(Imagine Obsidian shards, they were obtained by karma only. Now they add them to Fractals so you can buy them with tokens there. Did they make it easyer? No. They just add another way, but its equal difficulty)
More difficult, actually (since doing Fractals is less mindless than farming). Which is exactly what I have been asking for. Thank you for proving my point
When I am talking about difficulty, I am talking about how much time does it take .. Obtaining fractal tokens is not hard at all, you can just farm difficulty 1-10 all the time if you dont like karma way
So nah its not more difficult if you dont choose to.
I dont mind adding the new way of obtaining precursors, as long its hard and it takes equaly long. But I didnt mind mystic forge way either and I bought mine precursor from TP.
But I dont think there is anything else that needs to be changed or adjusted. The rest of the legendary journey is totally as it should be.
Now when I have my Gift of the Juggernaunt and Fortune done, I need to do some exploring
Cya guys
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
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