Mystic Chest for Mat Sinkers?
people making money off it. getting more or less then they spent. well thats what i read on gamefaqs.
They were a temporary solution to the huge supply of materials that had little use and were stuck on the lowest price point on the Trading Post. It’s become obvious that this didn’t solve the problem though. Little use + high drop rate caused the huge influx of butter, iron, soft wood logs and so on to begin with, and that was never adressed. We might see ANet taking a slower approach to it this time around, focusing on the core problem instead of just implementing a temporary solution like they did the last time around.
I don’t know how i feel about the mat sink chests.
It creates temporary spikes in mat value, which will eventually lead to people just stockpiling cheap mats on speculation.
In turn, this will raise the static price of cheap, common mats, but only for the sole reason of waiting for the next mystic chest and gambling that the avg. market value of what’s inside will exceed what they paid for the mats.
I don’t like that system, as it seems a bit tacky.