Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Obed.7629



I understand that you may get uneven runs from a random number generator, but overall is there a difference in drop rate for the 10 Clover recipe vs. the 1 Clover recipe?

I suspect they are the same.

I’ve heard, however, that the 1 Clover recipe is more productive, but in my own very limited experience I’ve had better luck with the 10 Clover recipe, at least so far.

Is there a different expected outcome in the non-Clover products of the two recipes?

(edited by Obed.7629)

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Obed.7629



This is pretty closely related to Maybe I’ll go back to trying one at a time.

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Yoji.5610


You should do the 1 Clover recipe. The variance for the 10 Clover recipe is higher, therefore it is way more of a gamble. I got unlucky on the 10 Clover recipe and ended up with 22 Clovers after 250 Ectoplasms used. Do not make the same mistake.

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Midnightjade.3520


You should do the 1 Clover recipe. The variance for the 10 Clover recipe is higher, therefore it is way more of a gamble. I got unlucky on the 10 Clover recipe and ended up with 22 Clovers after 250 Ectoplasms used. Do not make the same mistake.

^This. The overall drop rate is the same but for the same amount of ingredients used the number of attempts for the 1 clover recipe will be much higher than for the 10 recipe. This means that the variance for the 10 recipe will be much higher ie it is more unpredictable and therefore much more of a risk. If you use the 1 recipe, the outcome will be smoother and more predictable – much less of a risk.

If you use the 10 recipe, there is a chance of a stunning win against the odds but an equal chance of catastrophic failure. In general using it is a bad idea.

Onyx: Norn Guardian 80. Queen in Tatters: Asura Mesmer 80.
[The Flameseeker Prophecies] 4/11/13
Itinerant, no guild.

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Rezz.8019


You’re quite lucky actually, you’re getting tons of profit from t6 material.

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


Imagine playing darts.

- In session 1 you get 250 darts.
- In session 2 you get 25 darts.

Both sessions have the same chances of hitting bulleye.
Which one do you think will hit more often?

1+1 = potato

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: FangedTerror.3852


Doing the 10 tier recipie i used about 200 ectos to get to 70 clovers.

In that time I got about 60 vials of powerbloods, 10 ectos, 40 crystalline dust, among the most notable things.

My guildmate, she got 70 clovers in abou 100 ectos worth. Another guildy never had a 10 batch hit and spent over 250 on single attempts alone. RNG is RNG. Try your luck and do what you are most confortable with.

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: jwaz.1908


You’re quite lucky actually, you’re getting tons of profit from t6 material.

You’re incorrect. Out of all the possible drops from the mystic clover recipe, only 7/20 possible outcomes of the mystic clover recipe are profitable, and out of those only 4/7 are ‘highly’ profitable. Since lodestone drops are so low, the only things you could hope to make a profit on is powerful blood, crystalline dust, and armored scales. Anything else would be a minor or huge loss.

Brom Svánigandr – Druid
Nemata Sapshield – Dragonhunter
Lillian Estre – Tempest

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Amun Ra.6435

Amun Ra.6435

Took me about 190 ectos to get my 77 clovers using the single recipe.

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: LameTerror.4032


Took me 70 ectos to get… 0 clovers.

You win some, you lose some

Game Of Elements – Elementalist
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Empressium.5482


well every kitten time im doin 10 clover recipes for clover, it spits out t6 mats and every kitten time i wanna save monies for t6, it gave me clovers.

P.S. : I’ll nuke ur lamp zomorros

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Crazy.2618


Just did the 10 drop, so far 12 tries (120Ecto) and Zero Clovers…. I hate hate hate this part of the game. I had the same luck the first time I went for 77 clovers early in the game.

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Mystic.5934


I always do 10 recipe until I get to 70, then I do 1 recipe.
first time I made a legendary, it took over 300 obby shards to get 77 (average is supposed to be about 230)
second time, it took about 190 obby shards
third and fourth time, it took about 210 obby shards

that second time… got really lucky getting to 60 (like 8 craftings), then a huge dry spell for that last group of 10.

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Masa.2708


I also did the 10 until 70 and ended up getting clovers ~25% of the time.

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Maugrem.7608


I’m working on 3 Legendaries and I have to tell you that the 10 clover recipe is awesome. I used about 350 ectos and I have about 270 Clovers. Even if you don’t get them, you get a crapton of useful t6 mats for your gifts….those are the real pain. If you don’t need the mats then I would use the 1 recipe.

Maugrem Moorgraves Ex-Nimue Nightshade (DAoC- Roisin Dubh)
An Epic 80 in every flavor (Five Thousand Finishers)

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Mystic.5934


hehe; the mats. after making all those legendaries, you know what the most memorable experience was? throwing in the recipe for 10 clovers and getting 45 vials of powerful blood. but then there’s times when you get 10 hardened leather squares.

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


If I were to go for a Legendary, I’d use the 1 Clover recipe. It’s slower, but it insulates you more from streaks of bad luck.

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


After making 6 legendaries and doing both methods, I think they pretty much even out. One at a time is slower but much easier to swallow if you get something lame like leather squares where as ten at a time is very rewarding when you get bloods or scales. So in the end my advice is “how lucky do you feel on this combine you’re about to do?” Feeling lucky, go for the ten. Not sure, go for the one.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Heltzer.2435


For my four legendaries I always tell myself " I’ll do the ten clover path cause I could use the extra T6 mats anyways." Than I land my 77 clovers in Ten try’s easily.

That’s not the norm for most tho.

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Halberto.8790


On my first go at the mystic clovers. I used the 10 recipe 15 times and only got 20 mystic clovers. It was disheartening to think that all that grinding yielding such poor results towards my legendary. A few months later, I did a combination of the 10’s and 1’s and only used 154 total recipe’s in order to get 77 clovers. It really is a kittenshoot.

Mystic Clover drop rate: 1 vs. 10

in Crafting

Posted by: Miroe.2054


The 10 clovers recipe gives you ten times more clovers :P