Mystic Forge combination broken?

Mystic Forge combination broken?

in Crafting

Posted by: SgtSarcasm.1653


I must have dropped in about 28-32 lvl 80 rare staves today in the mystic forge, and not a single exotic out of it.
Yesterday I got several, doing the same thing. Did they severely reduce the chance of getting exotic upgrade, or am I just incredibly unlucky tonight?

Khaine [80 Guardian] – Night of Wallachia [80 Warrior]
Minister of Fear [80 Necromancer] @Far Shiverpeaks EU

Mystic Forge combination broken?

in Crafting

Posted by: lackofcheese.5617


People have been saying they dropped it to 12% or so. I’m not sure myself, but that kind of a drop is believable, under current circumstances.

(edited by lackofcheese.5617)

Mystic Forge combination broken?

in Crafting

Posted by: SgtSarcasm.1653


Well, in that case it’s no longer profitable to craft 4x lvl 80 rares and drop them into the forge anymore, unless you get very lucky with your rates. Started out today with over 8g, made about 5g worth of lvl 80 rare staves and dumped them into forge, didn’t get a single exotic. So that’s 5g out of the window.


Khaine [80 Guardian] – Night of Wallachia [80 Warrior]
Minister of Fear [80 Necromancer] @Far Shiverpeaks EU