Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Kyiv.9621


Don’t know if this has been mentioned yet, I posted it on another board days ago. I found a Mystic Forge recipe, but when I put all the items in and click forge, nothing happens at all and I get the items back.

The recipe is:
250 Crystalline Dust
250 Gold Ingot
250 (Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire) Orbs. I only tried the Emerald orbs though.
50 Mystic Coins

I tried every combination of order and every time it does the same thing. I am keeping a hold of the mats hoping it gets fixed, thanks.

(edited by Kyiv.9621)

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Lady Azjurai.3078

Lady Azjurai.3078

Can confirm this doesn’t work w/ ruby or sapphire orbs either. Curious as hell what it makes since I have all the mats and such.

Everything is a match, says it’ll make something, hit forge and… nothing happens.

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Kyiv.9621


Anyone know if this is a real recipe or just a glitch? I don’t want to hold onto all these mats if it is not a real recipe, thanks in advance!

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Kaz.5430


If the forge tells you it’s a recipe and nothing happens, you should type /bug into the chat and send a bug report. Might even be worth including a screen-shot showing that the recipe is supposedly valid.

Monarchy - 15 year old browser-based game and roleplay community
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Kyiv.9621


Thanks Kaz yeah I did that almost two weeks ago hoping a dev would see this and get a fix on it lol =D

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: LinseyMurdock


Game Designer

We have a fix for this coming!

Lead Designer – Living World

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Kyiv.9621


woot great news! Interested to see what it is.

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Drintar.1246


Linsey will this fix all the broken ones? Check the bug forum there’s a thread there where people are putting in 4 items getting the this looks like a match! then the Forge eats the items and gives them nothing.

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Kyiv.9621


Woot they fixed it in the latest patch, sadly all it makes is different types of amulets that have new combos of stats

The emerald recipe made an Emerald Pendant
90 power
64 toughness
64 vitality

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: deathTouch.9706


If you combine each of the different pendants + 50 crystals in the mystic forge, you get this:


V deathTouch V – Warrior
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


@Kyiv.9621 thanks for finding this. It sure will save me lots of WvW badge farming. Is there a recipe for power vit toughness rings and accessories, too?

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Poki.8235


@Malediktus – there is not, or at least we don’t know about it yet.

Tyria… the dragons have always been here…

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Karew.2169


@deathTouch.9706 or anyone, can you tell us the stats for the Sapphire and Ruby Pendants?

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Strifey.7215


Woot they fixed it in the latest patch, sadly all it makes is different types of amulets that have new combos of stats

The emerald recipe made an Emerald Pendant
90 power
64 toughness
64 vitality


You just saved me over 500 WvW badges. Now if we could only get rings and accessories somewhere else then WvW also.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: feldspar.8345


Those are some pretty nice stats – like a Hero’s Band on steroids. But I’m disappointed in the flavor text. Did “It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this!” occur to no one?

For the Coast!

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Kyiv.9621


Strifey, here is the rest:

Emerald Pendant – 90 Power, 64 Toughness, 64 Vitality
Ruby Pendant – 90 Power, 64 Precision, 5% Critical Damage
Sapphire Pendant – 90 Vitality, 64 Healing Power, 64 Condition Damage.

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Calamity.5132


The stats on this seems…a little…overpowered considering its the same tier as other exotics.

Normal Exotics = 90 64 64 stats (5% crit counts as a 64 stat) = 218
Triforge Amy = 40 * 6 + (5% crit = 64) = 240 + 64 = 304

So the Triforge has 86 stats better? I thought all items of the same tier are supposed to have the same stats just distributed differently? Not even legendaries have better stats….

(???)???? Pocky me now!

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: chuiu.4985


@Calamity, its no different than runes of Divinity. You get +10 to all stats and +2% crit dmg. I think its nice that you get more overall stats because you’re basically ‘watering’ down whatever build you would normally have with the extra other stats.

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Calamity.5132


@Chuiu, i understand where you’re coming from but gear equipment is a little different. this is like another whole tier above. for runes, there are additional effects (that’s my only justification for runes; it’s weak, i know, but it’s something).

the stats are “barely” watered down for a huge increase and that’s what bothers me.

another thing that bothers me is that ammys are pure stats; runes are not. i’m just questioning this because it’s quite costly and i’m definitely going to go for it.

TLDR: i just want confirmation that this is “as intended” so that i can go grind for it without worrying about it getting nerfed.

(???)???? Pocky me now!

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: belcross.3198


So how does one make the emerald rings, amulet and earrings again? The power, tough, vital is the stats I want for my tank. Also can this be done with armor too?

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Fatalis.3290



It’s intended.

The more the stats are divided, the more overall points are given.

While the normal exotics have less overall stat points, they are more focused in a single area.

On the other hand, this amulet isn’t as focused on a single area, but it increases everything moderately to a further degree.

From a blog post for long ago:

“With our current implementation of the item system, items raise single attributes higher than when they raise a pair. However, the total number of points will be higher for a two-attribute item than for an item affecting a single attribute. For example, a Rare Ruby Ring gives +40 power; an equal level Gold Topaz Ring gives +33 power and +25 vitality; and a Pearl Ring gives +25 power, +25 vitality, and +25 toughness. This item system enhances another choice: do you max out one attribute or raise the total effectiveness of all your attributes? The character who deals the highest raw damage is someone who has maximized the offensive attributes, but the character who diversifies becomes a jack-of-all-trades while mastering none.”

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: urtv.8791


so is it possible to do the same for rings and earrings?

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Kyiv.9621


The op is wrong, I mistyped, it was supposed to be 250 gold ingots, not ore

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Proven.2854


It’s intended. Just go into the PvP mists, check the vendor that gives accessories, and see the kind of stat point distributions that are there.

Call me Smith.

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Prophet.6954


Just for the record, I tried doing this with 3 different exotic craftable amulets.
I even bought a scroll, crystals, and the like and none of them combine with the amulets…
So alas, 60 skillpoints, and 6 gold later, and I still don’t have any recipe matierlas =(

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


@ prophet you needed to use the pendants, not the amulets.

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Ratto.1572


If you combine each of the different pendants + 50 crystals in the mystic forge, you get this:

i follow your instruction (or not) and cant forge it

- Ruby Orichalcum Amulet of the Beserker
- Beryl Orichalcum Amulet of the Valkyrie
- Emerald Orichalcum Amulet of the Knight
- 50 Crystals

and the forge button still gray.. what i did wrong?

Human – Thief | Norn – Warrior | Asura – Elementalist

(edited by Ratto.1572)

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Ratto.1572


@ prophet you needed to use the pendants, not the amulets.

like this [Exquisite Beryl Jewel] ?

found it…
no away :P

Human – Thief | Norn – Warrior | Asura – Elementalist

(edited by Ratto.1572)

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

If you combine each of the different pendants + 50 crystals in the mystic forge, you get this:

i follow your instruction (or not) and cant forge it

- Ruby Orichalcum Amulet of the Beserker
- Beryl Orichalcum Amulet of the Valkyrie
- Emerald Orichalcum Amulet of the Knight
- 50 Crystals

and the forge button still gray.. what i did wrong?

You need the following:

Emerald Pendant – 1
Ruby Pendant – 1
Sapphire Penant – 1
Crystals – 50

The Triforge Pendant requires 750 Gold Ingots, 150 Mystic Coins, 750 Piles of Crystalline Dust, 250 Sapphire Orbs, 250 Ruby Orbs, 250 Emerald Orbs, and 50 Crystals in total. That’s not insane like Legendaries, but still would take a long time to farm if not using the TP.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: abecy.9801


no wonder Triforge Pendant sell 110g in TP. insane mats.
-150 Mystic Coins ( 2.41g )
-750 Crystalline Dust ( 11g )
-750 Gold Ingot ( 7.8g )
-250 Sapphire Orbs ( 12.40g )
-250 Ruby Orbs ( 39.52g )
-250 Emerald Orbs ( 17.19g )
-50 Crystals ( 30 skill points )

90.32 Gold total to buy mats from TP. not including 50 Crystals

(edited by abecy.9801)

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


I wish i bought emerald orbs just when I saw the recipe. Could have gotten 250 emerald orbs for about 7g. But no I had to wait for some stupid reason.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Prophet.6954


Guys, I posted, to let everyone else know, that doing it with Orichalum Crafted amulets makes squat didly at my own expense of a good 5 gold to make. I tried 4 different orichalum amulets, with a mix of eldritch scroll, phos stones, and cyrstals. Was just trying to save people from the cost of trying that one.

Mystic Forge recipe broke (fixed) - Became Gem Pendants

in Crafting

Posted by: Ratto.1572


Human – Thief | Norn – Warrior | Asura – Elementalist