IRL I’m a professional gambler and have supported my family with it for over a decade.
Being a gambler, once I found out about the mystic forge mechanic, my interest was piqued. I had to figure out how to make money with it.
It took me about an hour of thinking and perusing the TP to find a profitable combine. I made some money with it.
Then I read all the consternation here on this forum about the MF mechanic and how much some people hate it. Thus this post. I want you to enjoy the MF mechanic, for it can be both fun and profitable. So I will explain how to make money with it (and ultimately make yourself a precursor if you so desire).
The MF works by converting an item (four at a time of course) into a random item. This random item is taken from a defined set of items. That is, if you put blue rings in, you don’t receive vicious fangs or leather trousers in return. You get either blue or green rings out.
The set of outputs is strictly defined. For a given set of inputs, you will receive an item randomly from a list of items, and you could write down every possible item on that list if you liked.
So that’s what I did. I picked an item on the trading post. Let’s call it Item A, and let’s say that Item A has a high buy order of 1s and a low sell order of 1s 50c.
I wrote down every single item that Item A could turn into in the MF. For the item I chose that I started making money with, this worked out to between 100-200 possibilities. Let’s say for the sake of argument, Item A can turn into one of 100 different items.
Now 50 of these possibilities will be one color, and 50 will be the next higher color. Let’s say Item A is a blue item. It can turn into one of 50 blue items, and also one of 50 green items.
Now I made an assumption (sometimes you gotta make these and see where they lead). I assumed that each of the 50 blue outputs was equally likely, and each of the 50 green outputs was equally likely. And that any given blue output is exactly 4 times as likely as any given green output. (I.e., 20% of the time on average you will receive a green back and 80% of the time a blue.)
Then I went to the TP and wrote down the sell price of all 100 items into a spreadsheet. For the item I chose, most of the 100 outputs were essentially junk. Let’s assume that all 50 possible blue outputs list for 1s and 1.5s on the TP and therefore will simply be fed back into the MF. Most of the green outputs were also junk. But a few of the green outputs had TP value, and a very few of the green outputs were quite valuable. Let’s say that the top ten valued green outputs were valued at:
All the other greens are worth 2s. And all the blues are worth the 1s you can buy them for on the TP.
Next step is to find the AVERAGE VALUE of the item you will get from the MP. You simply take a weighted average of the values of all the outputs (weighted by how likely they are—blues 4x more likely than greens). For these 100 items, the weighted average value of the outputs is 4s 56c. (If I did my math right. )
It costs 4s in buy orders to input into the MF, and for every 4s you input, you get an item back that will ON AVERAGE be worth 4s 56c.
Well, not exactly, since the TP fees would eat you on this particular combine and make it slightly unprofitable.
But the combine I found was much better than this one. Instead of a 4s combine being worth 4.56s, it is worth more like 11s on average. Even after fees, it’s nearly 6 silver per click as fast as I can buy items off the TP and click them away. (Hint: It beats 2g per hour farming Cursed Shore.)