Mystic Forging is unnecessarily tedious.

Mystic Forging is unnecessarily tedious.

in Crafting

Posted by: Tachii.3506


I think I made about 2 threads in suggestions section and only got about 1-3 replies.

I guess Anet doesn’t really read that section at all.

Anyways, the problem me and a lot of others have is simply how utterly tedious the Mystic Forge is. You guys made Crafting pretty streamlined, why not do the same for mystic forge?

Every weekend, it’s frustrating to click so many times to make Superior Siege weapons, Mystic clovers, lodestones, etc. Is it that hard to implement a feature similar to crafting where you can mass craft in a set number than clicking the same 4 items over and over again? It feels like a grindfest simply to make items.

Making 100 Charged Lodestones from Cores would take about, 6 clicks per lodestone, to about 600 clicks. Of course, there’s the other 100 clicks to buy one elonian wine over and over again as well. On that matter, why can’t we even mass buy items in this game from NPCs?

SBI – Thief and the occasional Guardian & Warrior.

Mystic Forging is unnecessarily tedious.

in Crafting

Posted by: Rigel.3092


Who exactly is “a lot of others” cause I certainly have no problem with using the Mystic forge nor do I consider it tedious. Opps, my bad, it always seems that the minority speaks and gets the attention of Anet rather than the majority….

Mystic Forging is unnecessarily tedious.

in Crafting

Posted by: Rouven.7409


Well, it is tedious. I’m saving the click now to accept my “gift”. But I guess the point is that it is supposed to be different from the regular crafting. If you change that you might as well get rid of the forge and just discover general recipes.

However, it might be an idea if you are forging the same item over and over with the same materials to have them stay in the window as long as you have sufficient quantities.

Buying from NPCs is brought up all the time and there should be a better system for that, especially if you have to accept the purchase each time as well.

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Mystic Forging is unnecessarily tedious.

in Crafting

Posted by: Kincaidia.3192


Have you combined 1000 major sigils or runes? How about 1200+ exotics for a precursor?

Oh, no, you haven’t?

Then this doesn’t affect you. It DOES affect a non-trivial segment of the population.

So don’t be a doushebag.

Mystic Forging is unnecessarily tedious.

in Crafting

Posted by: Tachii.3506


Who exactly is “a lot of others” cause I certainly have no problem with using the Mystic forge nor do I consider it tedious. Opps, my bad, it always seems that the minority speaks and gets the attention of Anet rather than the majority….

I don’t even consider myself a hardcore player. But occassionally when I have to make siege weapons, upgrade cores, RNG the runes, it IS tedious.

And it should be tedious since you’re doing the samething (just clicking) over and over again with no sense of reward.

Also, neither you or I know what is the majority’s consensus. I just know a lot of players that have problems with it. I only belong in one server, so there’s no way of me knowing what the “majority” is. But if me or someone else don’t come here to discuss it, it will never change.

So yeah, rather than flat out reject what I have to say, please use some empathy.

However, it might be an idea if you are forging the same item over and over with the same materials to have them stay in the window as long as you have sufficient quantities.

That’s what I mean. If the item requires RNG, then I can understand the repetitive mechanism. But if 2 cores always make a lodestone, why are we forced to repeat the same process?

SBI – Thief and the occasional Guardian & Warrior.

(edited by Tachii.3506)

Mystic Forging is unnecessarily tedious.

in Crafting

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I’ve never used the mystic forge more than 5 times in a row (for the daily achievement) and even I occasionally resent it for being so cumbersome.

Mystic Forging is unnecessarily tedious.

in Crafting

Posted by: Toroxus.9256


I agree, there needs to be a more streamline method for mass forging. And it IS a serious problem for forgers.

Mystic Forging is unnecessarily tedious.

in Crafting

Posted by: Gnat.9405


Mystic Forge is a very important click sink. There are far too many clicks in the game and this system is perfection in terms of sinking those clicks from the population.

Mystic Forging is unnecessarily tedious.

in Crafting

Posted by: Tachii.3506


Mystic Forge is a very important click sink. There are far too many clicks in the game and this system is perfection in terms of sinking those clicks from the population.


SBI – Thief and the occasional Guardian & Warrior.