Need Level 40 Items from Tailor Crafting
There are level 40 items, but they will not be the same stats set as level 35. For the most part, discoverable recipes for tier 2-5 goes something like this for all armor/weapon crafting.
Within each tier are 3 segments: X+(0-24), X+(25-49), X+(50-74)
Segment 1: Refining, 3 fine materials can be used to make different stat sets; fine gear produced is usesable at level Y
Segment 2: The other 4 fine materials can be used to make different stat sets; fine gear produced is useable at level Y+5
Segment 3: All 7 fine materials can be used to make master version of their respective stat set; gear produced is useable at level Y+10.
Segment 1 gear levels: 25, 40, 55, 70
Segment 2 gear levels: 30, 45, 60, 75
Segment 3 gear levels: 35, 50, 65, 80
Because of this patter, you will not be able to craft level 40 and 45 gear with the same stat set.
It’s not about the same stat set, and yes I already know this.
I am unable to discover any recipes for use at level 40 at all on my tailor.
I have 8 out of 18 level 40 tailor recipes discovered when I checked at the crafting station, so there’s probably no overall bug with the craft. Which components are you using for discovery? And also check if you already discovered the recipe and maybe hid it through filters.
OK, I just missed some of the possible combinations on my way up. Going back and finding them is a pain…
Thanks for the advice though!