Need help getting my legendary
Going for a legendary is a serious commitment to a very serious gold sink. Even if they nerf the cost of a precursor weapon, you’re still looking at spending a pile of gold and time. My first but of advice to you is to plan your ‘attack’. Here’s my first piece of advice:
Open up your MS word, now copy the requirement (list) of your choice weapon found at:
Now search the TP for the items/mats that you will need and enter the prices onto your ‘shopping list’. Now calculate the cost of gold you’ll need for each section, and then calculate your grand total.
Once you pick yourself up off of the floor, you can then determine what area you want to work on first. I personally did the clovers first.
Good luck, remember to take breaks and try to have fun!
I would recommend Fractals.
Fractals give a lot of yellow items, sometimes exotic as well as core and lodestones along with lots of blue and green items.
Yellow items can be salvaged so that you get glob of ectoplasm. which you need quite a lot of ( each is worth 37 silver right now). Getting them yourself will save you money.
cores and lodestones can be sold for a decent price. And all other loot give you some income in gold as well.
There is other dungeons that can be farmed such as Cof path 1, AC and more.
Farming shelter and pentient waypoints in cursed shore ( with magic find gear on ) give 2-4g an hour. farming in southsun cove ( karka area ) can give around the same income as pent/shelter.
For farming lodestones I would recommend charged lodestones. they sell atm for 4g each and is much easier to farm than onyx. charged lodestones is dropped by sparks in malchor and cursed shore and have very little hp. thus your able to kill more sparks pr hour. all lodestones have the same horrible drop rate. which is why you should farm the most expensive one. makes it more worthwhile. 1 lodestone pr hour when using 100%+ magic find is a normal average. more if your lucky.
onyx lodestones is hard to farm since you need to kill earth elementals. they have a lot more hp than sparks and takes more time to kill. farm charged lodestones, sell them and buy the lodestones you need. will save you a lot of time.
If I were you id combine a lot of ways to make money so that you dont get too bored while making money.
(edited by Black Wolf.7348)
1. Do clovers first, since these are RNG items and they will get you T6 materials.
2. Farm gold to buy the rest of your T6 materials+lodestones
3. As you are doing 1&2, you should be casually gaining karma+skillpoints.
4. Precursor last.
Once you have the 3 gifts completed, the precursor comes by either farming or tossing items in the forge, either way—you’re done with 1-3.
Gold is relatively easy to farm at about 8g per day through casual play (a few dungeons, salvaging 30 token yellows).
What I personally did is a bit different than these steps here, but I (at the time) wasn’t interested in creating a legendary. Once I hit level 80 and had my exotic gear, there was pretty much no point in keeping gold in the bank, so I begun just tossing it into the forge over the course of a month. I ended up getting Dusk+Dawn back to back in one session, which provided the funds to get Bifrost.
Oh, and make sure to do your dailies and monthly. Each jug will net you 8000 karma (with 50% booster+15% guild booster+5% banner, ect) so this is roughly 320k karma per month.
Thanks for all of the good information. very good ideas and strategy. Ill definatly start doing these things, wish me luck, and again thanks.
If you really want to farm into lodestones, go set up a group to farm TA, mesmer for TW, guard for staff, and 2 warriors, you can get about 6+ onyx cores an hour, which you can transmute into 3+ lodestones
CoF path1 until your eyes bleed, use tokens to buy rifles throw them into forge.
Farm Cursed shore, CoF path 1 & 2, and do your clovers first!
Keep an eye on the trading post for material prices so that you know when a good time to buy t6 mats are. Buy orders are your friends here. I’d suggest not buying any until after you do your clovers though, or if you’re going to get into CS farming. I get so many t6 mats from running event chains down there.
Definitely wait until the end to focus on your precursor. I used to like throwing a few rares or exotics into the forge once a week, but at this point, I’m just focusing on everything else and hoping that the scavenger hunt shows up some day.
So I have the Gift of the Dreamer, The Lover and almost Gift of Mastery (1 vista and a bit under 200k karma). So now all I need is Gift of Fortune, which seems to be miles away. I need around 200 of each T6 material and 215 ectos. I have made the 77 Mystic Clovers, which is good.
So now I need some help. Where do I get these couple of hundred of gold from? Currently I (try to) do CoE all paths for the Charged cores and lodestones and possible rares (ectos), but it doesn’t seem to be enough. I’m really bad at playing the TP and I have only a couple hours per day to play, so what can I farm for the most gold?
You might wonder where I got over 500g for Lover and Gift of Dreamer. Well, I got Dusk from a WvW Bag of Loot while farming (zerging) for Badges of Honor :P.
If it helps, I got 2 characters to farm with, a Ranger (she gets the Dreamer) and a Mesmer.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
For ectoplasm, while doing CoF, use your tokens to buy the rare pieces of armor and salvage them. 90% of the time you will get 1-3 ectos. Do that, or, get 4 exotics of the highest priced precursor and attempt to get it; you can sell it off, have money for the precursor, and still some left over.
We are sworn together by our blood…
people are saying to buy the rare pieces of armor… I just checked vendors and these are level 35 for AC… I thought ectos only dropped from equipment that was Level 70+ or when you mentioned the 30 token were you talking about the higher level dungeons and excluding the lower 6?
people are saying to buy the rare pieces of armor… I just checked vendors and these are level 35 for AC… I thought ectos only dropped from equipment that was Level 70+ or when you mentioned the 30 token were you talking about the higher level dungeons and excluding the lower 6?
There are two tabs on a lot of the vendors.
Also, you don’t have a 90% chance of getting ecto on a salvage. Rather, the ecto yield from rares salvaged with master salvage kits is about 90-92% but in very large sample sizes.
I think the chance to get zero ecto is around 20-30%, but since you also have a chance to get 2 or 3 ecto, over a very large sample, it averages about 900 ecto per 1000 salvages.
people are saying to buy the rare pieces of armor… I just checked vendors and these are level 35 for AC… I thought ectos only dropped from equipment that was Level 70+ or when you mentioned the 30 token were you talking about the higher level dungeons and excluding the lower 6?
You are correct. Ignore the lower level rares. If you want, you can save up your low level dungeon tokens for exotic weapons to throw into the forge for a guaranteed exotic that might sell for a decent amount on the TP.
thank you Heylo and Dreamslayer, you’ve given me the answers I needed, going to start daily doing all AC paths for exotic axes to dump in Mystic Forge in a bitter attempt to get Tooth of Frostfang whilst doing CoF P1 and HotW P1-3 for rares to salvage for ectos for clovers XD