New Ascended back ????? What are u mad
It is not supposed to be made in a matter of 3-4 days but more like a 2 weeks to a few months process for each ascended piece. Just play along.
Just play along.
Quit being a shill. Anet is shooting themselves in the feet with this time gated crafting crap. The worst part is that they see this as a solution, but I’m not sure what the problem was.
Some players will get gear before others do? That’s happening anyway, so why time gate it?
I got all the mats for less than 150g. It will only cost over 200 if your buying damask overpriced on tp.
250 vials of powerfull blood are really cheap against those receipes suddenly.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Yea so I looked to see what it would take/cost over 200 gold …… Are u mad? Anet either wants to buy a lot of gems or play/farm. Wow looks like I won’t be making it any time soon.
with all things considered, are you really that surprised?
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Yea so I looked to see what it would take/cost over 200 gold …… Are u mad? Anet either wants to buy a lot of gems or play/farm. Wow looks like I won’t be making it any time soon.
It’s meant to be a way to get an ascended back piece without having to do fractals for vials of mist essences.
Plus, I’m not sure where you’re getting your costs from. At 500 crafting, your only costs will be the icy runestones and whatever materials you haven’t gathered. So around 70g for the back piece if you buy the materials if I’m not mistaken. About the same as making a mystic forge back piece if you buy the materials.
Yea so I looked to see what it would take/cost over 200 gold …… Are u mad? Anet either wants to buy a lot of gems or play/farm. Wow looks like I won’t be making it any time soon.
It’s meant to be a way to get an ascended back piece without having to do fractals for vials of mist essences.
You don’t need to do fractals anymore, since the receipes were changed so you need Bloodstone now instead of the mist stuff.
And even else, why does the item with the lowest number of stats needs mats that cost more than double the price of a weapon ?
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
You don’t need to do fractals anymore, since the receipes were changed so you need Bloodstone now instead of the mist stuff.
And even else, why does the item with the lowest number of stats needs mats that cost more than double the price of a weapon ?
Oh, yeah, I completely forgot they changed it. My mistake. Even so, the pricing is still comparable.
As for comparing them to the weapons, I’m afraid I have no solid answer for that. Probably so people wouldn’t just flat out stop making the mystic forge back items.
I just want to rant really quick.
It is an ascended piece which should require some time and effort. But its very easy to obtain, people already have it.
Within 5 days, I hit level 500 on LW, created my vision crystal, and saved enough gold for the Icy Runes. EASY!
I think the time gated mats are the hardest part cause you have to wait
When you start to craft, its actually easier than you think!
It is an ascended piece which should require some time and effort. But its very easy to obtain, people already have it.
Within 5 days, I hit level 500 on LW, created my vision crystal, and saved enough gold for the Icy Runes. EASY!
I think the time gated mats are the hardest part cause you have to wait
When you start to craft, its actually easier than you think!
Yup you can easily craft it in 15days, 200g+ is the price you are paying for getting right away, crafting it yourself will cost you around 100g+
I just want to rant really quick.
Alt accounts for the win haha
Alt accounts for the win haha
That’s one advantage
Honestly I don’t see a problem. If you are assume about 50,000 accounts (which is a small fraction of the player base 2-3 millions) are pursuing ascended mats and consistently doing so, and it’s been four months since the release of ascended weapons, that means there are approximately 6 million deldrimor ingots and 6 million spirit wood planks in existence already.
If they remove time gated, then these will increase even more which devalue their true worth. I would be against it. People just need to be patient and produce one at a time. Over the course of one or two weeks and you’ll get a weapon, a month or two and you’ll get your ENTIRE set of armor.
Ascended equipment is supposed to be medium / semi-long term goal. If most semi-hard core players can get them in a day and most casual can get the entire set in a week, there would be no point. The point is hard core should be able to get the set in 1-2 weeks while semi-hard core in a month or two, and casual 3-4 months, with really lay back people should still be able to get the set in 6 months to a year.
If they remove time gated, then these will increase even more which devalue their true worth.
What true worth? They are not worth anything more to me than exalted were before ascended gear got introduced. Yes, the cost is greater, but the worth is not. A BiS gear is a BiS gear.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
If they remove time gated, then these will increase even more which devalue their true worth.
What true worth? They are not worth anything more to me than exalted were before ascended gear got introduced. Yes, the cost is greater, but the worth is not. A BiS gear is a BiS gear.
10% more damage and defense, Armor alone: 14 major, +22 minor total 36 stat points. With 6 infusion slot each adds +5, total 30 more stat points with total 66 more stat points. With possible future infusion of masterwork +7, rare +8, exotic +9 and ascended infusion +10 per slot. Totaling up to possible: +6036 = 96 stat points more than exotic. On top of that they could release ascended runes / sigil which will fit only in ascended armors and weapons. Nope, it’s not worth anything. Don’t get it. You don’t have to. You’ll do fine with exotic.
You’re paying for that shiny golden glow on the wings or that ugly grenth skull and not just stats
Also time gating has already been stated as intentional to give crafters a healthy income via people who can’t wait to show off the bestest shiniest gear in LA as soon as possible.
Why are you complaining about the prices of something that is a skin? You can still make the other “full stat” backpiece for WAY less gold. With Dwayna and Grenth you’re paying purely for the skin.
I spent ~350g the first 30 minutes after it went live to craft it, and I don’t regret it one bit. If you don’t want to make it, then don’t make it; but don’t come here crying about costs.
If they remove time gated, then these will increase even more which devalue their true worth.
What true worth? They are not worth anything more to me than exalted were before ascended gear got introduced. Yes, the cost is greater, but the worth is not. A BiS gear is a BiS gear.
10% more damage and defense, Armor alone: 14 major, +22 minor total 36 stat points. With 6 infusion slot each adds +5, total 30 more stat points with total 66 more stat points. With possible future infusion of masterwork +7, rare +8, exotic +9 and ascended infusion +10 per slot. Totaling up to possible: +6036 = 96 stat points more than exotic. On top of that they could release ascended runes / sigil which will fit only in ascended armors and weapons. Nope, it’s not worth anything. Don’t get it. You don’t have to. You’ll do fine with exotic
If you want to do the maths, do them properly please. This is just biaised beyond possible.
Short answer: get the ascended armor only if you play fractals.
Short answer: get the ascended armor only if you play fractals.
Ya know…
Final Rest was really expensive that first month too…
And Bonneti’s Rapier…
And Exodus…
If you gotta have it right this second you’re gonna get (rightly) reamed.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.