New Staff Skins = Old Trident Skins

New Staff Skins = Old Trident Skins

in Crafting

Posted by: Svarty.8019


I won’t lie. My inspiration for this topic is that I want the legendary Kraitkin as a staff.

SO, as you may have guessed, the idea is to recycle some of the old tridents to be used as staves. This is not a new idea, Arenanet, you did it yourselves with some of the existing sets.

Another reason for requesting this is that some tridents look WAY better than the spears in the same set. For example:

Then there’s Kraitkin. A majestic work of art that is doomed to be completely forgotten for the simple reasons that

  1. you can’t see as well underwater
  2. not much of the game is set underwater
  3. under water is not a very sociable place to hang out

So please, if not for me, for the trident artists in your squad! Make staff skins from the great old tridents!

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

New Staff Skins = Old Trident Skins

in Crafting

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

There’s way too much overlap between staffs and tridents as it is (half the tridents in the game are just the staff model from the same weapon set), we don’t need more.

New Staff Skins = Old Trident Skins

in Crafting

Posted by: Electro.4173


There’s way too much overlap between staffs and tridents as it is (half the tridents in the game are just the staff model from the same weapon set), we don’t need more.

That. Ditto for rifles and spearguns. If they’re meant to be separate skins, then they should be separate skins. Don’t repurpose one for the other.

New Staff Skins = Old Trident Skins

in Crafting

Posted by: sMihaly.1492


Most of the trident skins look way better than staffs.
Tormented Staff vs Tormented Trident …

or … Winter’s Timber Staff vs … oh, wait…

New Staff Skins = Old Trident Skins

in Crafting

Posted by: Bacon.7035


I would love to have a Kraitkin staff for my necro. /support


Seafarer’s Rest

New Staff Skins = Old Trident Skins

in Crafting

Posted by: endirasae.3015


I’ve wished Kraitkin was a staff for ages. It’s just too awesome a skin to be wasted underwater where it’ll barely be used, let alone seen.

New Staff Skins = Old Trident Skins

in Crafting

Posted by: Svarty.8019


See.. everybody loves Kraitkin!

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

New Staff Skins = Old Trident Skins

in Crafting

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Kraitkin is awesome, I made one more than a year ago. If you have it you will discover more and more details. This is a realy awesome work of Artdesign and many many people would like to see it on land. Me included.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong