(edited by Darx.9842)
New way of obtaining precursors CONFIRMED
I’m looking forward to this. Although I feel for those that worked hard against the RNG for their precursors, this scavenger hunt idea holds promise for me.
I think there’s a ton of potential, like maybe having to hunt unique bosses for components to craft the precursor. It would give me a reason to revisit all the corners of Tyria and make it feel somewhat like an adventure. Or even for those of you that played legend of zelda games, where you would have a unique quest chain for a rare weapon that forced you to travel all around the world to complete.
I really approve of this idea. I hope the journey will feel epic and legendary in it’s own right
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
It could be something like: “Get x of this items that you can receive only through completing your monthly achivement”. In that way they make legendary weapons a long term goal.
man you got me thinking that you already know the new way but this is old info, the precursor change was confirmed a few days ago…
I’m also excited by Linsey’s announcement. Thanks, ANet:)
I’m personally hoping for it to be tied to the “Bosses” achievement category. Seek out and slay legendary foes throughout the world, and at the end of it, your Herald sends you a mail directing you to speak to an NPC where you can choose your precursor, saying that you have proven yourself worthy of wielding such a mighty weapon.
I’m personally hoping for it to be tied to the “Bosses” achievement category.
Seek out and slay legendary foes throughout the world, and at the end of it, your Herald sends you a mail directing you to speak to an NPC where you can choose your precursor, saying that you have proven yourself worthy of wielding such a mighty weapon.
Only if they add a lot more to the list. I am nearly half done with the current list and I am not even trying.
Oh, I’m sure they’ll add a lot more to the list. There’s tons of Group Event Champion/Veteran bosses that could be added to the hit list. A few I can think of off the top of my head:
1. The Champion Cave Troll in Queensdale.
2. The Champion Icebrood fought at the end of the Battle for Dragonblest Hold in Wayfarer Foothills.
3. Goemm the Mad, from the end of the Goemm’s Lab jumping puzzle in Metrica Province.
4. Horace, from the end of the Battle in the Vaults meta-event.
5. The infamous Krait Witch at the Zopatl Grounds in Caledon Forest.
pretty sure it will be another MF recipe for 100% precursor, like this:
100 onyx lodestones+gift of metal + scroll+ 100 ascended ingredient= dusk
pretty sure it will be another MF recipe for 100% precursor, like this:
100 onyx lodestones+gift of metal + scroll+ 100 ascended ingredient= dusk
That would be dreadful. I’m praying it has nothing to do with the mystic forge. The boss hunting people mentioned above would be amazing.
do you srsly think it will be cost less than 150g??
its one of the final ingredients for legendary weapon
The real question is, will the old way of obtaining precursors still work? Will this new scavenger hunt be the only way to obtain them post-patch?
The ShadowMoon
what im wondering is if the scavenger hunt is only completable on 1 character for the your whole account or if each character can do one separately. I know hopefully it they will allow for each character but if say each character has 1, there are 5 character slots, so that means 5 precursors, wont that change the TP and the price on them if people finish the hunt? and secondly, will the precursors you get will be able to choose from 4 random ones, like when you complete a quest it shows the rewards you can receive.
Just got dusk as a drop from a random mob farming the Penitent camp in cursed shore woot, scavenger hunt over for me ::)