Newb Question
You can leave your items in the collections. I believe you have to move the bank items to your bag.
Also, make it easier on yourself and use the deposit all crafting items from the inventory window’s option menu.
For getting collectibles back to the Bank, I know about “Deposit all collectibles.”
And if I can create/discover with collectibles (raw materials) without having to take them out of the Bank, great.
But that only solves 2 of 4 problems.
What about getting Components back to the Bank, like earrings yet to be completed?
And pulling Components out of the Bank to craft with them?
I have to pull and replace EACH OF THESE COMPONENTS EACH TIME I go to use them?
I’m level15 in Jewels and Leather right now, with all these components that won’t go together to make anything new. I refuse to just “look up” recipes and then go grab the stuff … the game should just naturally allow me to progress and discover new recipes as I play. So I keep going back to the Crafting Table with new stuff, and keep finding no new Discoveries, and keep pulling out my Components, failing, then putting them back in the Bank. BORING.
you can craft directly from the bank with components- no need to take them out.
Also in the case of jewelry you have only so many things that you need to discover:
In the production window make some- hooks, settings, bands chains and filligree.
You combine the filligree with the gems in the discovery and then you combine the finished jewel with the various components to make rings, ear-rings and amulets, also in the discovery tab.
You can also upgrade your gems through the different tiers in the production window.
(edited by Morrigan.2809)
In discovery window, I imagine RED means I don’t have the LEVEL to make item.
GRAY means the grayed item will not combine with the ingredient I have added?
At my current level25 jeweler and leather-guy, is there ingredients I should be buying from someone to get some stuff made and level up? What ingredients?
At lvl 25 you can refine as much raw materials as you have/ can get your hands on.
leather and Jute for leaterworking and copper ore for jeweler.
You get the gems from mining so you should at least have a couple so just make some settings, bands, hooks, chains and combine those with every gem you have until you have discovered all the items.
For leatherworking you will need to make components, like boot soles, boot uppers etc and then you make insignia’s using jute and tier one fine materials like tiny venom,claws, totems etc. ( these are listed in your production tab)
You combine the insignia, boot sole, boot upper in the discovery tab and do that for each insignia you can make and all the different armor pieces.
Hope that helps you.
Oh btw try not to make coats and leggings unless you are making it for yourself since they use more materials
oh and you will need to buy jute thread from the master leatherworker standing next to the station to make anything.
(edited by Morrigan.2809)
I have a problem with the discovery panel. I am a level 29 tailor and when I look at the discovery panel not all my ingredients that are suitable for tailor show up, e.g. tiny scales, tiny fangs, tiny claws.
Can anybody help with this? The panel even shows materials that I cannot use, so that cannot be the reason.