Newly forged Incinerator

Newly forged Incinerator

in Crafting

Posted by: Alethia.3870


I’m not the first by any means crafting Incinerator but it’s been an absolute labor of love. I just want to give a big shout out to my guild Solum Contego and everyone on the Devona’s Rest server. With running fractals all day on the weekends to donating the last of the materials I needed, everyone in the community has been so kind and supportive to me.

I personally would like to thank my friends Windmistx, Aardig, Paris Melody, Sovereignty, Lilj, Diamondae, Wittle Tank, and many others for all their help and support.

If anyone is interested I’ll outline how I acquired the gold, materials and karma I needed below here.

Again, thank you everyone! Enjoy the pictures.

First I’d like to reiterate I did not necessarily spend an excessive amount of time farming anything for the pieces I needed for my legendary. I mostly play in the evenings and weekends due to work. Running fractals and being unlucky on Mystic Clovers generated a large amount of the T6 materials I needed for the legendary dagger.

Including this, I spend a large portion of my time playing the game flipping certain items on the trading post. I’ve been lucky a few times and unlucky on others (e.g. I bought 50g worth of silk scraps at one point and lost about 30g on the investment). Most of the money I made though was through flipping unidentified dyes when they were 2 silver and 60 copper. We originally were buying a lot of them to gamble on the rare dyes like Abyssal and Celestial to sell initially until ArenaNet fixed the drop rates for unidentified dyes. After we saw this, we pooled some money together and bought 150 gold worth of unidentified dyes for that same low price of 2 silver and 60 copper and sold it all when it hit 11 silver and 50 copper. We’ve been living like kings since. I was able to buy the last of my lodestones and other crafting materials needed through the trading post.

All of my karma came from boosted jugs of liquid karma and doing A LOT of World versus World. Devona’s Rest is fortunate to have a great commander in LilJ and I would spend many days hanging out with guildies and killing enemy invaders. It was not uncommon for many of us to make 60,000 to 80,000 karma points on a good day of WvW.

It might seem like crafting a legendary is very time consuming and it is, but it’s definitely not a grind. Just take your time and enjoy the game If you have questions or comments, please feel free to comment below and I’ll answer as soon as I can.

Click here for album


Commander Aléthia 80 Necromancer
Solum Contego [SoCo] & Ragtag [RGTG]
Devona’s Rest

Newly forged Incinerator

in Crafting

Posted by: Berkut.2837


Congratulations on your legendary. I was probably one of those invaders that was helping you achieve your legendary by being there for you to flag finish XD.

Auri Nimayil: Lvl 80 Thief (Kaineng)

Newly forged Incinerator

in Crafting

Posted by: Alethia.3870


Congratulations on your legendary. I was probably one of those invaders that was helping you achieve your legendary by being there for you to flag finish XD.

You are a gentleman and a scholar haha

Commander Aléthia 80 Necromancer
Solum Contego [SoCo] & Ragtag [RGTG]
Devona’s Rest

Newly forged Incinerator

in Crafting

Posted by: MunkeeBreath.9165


are u willing to help other people? please?

Newly forged Incinerator

in Crafting

Posted by: Berkut.2837


Which one of us are you talking to? XD

Auri Nimayil: Lvl 80 Thief (Kaineng)

Newly forged Incinerator

in Crafting

Posted by: hahawinner.5273


Glad to see another person was able to get Incinerator. I too am working on it and currently working on getting the money for the lodestones, the 500 medals from WvW, and the gift of exploration as well. Been flipping other lower priced items in the TP until I can afford to take more money risks.

Newly forged Incinerator

in Crafting

Posted by: Himei.5379


Congrats on the dagger. I am also going for one and the hardest challenge for me would be the badges since I don’t WvW (which also means I haven’t gotten 100%). I dont’ even have 1 WvW kill yet so never made monthly daily, lol.

I just decided to make one few days ago so yeah, long road ahead of me but enjoying the game so much it won’t be a chore.

Congrats on it once again, jelly.

Newly forged Incinerator

in Crafting

Posted by: Berkut.2837


Can always do the jumping puzzles for badges Himei. Some might disagree with doing that, but it is a substantial source of badges.

Auri Nimayil: Lvl 80 Thief (Kaineng)

Newly forged Incinerator

in Crafting

Posted by: Himei.5379


Can always do the jumping puzzles for badges Himei. Some might disagree with doing that, but it is a substantial source of badges.

JP are my worse enemy, lol. I’ll get there…slowly…but will get there.

Newly forged Incinerator

in Crafting

Posted by: TonyJaa.7230


I’m at a point that I want to SLAP Linsey really hard(I have everything except Spark)! So in order to avoid this act of violence, I’m accepting donations on Jade Quarry..O_o

On a serious note, congratulations!

Newly forged Incinerator

in Crafting

Posted by: zippo burntfur.9307

zippo burntfur.9307


15 character’s

“We don’t need to make gear treadmills”
Colin Johanson on how arenanet measures success