No Charged Quartz Crystals

No Charged Quartz Crystals

in Crafting

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


Now that Labyrinthe cliffs is closed there is no way to get charged quartz crystals other then converting them at place of power once a day. (this is assuming you didnt unlock the node in home instances)

Is there any possibility of more ways being added, its not like im after ascended gear… and i already have to spend more on recipes then for any other set, at the current limit its possible to make 1 celestial insignia a day, which means for a full armour set and staff and d/d it would take 45 days to craft 1 set…

isnt this just a little bit unfair and too much work for an exotic set ? when cliffs was up it was fine cause you could do stuff to earn more, though now its just a bit over the top?

p.s. sorry if this topic has already been raised, search function isnt working

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

No Charged Quartz Crystals

in Crafting

Posted by: IVIUIEI.9631


Dont they have it in the TP, I thinks it’s just 76c per quartz


No Charged Quartz Crystals

in Crafting

Posted by: Arbreth.4397


You can get the regular quartz from the home node, once a day. Not sure if it gives a chance at a charged one, otherwise once a day, have to manually charge 25 regulars at a place of power.

No Charged Quartz Crystals

in Crafting

Posted by: Darwin Iznang.1342

Darwin Iznang.1342

You can get the regular quartz from the home node, once a day. Not sure if it gives a chance at a charged one, otherwise once a day, have to manually charge 25 regulars at a place of power.

I farmed the home instance node today, and got a Charged one for the first time, along with the normal three quartz crystals.

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No Charged Quartz Crystals

in Crafting

Posted by: Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Valandil Dragonhart.2371

I’ll have to try the home instance node – I’ve NEVER hit a charged crystal from that node (the occasional 5+1 in a hit), and I hit it the regulation once a day.

The old-school Arrow-Key warrior.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”

No Charged Quartz Crystals

in Crafting

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

Hold 25 regular quartz in inventory and interact with a commune-only skill “challenge” point to make a charged quartz crystal.

No Charged Quartz Crystals

in Crafting

Posted by: Tammuz.7361


ya you MAKE charged quartz by converting regular quartz, just have 25 or more reglar quartz in inventory (from home node or AH) and go to any “place of power” skill point, you can do this once a day (resets with dailys)

this is intended to be time gated content…


(edited by Tammuz.7361)

No Charged Quartz Crystals

in Crafting

Posted by: Palador.2170


Charged quartz, or a hit of 5 quartz at once, are rare but possible when mining the home node. If you want a better chance at them, you need the picks that have a better chance of hitting rare things.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

No Charged Quartz Crystals

in Crafting

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


Um, to pretty much every response above please read first para of starting post

there is no way to get charged quartz crystals other then converting them at place of power once a day. (this is assuming you didnt unlock the node in home instances)

I know you can convert them once a day, and i know you could of got a node.

my point is that if you didnt get a node then this material is now silly, it takes far too long to get for what it is. a day for a fifth of a piece of an exotic insignia that is account bound… and there is no other way to get it now cliffs is closed!

meaning for one set of gear ive got to wait 45 days in total….

Underworld Battalion [WvW]

No Charged Quartz Crystals

in Crafting

Posted by: Mastruq.2463


Weapons aside because of the new ascended weapons, that’s a month and a half for a set of endgame gear. And that with just taking a few minutes per day and not hours of farming dungeon running per day.

That seems very reasonable and unproblematic for me. Do you consider it a burden or problem that requires changes?

No Charged Quartz Crystals

in Crafting

Posted by: Akkarrin.3406


waiting a month and a half for exotic gear… yes i find that rediculous, i would be more then happy to delve into the deepest and hardest dungeons solo to fight and work for materials but just a massive long wait for exotics is a bit silly in my oppinion

Underworld Battalion [WvW]