No replacement of bugged forge items?

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: LapuLapu.2753


A while back I posted about how I found that the recipe involving giant eye and ancient wood logs was spitting out the incorrect item. I created a bug report and a support inquiry and received this response:

While I would like to replace your items, the Guild Wars Support Team is unable to replace individual items in the manner that you are describing. We simply do not have the tools to provide this service at this time.

So I really get nothing? I and all the others who tried this recipe were the guinee pigs and the only reason anyone knows its bugged to begin with. How is that fair that we get this sub-par item? If you can’t replace it by some method in our inventory, mail us the correct item if we mail a dev or CCR the one that the forge gave us. It’s hardly fair that a bug gets fixed because we report it but we get the shaft while future people will get the benefits.

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Aiden.6483


" It’s hardly fair that a bug gets fixed because we report it but we get the shaft while future people will get the benefits."

Life isn’t fair. ArenaNet doesn’t owe you anything. The game is bugged. Sorry for your loss, move on.

Mediocre multiclasser,
PvP & WvW roaming

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: LapuLapu.2753


By that logic I can open up a business that sells customers faulty products. I owe them nothing because life isn’t fair. You’re statement shows that you have no understanding of good business practices.

To qualify my above statement though, I don’t hold it against ANet or am saying that the product is faulty or bad. There was a bug and it is going to be corrected. As a customer though, this has severely damaged my experience. I saved up from the start of the 3 day head start, spent somewhere in the neighborhood of 12g on this item, and have been rewarded with an empty pocket and an item I could’ve made myself for less than 2g.

So while I and those like me are not explicitly owed anything, good practice would dictate that we are given something to alleviate the ill feelings this has caused. At a minimum, an explanation better than “we simply don’t have the tools” would be nice because that is kind of weak.

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Aiden.6483


Of course you are correct, but your phrasing of that sentence annoys me because you involved future people. You feel screwed because they get better things?
I did SE explorable before the patch many times, and I bought a couple of armor pieces. Should I now complain because it’s easier to get? Because the others are getting benefits?

Mediocre multiclasser,
PvP & WvW roaming

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sorry.6741


I am curious about this as well. Currently the Giant Eyes dont seem to serve any purpose. The recipe that uses them is reportedly bugged (thank you for reporting this btw) – I would very much appreciate some kind of response from the dev responsible for the forge recipes. Some kind of timeline for when this goes into the patch list would be great.

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: BowmasterSol.3457


I chatted with Lindsey shortly after posting on Lapu’s original thread in the forum. I also worked on the bugged recipe within that same timeframe and got a Mystic Staff. Lindsey said it would take roughly 2 weeks for the fix to go live, so I’m assuming it’s bound for the 10/8 build. I’ve already been gathering up materials to go for another try at it once the build including the fix goes live.

Knowledge is power.

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sorry.6741


I would not be surprised if the amount of giant eyes needed for this recipe will be changed drastically, consider this while you have time to burn for the fix to go live. Its a very small investment, even if the Giant eye didnt change you’d be out 50 silver fx if you got 50 on hold.

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: LinseyMurdock


Game Designer


When they say that we have no tools to give players individual items, they really mean it. It’s not just an excuse. We currently have no method of generating items on Live. In this case, even if we were able to do something like mail you the correct item if you mail us the incorrect item, there would be no way to know if you got that item from the intended recipe or from the bugged one. It’s not a great answer, I know, but all we can do is fix these bugs as soon as possible. In this case, I fixed the recipe as soon as I knew about it and pushed the fix into our Live build queue. I am very sorry that this bug fell through a crack and went Live, but it’s a really huge game.

In general, I prefer to avoid putting any dates on future updates/fixes. Things change all the time in development, it’s just part of how this whole “making games” thing works. It can be a real bummer for players to hear a date, get excited about that date, and then have it changed on them. I don’t want to give you guys a date because my years of experience as a developer means that I know that things can change unexpectedly, but I will say that the fix for the recipe is on our Dev server, has been verified by our QA testers and is currently in staging for a future Live build. My hope is that it will be included in our next Live build, but I recommend you watch for an update note on it.

Also, Giant Eyes are used in multiple recipes. Including ones that aren’t bugged

Lead Designer – Living World

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: MF Panda.5874

MF Panda.5874

“When they say that we have no tools to give players individual items, they really mean it. It’s not just an excuse. We currently have no method of generating items on Live.”

In that case, what is the explanation for this?

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: LinseyMurdock



Game Designer


Well, color me surprised! I must be behind the times. I’m not on the rapid response team, so if they got new tech, I wasn’t around to hear about it. Even still, I have inquired in the past about doing something for people who were given the wrong item from the Mystic Forge and was told that we had no way of getting the correct item to them. Maybe that has changed, I don’t know. You could put in a support ticket to find out.

Lead Designer – Living World

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

To be fair, that was for Dungeon tokens which I assume are easier to ‘generate’ then a specific item like a weapon. But, its nice to see someone get what they should have gotten in the first place.

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: LapuLapu.2753


I did put in a support ticket. That second paragraph in the OP, which I erroneously did not put in quotes, was the word for word response I received. It doesn’t matter anymore I guess, was forced to sell the inferior product so I could actually finish off gear :/

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: kKagari.6804


The lack of an item generation tool is either Arenanet lying through their teeth or the biggest oversight by their development team yet, with the latter hinting ever so much to the fact the game is nowhere near ready for launch

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: LinseyMurdock



Game Designer


I disagree kKagari. We never had an item generation tool in GW1 because we never wanted it to be abused, hacked into or anything else to otherwise compromise the GW1 economy. That’s not lying or not being prepared. That was being cautious. Of course, GW2 is a different game with different needs. I’m just, frankly, not fully up to date on what tools support has and what it doesn’t. I was told that we have no way to give players items based on them being caught by a bugged Mystic Forge recipe. Perhaps, I shouldn’t have said anything at all since I clearly don’t have all the facts, but I wanted to at least give some response to the thread. I’ll try not to make the same mistake again.

Lead Designer – Living World

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

The lack of an item generation tool is either Arenanet lying through their teeth or the biggest oversight by their development team yet, with the latter hinting ever so much to the fact the game is nowhere near ready for launch

Thats strange, cause I’m pretty sure the game is on sale world wide already…….

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: kKagari.6804


I appreciate your communication Linsey. Thank you.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Yawg.1294


Apparently Linsey is right – Support confirms there’s no way to generate items and that they did not refund those dungeon tokens:

So it’s like GW1 – in the entire 7++ years history of the game there wasn’t a single case where support was able to generate any item – because the tech to do it is purposely disabled on Live servers.

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Chris.8290


We never had an item generation tool in GW1 because we never wanted it to be abused, hacked into or anything else to otherwise compromise the GW1 economy.

What about of those people that used the world transfer as an exploit to make money? I have heard of player with over 2000g farming orichalcum in serveral worlds per day, actually yesterday i was in a party with someone that he farmed over 300g doing that, with only 1 character. This really affect the game economy and to the others players.

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Esper.3721


She never said they couldn’t transfer or delete gold/items. Also I’m sure the dev team (at least the database team) could generate things if they really wanted to. It’s just a matter of how much effort it takes.

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Navi.7142


If someone lost guiltlessly gems/ gold/ items due to a bug/ glitch/ whatever, they must find a solution to provide these players with an adequate compensation. You cannot leave the player alone by saying “We can’t do anything for you.”.

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: kKagari.6804


If someone lost guiltlessly gems/ gold/ items due to a bug/ glitch/ whatever, they must find a solution to provide these players with an adequate compensation. You cannot leave the player alone by saying “We can’t do anything for you.”.

They can, they do, and they will. But this isn’t lack of preparation or what not, its a ‘safeguard’! Among all the other ‘safeguards’ in the game. They’re for YOU! The player!

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: LapuLapu.2753


I disagree kKagari. We never had an item generation tool in GW1 because we never wanted it to be abused, hacked into or anything else to otherwise compromise the GW1 economy. That’s not lying or not being prepared. That was being cautious. Of course, GW2 is a different game with different needs. I’m just, frankly, not fully up to date on what tools support has and what it doesn’t. I was told that we have no way to give players items based on them being caught by a bugged Mystic Forge recipe. Perhaps, I shouldn’t have said anything at all since I clearly don’t have all the facts, but I wanted to at least give some response to the thread. I’ll try not to make the same mistake again.

I would like to say thank you for responding though. Whether or not the tool is out there, I’m thankful you took the time to give the back and forth and show thorough concern. I know support is busy but every response I got from them was kind of broad and followed by “post on the forums”. Nice to have a conversation about the issue rather than just being answered.

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: JonasV.4209


They are lying or obfuscating about having a tool that does it. They are most likely not being dishonest about being allowed to use it or have it activated on live. Our guild received the same response when we lost 2500inf to a bug with the guild system. Regardless, this refusal to replace items/currency lost due to bugs is short-sited in the extreme. The bug we uncovered due to the loss of our influence (which they swore up and down wasn’t a bug and working as intended) would allow someone with upgrade privileges to completely obliterate a guild’s banked influence in seconds with no recourse for the guild. This is something that needs to be rectified on live ASAP, this isn’t GW1 where a lot of the legwork is client-side, nothing short of a server breach is going to allow someone to “abuse” a tool that allows CS people to replace lost items/currency.

The ability to replace items lost to bugs and through no fault of the player is a necessary part of the system. There are no other AAA MMOs that do not have this ability enabled on live. This is going to be an increasingly large problem in the future as the amount banked inf/gold/gems/exotics, etc… increase and start getting lost to bugs. What is going to happen the first time someone loses a legendary through no fault of their own and gets told to suck it up and move on? Can you image the kittentorm that will proceed?

I am sorry to rant about this, I can overlook all the other bugs, but not being able to refund people items/currency they have lost through no fault of their own is inexcusable.

~ Tarnished Coast ~ Sylvari Necromancer ~

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: LinseyMurdock



Game Designer

Looks like our support team as put out an explanation for the Deadly Blooms issue here:

It was just a case of the reward taking longer to appear. So yeah, support really does not have the ability to place items into players inventories. Sorry for the confusion!

Lead Designer – Living World

No replacement of bugged forge items?

in Crafting

Posted by: geraden.8619


Linsey, your first comment above seems to indicate that GW2 has no logging system to verify players’ stories about lost items? In other MMOs where I’ve lost items, they just have to check the log to see when/where it happened to verify, then send me the item via in-game mail. If GW2 has no player activity logs AND no item replacement tools, that seems like a huge oversight and something that should be rectified.

Rule abiding players should not be punished (or in this case denied resolution on bugs in the game) for fear of some potential future security issue. But I guess since hacking is already a big concern in this game (I saw something like five multiboxers and two teleport hackers last night), maybe that needs to be fixed first?