NonAutoFill Bag

NonAutoFill Bag

in Crafting

Posted by: Mighty Assasin.3816

Mighty Assasin.3816


If there a bag that doesn’t auto fill?

I tend to switch between a lot of weapons, and I don’t have a bag that doesn’t auto fill. When I use my invisible bag once I swap from Greatsword to a Sword/Sword I have an empty slot in my bags. As I get loot the loot auto fills into that spot. Is there a bag that doesn’t do this? or a way to prevent it?

The Prestige [pTg]

NonAutoFill Bag

in Crafting

Posted by: Mighty Assasin.3816

Mighty Assasin.3816


Doesn’t seem like there is a bag that I’m looking for.
Going to suggestions. /thread

The Prestige [pTg]

(edited by Mighty Assasin.3816)

NonAutoFill Bag

in Crafting

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Equipment boxes would fit your request. When you switch, weapons goes into that bag constantly

Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter

NonAutoFill Bag

in Crafting

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


If there a bag that doesn’t auto fill?

I tend to switch between a lot of weapons, and I don’t have a bag that doesn’t auto fill. When I use my invisible bag once I swap from Greatsword to a Sword/Sword I have an empty slot in my bags. As I get loot the loot auto fills into that spot. Is there a bag that doesn’t do this? or a way to prevent it?

Put the invisible bag at the bottom of the list…this way it will fill as last… And use less “for xxxx”-bags.

NonAutoFill Bag

in Crafting

Posted by: Mighty Assasin.3816

Mighty Assasin.3816

Equipment boxes would fit your request. When you switch, weapons goes into that bag constantly

If I were to loot a weapon/armor piece that wasn’t soul bound would it fill the bag as well?
This would be ideal if it didn’t show up in the vendor window as well.

Put the invisible bag at the bottom of the list…this way it will fill as last… And use less “for xxxx”-bags.

I gotta do a test with this because this could work but if I was wielding 2 swords would one switch places with the greatsword at the bottom and the other would go to the top?

Edit: one of my .swords stays in the bottom bag but one goes to the top.

The Prestige [pTg]

(edited by Mighty Assasin.3816)

NonAutoFill Bag

in Crafting

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Clearly his answer assume the bag is not “special”. Like a weapon bag, an exotic only bag etc. If you organize bag all normal, ye, works in descendand order

Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter

NonAutoFill Bag

in Crafting

Posted by: Dreamslayer.7659


The fractal bags seem to do this – I got one of each tier but I think the main problem is that if you don’t have enough slots and your bags fill up, your weapons just end up in whatever open slot is available.

I put my last 3 bags as the Green, Yellow and Orange based Fractal bags and my exotics stay in the right place and rare drops are easier to find.