Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


This will be completely ignored by the devs, but who cares.
So for fun’s sake:

How do we make legendaries remain as rare as they are now without a huge gold sink?
Keep in mind this must be doable by everyone without exception, as long as they put effort into it.
So some people cannot solo Lupicus, or do extremely difficult jumping puzzles.


1+1 = potato

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Awesome.6120


This assumes we want them to remain as rare as they currently are.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


This assumes we want them to remain as rare as they currently are.

Yes, so play along.

1+1 = potato

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Awesome.6120


Drop a unique, account bound token at the end of each dungeon path. Require one of each to be turned in for an account bound precursor of your choice. I think I’ve seen more legendary weapons than dungeon master titles. People can still buy a run if they can’t do arah 4 or something.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Nike.2631


Create a new instance where you do the combines that replaces the Mystic Forge for combining the key gifts. This instance is only accessible to characters whose account has completed at least 80% of all the Slayer accomplishments.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

(edited by Nike.2631)

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Nike.2631


Add a new tier to weapon master deeds, requiring 25,000 kills (rather than the current cap of 5,000). Increase the precursor drop rate from the MF to 15% for an attempt with four 80th level exotics – but it will never drop if you have not completed the weaponmaster achievment for that weapon type. These “easy” (after you complete the achievement) precursors are account bound.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

(edited by Nike.2631)

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Nike.2631


Shut down the existing Mystic Clover recipe. Replace it with a new recipie that uses Mystic Binding agents (10 for 10 days) in the same role and proportions. Increase the chance of clovers being produced to 40%.

Never again will someone be able to buy out other people’s played time to fill this requirement. You must put in the time personally to advance this goal.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Deadcell.9052


A Legendary needs to reflect ones skill and dedication in ALL aspects of play throughout the world of Tyria.

The first thing that needs to be done is to get rid of all rng elements, its a terrible system that has never worked well in any game. The next thing I would do is to take the weapon itself break it up and scatter the pieces throughout the world and a skill/achievement based quest system would be put in place that begins once one completes their gift of mastery. From there great challenges would be put in place, heres some examples I was thinking of:


-Dungeon Master Achievement
-Make it through all dungeon paths without dieing once, if you die once you have to start it all over.
-Assist “x” amount of different players through story modes in all dungeons.
-Add hidden relics that need to be found and fought for in all dungeons that would be used in the assembly of the given weapon piece.


-Complete the ultimate dominator achievement, as well as any other achievement that helps your fellow server mates like healing, supply, siege, reinforcing keeps, etc.
-Scatter relics that need to be found and fought for in all borderlands that are used in crafting ones weapon.
- Would love to add more here but the ultimate dominator achievement is A LOT of wvwvw time on its own.

Jumping Puzzles: Yes! all need to be completed, shows ones ability to control their character, also much needed relics will be hidden in chest at end.

Open World PvE:

-Complete ALL dynamic events.

Spvp: Not sure about this only because its kind of its own game.

Once this is all completed you pick your weapon type. At this point you start your journey proving your efficiency with “x” weapon.

-Kill all world bosses and dragons using ONLY “x” weapon
-Kill one of each class type in wvwvw using ONLY "x"weapon
-Complete all open world dungeons solo using only “x” weapon
-Final relics needed to complete legendary drop from completion of these task.

Theres a ton more that could be added but I feel if someone had to go through all this stuff he/she is more than worthy of wielding one of these awesome weapons and can hold them with pride knowing they truly earned it, and the community would welcome them with open arms in all aspects of play knowing they have a truly skilled player in their mists.

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: darkace.8925


First, I’ll remind you that everyone has a Legendary, they become legendary in name only.

Now, to your request for ideas. I would have given a token at the end of the player’s personal story (dungeons excluded). I would have made these tokens once per account, and allowed players to trade them in for a precursor of their choice.

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


First, I’ll remind you that everyone has a Legendary, they become legendary in name only.

Now, to your request for ideas. I would have given a token at the end of the player’s personal story (dungeons excluded). I would have made these tokens once per account, and allowed players to trade them in for a precursor of their choice.

So what your saying is that every single account that goes through the laughably easy story just once gets to have a precursor?

Are you serious right now?

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


This will be completely ignored by the devs, but who cares.
So for fun’s sake:

How do we make legendaries remain as rare as they are now without a huge gold sink?
Keep in mind this must be doable by everyone without exception, as long as they put effort into it.
So some people cannot solo Lupicus, or do extremely difficult jumping puzzles.


Why must it be doable by everyone? Legendaries arent for everyone.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: darkace.8925


So what your saying is that every single account that goes through the laughably easy story just once gets to have a precursor?


Are you serious right now?


Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


First, I’ll remind you that everyone has a Legendary, they become legendary in name only.

Now, to your request for ideas. I would have given a token at the end of the player’s personal story (dungeons excluded). I would have made these tokens once per account, and allowed players to trade them in for a precursor of their choice.

Far from everyone, there are hardly enough precursors on TP to accommodate anyone who wish to craft one. In many cases only players who played since release got them.
New players got next to no chance to obtain one now.

Deadcell.9052 – Well, I did say for fun, but mate, that’s way too complex to follow!

Malediktus.9250 – They are for anyone who is willing to put serious effort.

But you all agree to some extent that a precursor must be combined through several items obtain through gameplay, similar to gift of mastery.
I assume you’re heavily influenced by the “Scavenger hunt” idea.

I was personally thinking along the lines of GW1’s endgame content, such as Domain of Anguish.
Once you complete the story (future update), a new area will open up to explore, can be an instance for all that matters.
Work your way through with your party in the same manner DoA worked, and an epic boss such as Mallyx will be waiting at the end.
IIRC , he was the only boss in GW1 that proved real difficulty to all range of players.

Once defeated, a unique one time account bound token (along with another repeatable reward) will be given to the player to redeem for a precursor.

Before you bite my head off – Check DoA’s difficulty in GW1 including Mallyx’s and then tell me if it isn’t worthy enough.

1+1 = potato

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: penatbater.4710


Let’s look at what factors or traits we want to “reward” by giving the legendary. Do we look at

1.) Effort (categorized by something easy to do yet repetitive)
2.) Skill
2.1 Skill in open-world pve
2.2 skill in dungeons
2.3 skill in wvw
2.4 skill in jumping puzzle
3.) Wealth
4.) RNG

? Or a better question is, how much % do we reward such acts?

Until we answer these questions, we can’t begin to start how to implement suggestions for it.

Honestly, if we want them to be doable by everyone without being a huge gold sink, just make a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally difficult dungeon run (think SE inquest path before nerf) with a small chance to drop precs (and dropping exotics/rares at a higher chance than other dungeons).

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: elderan.2638


I just wish they would put in some unique weapon skins that can only be obtained by doing a ridiculously difficult 1 person instance. If it was something so hard that I simply couldn’t do it, I would be very impressed seeing people who did have those weapons. That’s the sort of feeling that legendaries SHOULD command, but considering how they are obtained they don’t.

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Legendary weapons should be the rarest of the rare. So it would be best to up the requirement to 250 Clovers.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Drop a unique, account bound token at the end of each dungeon path. Require one of each to be turned in for an account bound precursor of your choice. I think I’ve seen more legendary weapons than dungeon master titles. People can still buy a run if they can’t do arah 4 or something.

I am always amused about pve’ers thinking, that fighting anything with a fix pattern and no other movement than aggro, requires skill.
Also I think that Arah is so easy, that it is boring and am convinced, that any pvp team that never put a foot in that dungeon before could finish it without bigger fails. We just did for the monthly because I begged my team to do it for me so I could see the “hardest” dungeon in GW2. I was pretty much disappointed.

Binding precursors to dungeon completion would be a slap in the face for anyone who prefers spending his evenings having real fights with real players.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

(edited by Zumy.6318)

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Imryn.2879


Eliminate precursors from the recipe. Replace them with an exotic weapon of the right type (sword, greatsword etc) with the stats you want on your legendary and leave all other elements of the recipe as they are.

At the moment the only “skill” needed to acquire a legendary is wealth, and my proposal won’t change that but it will bring the amount of wealth needed down to a more reasonable level.

“I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. Hey, I swung it again. That’s great.”
- Colin Johanson on ArenaNets design philosophy for GW2

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


Pre Cursor ATM = RNG = Luck
Change it to = Achievable goal with set statistics = People Happy

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Lucas of the Desert.2165

Lucas of the Desert.2165

This will be completely ignored by the devs, but who cares.
So for fun’s sake:

How do we make legendaries remain as rare as they are now without a huge gold sink?
Keep in mind this must be doable by everyone without exception, as long as they put effort into it.
So some people cannot solo Lupicus, or do extremely difficult jumping puzzles.


Great topic idea, i played with the thought of creating a similar one ;D

You can’t please all people some will just be unable to do the most simple thing.
Having that in mind i vote for a super ultra hard jumping puzzle 200 or 300 times harder than halloween jumping puzzle which takes at least 1 hoir to accomplish if you belong to the top 1% jumpers.

Everyone can attend (maybe in a lvl 80 area or LA or whatever) luck doesn’t count neither does money Maybe something like the end boss in super meatboy if that name sounds familiar :P

~Lucas of the Desert

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


Problem is you can never keep anything epic or legendary forever unless you limit its production entirely. Thus the only way to keep legendaries rare is you completely cut em out of the game now and those that got em keep em and those that don’t, never will. It’s cause as the game ages, more and more people will get the mats just from daily play and people will and do get lucky with precursors so there will always be new ones made.

So to answer your question, there is no way unless they add a whole new tier and make it so hard that no one except people who play a single acct use 4 man shifts of 6 hour a shift to play to get something like 900,000 hours of time logged in and then you get one gift. And then complete 1.2 million dungeons for the 2nd gift and then make 2.3 million gold for the 3rd gift and finally complete a 6 tiered precursor in the MF only that has a 0.00000000001% chance of dropping.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Pixels.6532


I like legendary weapons as they are, but I would have done it differently. Upon hitting level 80, you get a mail notification from a forge master or some NPC telling you he’s seen what you do and would like to craft a great weapon for you.

You follow a fairly simple story line where you pick your weapon type and go on a few quests to get the materials he needs to craft it for you. Not hard, can be done in a few hours of gameplay. You can even do it for additional weapons… limit 4x per customer.


Any of these precursors you choose has the plainest, simplest skin design and starts with the same stats as a lvl 80 White, but you get to choose the stat config (Cleric’s, Soldier’s, Zerks, etc.).

Equipping a precursor opens up a new accomplishment tree regarding your precursor and that is how you get it to legendary status. This tree only advances if you have the precursor equipped.

For example, to get the weapon from white to blue, you have to kill 5 unique monsters, salvage 5 items, dodge 5 attacks and complete 1 event. When the weapon advances to blue, the skin improves a bit and of course get’s lvl 80 blue stats.

To get it to green, 50 kills, 25 unique monsters, 50 dodges, 50 salvages and 10 events completed. Skin improves.

To get all the way from rare to exotic, 1,000 kills, 500 dodges, 1,000 salvages, etc.

Then you can start working on your legendary which has similar time frame reqs to the current system, but isn’t based on mats. Instead of needing 500 tokens, each weapon type has a specific dungeon associated with it, you need to complete all 4 paths and accomplish certain tasks w/in the dungeon to complete that portion of your legendary progress.

Lot’s of other things to do like complete a certain set of jumping puzzles, 100% map completion, etc. I think legendary completion should have both an in-game hour target (a long one) to complete, but should also have some sort of skill portion. Run 4 unique dungeon paths without being downed, Kill 10 different vets w/o being hit… that one might not be possible.

You could even make the legendary weapon have stages where effects are unlocked the further you progress, but any route you go people are going to be unhappy because video games, MMOs especially, set you up to feel like a hero, so it isn’t surprising that every hero feels like he/she should have a legendary… But then if everyone has one, is it really that legendary?

Sanctum of Rall

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: THuGaNoMiX.5036


I think they are to easy to get.

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


Make each Heart vendor give you a “piece”, that can be placed into the mystic forge with corresponding pieces, make every POI have a little hidden chest or a “suspicious pile of dirt” or what have you that has to be put together with other pieces from other poi’s and have every vista have a little piece hidden somewhere too. This would give a lot more meaning to having world completion. Very obtainable by every one.
Put this new gift into the forge with gift of mastery, fortune, and respective gift of legendary, this gives you something new and a special quest line pops up where you have to do like a 2-3 hour (broken up in different instances so you don’t have to do it all at once) story line to find your precursor. Put them together, bam legendary.

I don’t like the 25000 kills idea, good in concept, but if I wanted to make Flameseeker on a guardian I don’t want to be forced to play a warrior to farm kills for it.
BUT I would like to see like a 50,000 kill limit on those Weapon masters, (less for things like warhorns, shields, focus etc.) That would unlock new #2 3 4 5 skills, it would give way to more varied builds, etc. Mainly I want this because I find axe #3 (warrior) to be useless in dungeons. Also would like some better Wh skills, come to think of it, axe #3 on ranger isn’t the most useful either.

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


Here is an idea I thought of. Make precursors have fragments scattered throughout the world. One of the requirements of finding a fragment of precursor is 100% completion for that map, and completing all paths of the dungeon on that map.

So lets take for instance, every map with a dungeon in it: In order to obtain that particular Precursor fragment, you would have to complete that map AND complete all paths of that map’s dungeon. THEN you would receive a mail from your herald asking you to meet him at X location because he thinks he found something that might interest you. You meet him, talk to him, and just as you attempt to loot the Precursor Fragment, A Unique encounter pops. Complete the encounter and claim your Precursor Fragment. (notice said Encounter, so it doesn’t necessarily have to be the same generic Veteran mob you have to kill, some of them could be complex puzzles or mazes with very little or no fighting at all. )Move on to the next map.

OK, Now assuming you’ve done all the dungeons and maps chronologically, your last Precursor Fragment would be after Zhaitan. In the story everyone is celebrating but you’re left wondering where is the final Precursor Fragment. You then receive a letter from…. (Eir, Zojja, Caithe, Logan, or Rytlock)… Saying how proud they are of you and that they were holding on to a special treasure that belongs to you, but were waiting for the right time to give it to you. They give you the final piece of your precursor and a casting/mold of your choice (whichever precursor you want). Take all this stuff to the force (ex., for a sword you would need: 4 frags for the blade, 4 for the hilt) Then you combine the Blade, Hilt, Mold, and… I dunno something that the Mystic Forge lady sells….. and there’s your precursor!

yes, no, maybe???

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Ok big boys, let's brainstorm

in Crafting

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


I wonder if Anet will take the lazy way approach and wrap up the precursor by doing something like NCsoft’s Aion Fenris quest minus the RNG (or with, lol)

1+1 = potato