One handed legendary cost
Cause that would have involved a bit of thought by the designers on the players perception thoughts on such things…
you know kinda like how will we make groups for all these random FOTM levels…
I mean in all reality underwater legendarys should be like killing 50 things… why waste the money to complete them…
Well that’s a shame.
Why do one-handed legendaries cost the same as two-handed legendaries?
I don’t get why not just half the cost?
They also do the same amount of damage, so the only real difference is 2 handers give you 5 skills where 1 handers only give you 3. So why should they cost more, if anything 2handers give you more pixels to look at but less variety than your neighbor.
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner
if 1h’s costed less you would see more, which means their prestige value would decrease.
Could increase the cost of 2h then, and leave 1h the same lmao.
Could increase the cost of 2h then, and leave 1h the same lmao.
lol what? Bad idea imo.
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