Orichalcum Ore.
Just two Orr maps and Frostgorge Sound. Use the site gw2nodes.com – players update it with node locations, choose your server and go! You can harvest them once per day per character and I usually end up with 30-40 ore per character. Occasionally I get them from salavaging but it isn’t a reliable source.
Just two Orr maps and Frostgorge Sound. Use the site gw2nodes.com – players update it with node locations, choose your server and go! You can harvest them once per day per character and I usually end up with 30-40 ore per character. Occasionally I get them from salavaging but it isn’t a reliable source.
There is another map as well, southsun cove. I would use the map rhapsody suggested. It will have all the nodes locations so it’s as simple as running to that spot and there it is. Sometimes it takes about a day after reset for it to be updated with the right spots as they change after an update.
Damage Inc. [DI]
Isle of Janthir
I’d recommend to use the orichalcum and ancient wood only to make Orichalcum Dagger Blades and the like, not for inscription. Buy the cheapest inscriptions, like Shaman/Rabid/Settlers …, off the trading post. Those are about half as expensive as making Berserker inscriptions yourself.
Sounds good guys, it was all very helpful information.
A quick question, you do need to be level 500 in your proffession to start putting ascended gear together, right?
You can craft some base ingredients like Bloodstone Bricks or Glob of Elder Spirit Residue at level 450 already. Those can also be used to gain a couple of levels in your crafting profession and you need them anyway for your ascended stuff.
Gosh, I’m having a hard time leveling my armorsmithing at all, it’s at 406 right now and I just don’t know what to craft that’ll give me experience, I’m beyond lost .
There is also this site (http://gw2crafts.com) that can give you some guidance. Don’t follow it blindly, though. You should just focus on recipes that require armorsmith 400+ to level at the moment. All the other stuff does not help much anymore.
at 406, best thing to do is refine ori and ancient wood.
at 425 you can no longer do that. I like to make the superior sharpening stones at that point; should get you to 440.
after that, you must discover a couple exotics to get to 450. 2 or 3 depending on luck.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
If you have any crafting boosters, save those for a time that you know you’ll craft a few things. When I leveled artificer, I basically went on farming runs and then discovered whatever recipes I could with the materials I gathered. You will earn crafting xp for discovering rare recipes as well as exotics. For the spiritwood planks I did the same thing. Going out and harvesting the mats, then making the planks and ingots felt more personally rewarding than buying them. It’s all personal preference, though. You could spend the same amount of time running a few dungeons, then buying your materials with the gold earned.
The next step to get my armorsmithing from 402 to 500 requires a lot of it, unfortunately, it’s EXTREMELY expensive to buy all the materials I’d need for it, so I’m forced to resort to farming them. Are there well known locations of orichalcum, or are there dungeons/bosses that are known for dropping them?
I’m level 80 btw, so I can go anywhere.
To answer your original question: The best way is to farm the level 80 zones. To ensure an efficient farming route, I highly recommend using http://gw2nodes.com/.
You can run the routes on 3 servers (home + 2 guests) with each of your character.
I recommend that you search servers with efficient (fast) routes before you guest.
Furthermore, I would also include t6 wood and food (all highlighted in the website above).
Mining ore is a bit tedious but helps if you know where to get it. Personally I don’t put too much stock into mining for resources, especially with T6 mat’s. I prefer they come to me.
To do this I salvage with a Fine salvage kit, anything blue and green rarity (armour and weapons) and I find I’m making about 10 – 15 ingots (20 – 30 ore) per character, per day. It’s not as plentiful as Mithril is when salvaged, but maybe I’ve been lucky with my salvaging. If you play like I do and PvE a lot and do world events, then it’ll just start rolling in if you follow the method I described.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
Also, craft in the day before WvW reset, this means you get the WvW bonuses working for you. For armorsmith you might consider making orichalcum boxes around 425. It is in no way cost effective, but if you think you might want them anyway you may as well get the experience for it.
Your real problem is going to be silk. Seriously you need to salvage every piece of light armour you find because you will need 300 silk scraps per bolt of damask, and you need 25 bolts of damask for a full suit.
Another trick if you run dungeons is to buy dungeon armour with soldiers or magi’s stats and then salvage them with your best salvage kit. I buy light armour so that I can get silk or gossamer which is a lot harder to farm than ore. You also have the chance of salvaging insignias as long as they can’ the crafted normally (this won’t work if you only run CoF, as all the stats for the armour there can already be crafted).
And expect it to be a long slog if you don’t want to spend a lot of money.