Overregulating silk market supplies

Overregulating silk market supplies

in Crafting

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


Why does ArenaNet want to overregulate the amounts of crafting materials. I feel it’s getting out of hand.

The ascended recipes seem to be fine for the most part, but the amounts of silk required are way too much.

  • Silk doesn’t have the regular way of getting like Mithril does (Mining). There is no way of getting silk in any other fashion than salvaging.
  • Silk needs 3 as opposed to 2 scraps
  • Silk is used in every ascended armor.
  • And on top of that the ascended gear uses twice the amount of materials.

I mean, come on. That is just crazy.

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Overregulating silk market supplies

in Crafting

Posted by: Crumps.4012


This isn’t broken

You just need to buy some gems and exchange for gold and buy silk… I really don’t see what the problem is here????

Overregulating silk market supplies

in Crafting

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


I am going to take that as sarcasm Crumps as you just described the exact problem.

My guess is silk was chosen as it was undervalued, and at some point Anet will decrease requirements leveling the price back out to around 1s ea.

Then pull this again with some other material.

Overregulating silk market supplies

in Crafting

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


My guess is silk was chosen as it was undervalued, and at some point Anet will decrease requirements leveling the price back out to around 1s ea.

Like they reverted the change to soft wood planks when soft wood stopped being undervalued.

…oh wait.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Overregulating silk market supplies

in Crafting

Posted by: silvermember.8941


Remember when silk was 8 copper and they had an overabundance of it? well that was why.

I doubt Anet is going to change it, since it screws the people before and it doesn’t destroy the value for silk and it gives more reason for people to savage stuff, which reduces the influx of gold and or it gets people to do gem to gold. This benefits Anet and benefits me since I can sell my stuff for a lot of money, then I can build a house and rule the Tyria (planet not continent).

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Overregulating silk market supplies

in Crafting

Posted by: Matisse.9356


They will not reduce the silk requirement for ascended armor, as this would trigger a major kittenstorm. They might increase the droprate or provide some exchange method (leather <> silk).

Besides that, they did introduce the gear treadmill as they consider this a long-term goal that keeps players active. Sadly, they might very well be right.

Quite frankly, I don’t really care for ascended gear stats, as (for me) the stat difference ain’t worth the hassle and I don’t like the skins either.

The only thing where it bugs the crap out of me is that it is required to do high level fractals and therefore limits access to gaming content rather massively, especially if you want to do fractals with different characters/classes. This really bothers me.

Overregulating silk market supplies

in Crafting

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


This isn’t broken

You just need to buy some gems and exchange for gold and buy silk… I really don’t see what the problem is here????

The only problem is that if everyone followed that advice, they still would not be able to get enough silk, as the primary supply on the TP is barely enough for 1,500 spools of Silk Weaving Thread. Less than 100 people can pay to win (effectively buying their ascended armor) before the primary supply is exhausted.

Sure, there is still supply tied up in T5 armor and crafting components that can be salvaged, and invariably in speculators’ banks, but your glib reply is not the answer to this problem.

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Overregulating silk market supplies

in Crafting

Posted by: Etienne.3049


I’m kind of disappointed with this too. It seems to me they made a mistake (both making silk 3 scraps to a bolt and 100 bolts for 1 ascended material, one of those might have been resonable (preferably 3 scraps to a bolt to maintain consistancy with other ectoplasm refinement recipes)) which leaves us with 1 ectoplasm refinement for:
50 ingots = 100 ore
50 squares = 150 sections
50 planks = 150 logs
100 bolts = 300 scraps (more then can be placed in a singe TP order)
With the sraps being well over 4 times as expensive as any of the other unrefined materials.

While I can understand why they might have made the recipe require so much resources (though I disagree with it as in my opinion the solution to this problem (the wrong price for a dropped, as oposed to harvested, material) that may or may not have existed should be on the supply side (change the drop rates ‘till it’s good)) I really can’t understand the replacing of 10 Thermocatalytic Reagent (14s96) with 25 Spools of Gossamer Thread (16s).

I hope that at some point soon the requirements will be changed to be the same as the other ectoplasm refinement recipes (50 refined material, 1 glob, 10 reagents). I wouldn’t really mind my silk weaving thread losing value.

Overregulating silk market supplies

in Crafting

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


(preferably 3 scraps to a bolt to maintain consistancy with other ectoplasm refinement recipes))

Mithril is 2 ore to ingot. As are other metals. It was never about consistency.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Overregulating silk market supplies

in Crafting

Posted by: Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Valandil Dragonhart.2371

It’s about depleting supply, as we’ve seen with iron ore, soft wood, and now thick leather and silk.

But once the supplies dry up? It becomes the hoarder’s market. They can supply for their price. You’re entering elitist territory here.

Ascended crafting really wasn’t given the though it deserves, regarding the materials that it uses per item crafted.

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Overregulating silk market supplies

in Crafting

Posted by: Etienne.3049


(preferably 3 scraps to a bolt to maintain consistancy with other ectoplasm refinement recipes))

Mithril is 2 ore to ingot. As are other metals. It was never about consistency.

What I meant was: out of the options “100 bolts per thread” and “3 scraps per bolt” the latter would seem preferable to the former because all other ectoplasm refinement recipes use 50 refined material while normal refinement recipes need between 2 and 4 (I think) unrefined material per 1 refined material.

Overregulating silk market supplies

in Crafting

Posted by: Crumps.4012


This isn’t broken

You just need to buy some gems and exchange for gold and buy silk… I really don’t see what the problem is here????

The only problem is that if everyone followed that advice, they still would not be able to get enough silk, as the primary supply on the TP is barely enough for 1,500 spools of Silk Weaving Thread. Less than 100 people can pay to win (effectively buying their ascended armor) before the primary supply is exhausted.

Sure, there is still supply tied up in T5 armor and crafting components that can be salvaged, and invariably in speculators’ banks, but your glib reply is not the answer to this problem.

Actually the amount of silk available on the TP has barely changed since the ascended armor went live. You would be surprised ’there’s lumps of it round the back’… Wanze prolly has a few containers full he’s forgotten about….

Overregulating silk market supplies

in Crafting

Posted by: Wanze.8410


This isn’t broken

You just need to buy some gems and exchange for gold and buy silk… I really don’t see what the problem is here????

The only problem is that if everyone followed that advice, they still would not be able to get enough silk, as the primary supply on the TP is barely enough for 1,500 spools of Silk Weaving Thread. Less than 100 people can pay to win (effectively buying their ascended armor) before the primary supply is exhausted.

Sure, there is still supply tied up in T5 armor and crafting components that can be salvaged, and invariably in speculators’ banks, but your glib reply is not the answer to this problem.

Actually the amount of silk available on the TP has barely changed since the ascended armor went live. You would be surprised ’there’s lumps of it round the back’… Wanze prolly has a few containers full he’s forgotten about….

I dont have any cloth banked anymore for future sale, just the stuff i get through regular gameplay or opening lootbags and thats mainly for my own use. And i dont think that any high volume trader is still sitting on any silk he bought pre patch, anticipating a future price rise.

The majority of the pre patch supply of silk got promoted to gossamer anyways.

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