Passion Flower drop rate broken?
I’ve harvested maybe 60~ nodes, and have yet to see a Passion Flower — if that helps.
I didn’t realize that there WERE passion flowers until reading the forums today. I have picked many, many passion fruits and have never seen a passion flower.
Same here, all the passiflora nodes harvested to date, havn’t seen one. I am starting to wonder if market supply is just leftover from Consortium chest ? Very rare indeed, too much so for a masterwork quality item imo. You should in all fairness, in one round of harvesting the entire island, at the very least loot one to three.
Make sure you’re using an orichalcum sickle. I was harvesting the nodes using mithril until I realized I was getting ruined plant fibers off them.
Always use orichalcum or new blue 250x – still no flowers. Seems something is broken.
Hey, you can still use your credit card and buy loads of consortium chests
There’s something wrong here, if not with the drop rate then with the amount of passion flowers you need to craft any passiflora trinket.
Right now, you need 75 (!!) passion flowers for a single ori ring. That’s more than 10g at current market prices. For comparison, most other orichalcum rings cost ~2g. It’s not a case of the market “adjusting to new items” either; the prices of passion flowers have been going up over the past two weeks:
So yes, there’s something wrong here one way or the other.
(edited by Cayafas.8290)
Well, 100 are needed for malign infuse, if you think 10g is a lot.
Their color is green, should be exotic , at least the abnormal droprate would be justified.
Now i wonder: if droprate is broken, as OP stated, why there are 1000+ available on TP?
Yeah definitely broken, or the crafting recipe that required them are imbalanced. What I don’t get is why recipes that need either karka shells or passion flowers don’t use the same amounts as equivalent tier materials when the droprates and availability are less.
To make exotic jewellery, you need 75 passion flowers per piece. Since the update I’ve harvested a grand total of 1. If the market price matched other green tier 5 gems, and use 3 and not 15 of those flowers instead of a rare orb in crafting the jewellery, that would be about even.
@Lucas Ashrok: That’s a large cost, yes, but that’s for Ascended items, you can’t really compare. The apotohecary items are 5x as expensive as all other items of the same rarity, so something’s off.