Please make all runes/sigils/crests craftable

Please make all runes/sigils/crests craftable

in Crafting

Posted by: Iehova.9518


Or at the very least tradable for a reasonable amount of dungeon tokens, about 30 will do.

Also add new MF recipes: 4 runes/sigils of the same type = 1 upgraded rune/sigil of the same type. E.g.: 4 major runes of air = 1 superior rune of air.

That is all.

(edited by Iehova.9518)

Please make all runes/sigils/crests craftable

in Crafting

Posted by: CelestialWyrm.8572


Wouldn’t this be more suited for the Suggestions subforum?

Imperial Coalition [ICoa]

Please make all runes/sigils/crests craftable

in Crafting

Posted by: Stonehenge.7830


lehova, I have to disagree. The ability to craft some runes is better than all runes. If you could craft all the best runes (Divinity) then other runes would be almost worthless (rune of pirate vs rune of traveler). Also, you can already get an upgraded rune with 4 runes of the same type now expect it isn’t guarenteed it has a 15-20% chance.

And yes this should be in the suggestions subforum.

Johanne Timber – [Heap] – Borlis Pass
Stonehenge Grr – [Heap]

Please make all runes/sigils/crests craftable

in Crafting

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


lehova, I have to disagree. The ability to craft some runes is better than all runes. If you could craft all the best runes (Divinity) then other runes would be almost worthless (rune of pirate vs rune of traveler). Also, you can already get an upgraded rune with 4 runes of the same type now expect it isn’t guarenteed it has a 15-20% chance.

And yes this should be in the suggestions subforum.

This is already the case.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”