(edited by ShadowMaster.5708)
Post your legendary progress!
I’m going for The Bifrost.
I currently have the Gift of Mastery, fortune and Gift of the Bifrost.
I am trying to get the precursor and I cry a little every time the forge or a chest doesn’t give me one.
I think The Bifrost is super pretty.
1.) Flameseeker
2.) I haven’t made the gifts yet, just incase I change my mind
3.) I just need 100 runestones and about 60 skillpoints to convert my cores to lodestones. Also need 60 dungeon tokens. It’ll take me about a week.
4.) It’ll be my 3rd legendary. After I’m finished this, I’m thinking of saving and investing. But Meterologicus could be next.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
1. sunrise!
2. gift of mastery and a good percent of the gift of fortune.
3. due to my luck with the forge i dont have to work for gifts anymore, im waiting for the t6 and ectos price and while i do it i try to find some of them. same for charged lodestones, even if i can buy them i want to wait for mystic binding agent use.
i feel so close to my sword and now i only want to save some golds, ill post a picture once im done ^^
Awesome work all of you! I would have gone for the bifrost, but those shards of zahitan stops me… I cant stand arah But Good Vol for getting your 3rd legendary soon!
my progress was legendary until I hit the precursor problem now I stand still
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.
1. Which legendary are you going for?
- bolt
2. Do you have any gifts? If so, which one(s)?
- gift of mastery
- gift of fortune
- gift of metal
3. Which gift are you working on? And how far have you come on it?
- gift of lightning(16 more charged cores). i have enough gold to buy them and convert all 200 into lodestones, but i’m waiting to see how the market reacts to the binding agent after a ton of monthlies are completed today(mine included).
4. Addition information you want us to know, maybe a picture.
- made the flameseeker prophecies and now i want something to go along with it. 2x legendaries on display simultaneously = win. all my gold was made without flipping items or manipulating any stock on the tp. i make about 4-8g per hour depending on what part of tyria i’m in.
i forgot to add that i need to get zap as well
(edited by kiba.2768)
1. The Juggernaut
2. I don’t have any of the gifts yet.
3. Working on my clovers and almost don with the gift of mastery.
4. -
Aralon Scutum – Charr Healing Guardian
Far Shiverpeaks! – Guild of Tweakers [GoT]
Have everything except the Precursor (Spark) and the T6 materials (1/3 so far).
1. Incinerator
2. All of them
3. I just need the kittenin Spark, I’ve already done 70 attempts with lvl76 exotics and about 100 attempts with lvl80 rares, still nuffin
4. If you want to help me, send me the precursor…I’ll return it one day, honest!
1. Twilight
2. Just need the kitten precursor!
I have the same problem as everybody else:
Things I have;
- Gift of Metal,
- Gift of Mastery,
- Gift of Battle,
- Gift Ascalon,
- 77 Mystic Clovers
Things I need;
- Precursor – that you have to buy with gold or luck.
- Lots of T6 materials – that you have to buy with gold or luck.
- Lots of Lodestones – that you have to buy with gold or luck.
- 100 Runestones – that you have to buy with gold – I could afford to buy this if I sold my investments.
- About 100 Ectos – that I don’t really mind grinding dungeons for. But it is grinding, as I have everything else I want from dungeons.
I think there are tonnes of people in my position. Gold is the massive stumbling block on Legendaries. It’s quite sad.
Going for Twilight.
Have everything but precursor for months. Refuse to buy it.
Just missing precursor now……
I’m still missing about 200 of each tier 6 material, 100 charged lodestones and zap. that’s it really.
Update 3/3/2013:
I still need about 200 of each tier 6 material, 40 charged lodestones, 110 ectos, and precursor.
Update 3/14/2013
I need 15 charged lodestones, 12 ectos, about 200 of each tier 6 mat and the precursor.
Update 3/17/2013
I need 10 charged lodestones, and about 200 of each tier 6 material for gift of might and magic.
I also just got supremely lucky in the mystic forge. I put in about 16 exotic swords into the MF that I bought with dungeon tokens. I figured that okay cause it wasn’t costing me anything. My homeboy says to try rares. I told him that would cost me money and the chance was super low so it would never work, just a waste of money. So I buy 20 rare swords just to prove to him it’s a waste of gold. And the first 4 rares I put in gave me Zap. I almost kitten myself. Couldn’t believe it.
Update 3/26/2013
So now I’m only missing 100 icy runestones, 139 elaborate totems, 150 vicious fangs, 150 vicious claws, and 184 armored scales. I’m having a hard time getting tier 6 materials, but I’m closer now than I was yesterday. So yeah, those are the only things I’m missing at this point.
Update 3/28/2013
I’m missing only 150 Vicious Fangs and 100 Icy Runestones. Going to try to get all the fangs this weekend and then just worry about Icy Runestones.
Update 3/29/2013
Okay. All I’m missing now are 100 icy runestones. I’m tempted to buy gems to convert to gold, but it’s so expensive. Don’t know what I should do. Will let you know. Hopefully the next update will be me saying the Legendary is made.
(edited by Hot Boy.7138)
the t6 mats are not difficult to come by as you all would think. as of the jan 28th patch, i can come up with 6-12 t6 mats per hour, which is in addition to my gold gained per hour. there’s isn’t a need to buy all 250 of each or whatever is left after clover recipes.
1. Twilight
2. Gift of Mastery, Gift of Metal, Gift of Darkness will be done after I got 80 more lodestones
3. None yet, i’m only gambling Clovers from time to time (34 atm).
4. My biggest problem so far is precursor. I’m not spending any money I put in the bank (so I stockpiled around 410 gold) and do TA and Orr farms to get other things and gifts. I’m checking Dusk and wonder if it goes any higher by the moment when I finally achieve at least 590-600 gold… From time to time I throw in MF golds, 4 attempts per day, and exotics for dungeon tokens. No luck so far.
1. Which legendary are you going for? I’m going for Bifrost
2. Do you have any gifts? If so, which one? yes: Gift of energy, Gift of mastery, about 20 arah token shy of gift of color,
3. Which gift are you working on? And how far have you come on it? I have my clovers done so far, just need to finish up ectos and tier 6 mats.
4. Addition information you want us to know, maybe a picture. – Just got my base 10 mins ago. Thank you oh mighty mystic toilet.
Update: Finally got The Bifrost. Love the way it looks.
Yak’s Bend
(edited by novalee marie.2458)
1. Twilight
2. No completed Gifts
3. I have the precursor, more than 90 Oynx Lodestones, 77 clovers and about 1/3 of the t6 mats. Really taking it easy after I got my precursor. Going to get more badges after I am done with the lodestones.
1. Flameseeker Prophecies
2. I technically have the Gift of Mastery done. I have all the necessary resources for it, just putting off actually creating it until other things get done (ensures I don’t have cash tied up in non-liquid resources when I need it). Gift of metal is almost done too.
3. Working on clovers at the moment. Well over 300 ectos into it and I’ve got 45 so far.
4. Lodestones (currently have 5/100 onyx) and precursor are going to be the toughest things. I think I might just hold out until this new method for precursors is unveiled, and hopefully lodestone prices will drop (although this mystic binding agent seems to be a flop). Getting 500 crystalline dust will be a bit arduous as well, although it’s luckily not as expensive as the other stuff.
1. Twilight
2. Gift of Metal, Gift of Magic, Gift of Might, Gift of Exploration, Gift of Ascalon
(also got Gift of Wood which I made for Quip, later changed my mind)
3. Working on Gift of Darkness..Might take some time.
4. Need 250 Glob of Ectoplasm, about 100 wvw badges, 80 Onyx Lodestone and Dusk.
Dungeon Master
Been there. Done that.
1.The Dreamer.
2.Gifts I have:
-Gift of the Dreamer
-Almost Gift of Mastery . (getting it today, because of . monthly=karma=last shards).
-The Lover
3.I’m working on Gift of Fortune, as it is the last thing I need for the Dreamer. I have 77 Mystic Clovers, 87 ectos and 2 out of 8 T6 mats I have 250. The rest T6 mats need about 200 each, except Venoms (got 100) and Vicious Claws (got 190).
So it seems like I’m soon done, but I’m not. I need like 200g more, and I have only 1g.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Hi Guys! I just want to share the Story on how i got my Sunrise! This video of mine explains it all!
I’ll summarize it through text.
1. I got my Dawn in TA Dungeon Chest. F/U at the Husk Boss. Got no proof but i have friends who saw that.
2. i spent 945k Karma Points. for the 250 Obsidian Shards(Gift of Mastery) 194 shards (77pcs Mystic Clover)
3. I farmed ores, logs, used dungeon tokens and put them into the mystic forge for Exotic Shield and post them in the TP. Wait for a day for them to be bought. Used all my gold for the 100 Icy Runestones.
4. Everyday Jp in WvW. Including Eternal Battleground. Include the people that i have killed. (Already at T2 realm avenger) Bought the Gift of Battle. The last remaining of my Badge(17pcs) the Guild name Just Leave[JL] those 2 people wielding Twilight helped me kill people at EB.
5. I didn’t rush to get my Sunrise. i /age my account and 5months. 605hours.
6. Gift of Sunrise. I pug in CoE. and some people mailed me their looted Charged Cores. I showed them my progression of my Sunrise. They were really convinced to give their Charged Cores whole heartedly.
7. I got The Colossus right after i got my Sunrise. January 31. It’s like the game is telling me to create the Juggernaut O.O But i’ll take a break for now. Sunrise is very hard to get. Need a breather.
I would really like to say… Thank you so much Arenanet! Since 3days access up to now. I’ve never regretted playing Guildwars2 Ever since i got my Sunrise. I keep staring into my blade and keep running
there was a point i got tired of playing. But the World Vs World interests me too much!
Planning to go Commander soon. After that perhaps i’ll continue my Juggernaut
Thanks to Just Leave[JL] Guild. Thanks to the pug’s who helped me. YOU GUYS ARE SO MANY!
It is i, the Judge Magister from the guild The Black Lion – Idlix Delacroix.
P.S the precursor comes to those who least expect it – Idlix Delacroix
(edited by Gene Rojo.4207)
1) Meteorlogicus
2)Well not really actually i’m partly done with all gifts, but i haven’t finished one.
3)Main goals are: Gift of Might and Gift of Magic: about 20% done, Gift of Weather: 15/100 charged Lodestones, 0/100 icy runestones, 159/250 obsidian shards, 19/250 ectos, 264/500 badges of honour and that’s about it
4) Don’t give up on your journey. It may be tiresome and it takes forever but you can do it! As for the precursor: i got lucky and noticed after the karka event 3/5 people got a lrecursor ( i didn’t) and everyone sold them. That was when i sold absolutely everyhing i had, all crafting mats, all ectos, every lodestone and core i possessed ti buy the precursor for 40g.
That was the time my journey began, having nothing, not even full exotic, but storm and a friendly guild and i hope that in a few months it’ll be done
1) Jugger
2) Almost all of them, still need 63 molten stones and the precursor
got another 150g in storage and tempted to flush it all down the mystic toilet, cause there is just no way I’m paying 540g (really?) to some market manipulators
Hi Guys! I just want to share the Story on how i got my Sunrise!
This video of mine explains it all!
I’ll summarize it through text.
1. I got my Dawn in TA Dungeon Chest. F/U at the Husk Boss. Got no proof but i have friends who saw that.
2. i spent 945k Karma Points. for the 250 Obsidian Shards(Gift of Mastery) 194 shards (77pcs Mystic Clover)
3. I farmed ores, logs, used dungeon tokens and put them into the mystic forge for Exotic Shield and post them in the TP. Wait for a day for them to be bought. Used all my gold for the 100 Icy Runestones.
4. Everyday Jp in WvW. Including Eternal Battleground. Include the people that i have killed. (Already at T2 realm avenger) Bought the Gift of Battle. The last remaining of my Badge(17pcs) the Guild name Just Leave[JL] those 2 people wielding Twilight helped me kill people at EB.
5. I didn’t rush to get my Sunrise. i /age my account and 5months. 605hours.
6. Gift of Sunrise. I pug in CoE. and some people mailed me their looted Charged Cores. I showed them my progression of my Sunrise. They were really convinced to give their Charged Cores whole heartedly.
7. I got The Colossus right after i got my Sunrise. January 31. It’s like the game is telling me to create the Juggernaut O.O But i’ll take a break for now. Sunrise is very hard to get. Need a breather.I would really like to say… Thank you so much Arenanet! Since 3days access up to now. I’ve never regretted playing Guildwars2
Ever since i got my Sunrise. I keep staring into my blade and keep running
there was a point i got tired of playing. But the World Vs World interests me too much!
Planning to go Commander soon. After that perhaps i’ll continue my Juggernaut
Thanks to Just Leave[JL] Guild. Thanks to the pug’s who helped me. YOU GUYS ARE SO MANY!
It is i, the Judge Magister from the guild The Black Lion – Idlix Delacroix.
P.S the precursor comes to those who least expect it – Idlix Delacroix
If sharing is caring then why do you have to have 3 legendaries? Cant you care to share 2 of them to other people??? lols.
1) The Bifrost
2) Gift of The Bifrost, Gift of Fortune, Gift of Mastery
3) Only the precursor is left. Spent over 200g on the mystic forge and nothing.
4) I just started saving up to buy The Legend instead of gambling in the forge, but the price on the TP is rising at about the same rate I’m making gold.
1) Twilight
2) Need only Dusk for 7+ weeks now
3) At 1445h played (with a 3 week of no log in period) currently at 137g (not all of it is liquid cash) with only 100g lost in MF until now.
I have no guild, I didn’t get 1 g free from anyone, I’ve had under 10 exotics drop EVER (in 1445h) and I’ve been depressed ever since they promised not to do any similar events to the Karka thing…moved to anger when they said SH is in 3 months+ and I’m guessing it’s gonna take 1 more month+ to finish). Some of the money involved comes for extremely boring item flipping (which I would love to stop doing so I don’t mess with ppls orders on TP and because it’s boring).
P.S the precursor comes to those who least expect it – Idlix Delacroix
P.S. the precursor should ALSO freaking come for ppl that are working for it and with a 100% chance or a top gold limit of 350g (see the mystic forge token idea here https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Is-this-a-fair-fix-for-precursors/first#post1369862 but with it being calculated to not cost over 350g for 90% of the people doing it).
AFL – Away From Life. // I admit to being a bad person.
Character specific key binds…yesterday if possible. Thank you.
(edited by Kain Nosgoth.4218)
1. The Juggernaut
2. Gift of Mastery and Gift of Might
3. I have everything ready for Gift of the Juggernaut except the Silver Doubloons (friend of a friend borrowed mine). Still need a lot of T6 mats for Gift of Magic, probably 150+ Ectoplasm, and The Colossus.
Same as most of the posters above: 3 gifts done, throwing exos in the MF every now and then but nothing and they say precursors aren’t a problem.
1. The dreamer.
2. Got all the gifts besides Mastery and fortune due to lack of shards.
3. Just need the precursor and Icy runestones.
Will be my 4th legendary, I just couldn’t resist after seeing the new improvement of this weapon. My thief is already trolling with Quip, so this will be a match made in heaven.
Would say I’ll finish it by the end of the month, taking it easy this time. (burnt out)
1. Twilight
2. Done all 3 months ago
3. Precurson
4. Ive tried to get precurson from mystic toilet, no luck so far to the point i gave up, its not worth it.
1. Flameseeker Prophecies
2. Gift of Battle is the only Gift I have
3. Some t6 mats, 125globs, 46 lodestones and the precursor
4. I have 100g on my bank + the skin of the grinning shield
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
Looks like most people are working on Precursor… which i understand, its going to be a pain!
Good luck everyone
I will go for the Dreamer but i don’t see it will happen anytime soon as i am a WvW player mostly and we all know it is not a rewarding playground.
BTW its BS that 90% of your legendary is based on pure farming/playing TP/being extremely lucky. If you get one it shows you are dedicated but not even close to legendary.
1. Gift of Mastery
2. Saving money :/ Currently on 160g missing hundreds of golds.
Desolation – [TEU]
1. Going for the incinerator
2. I already have all the gifts ready
3. Trying to get the precursor from the Mystic Toilet
4. I’ve been trying for 2 months now getting the precursor, i throw every day 10+ golds in rares inside the MF and still no luck. This is getting sick…
VII Guild
I’m going for The Flameseeker Prophecies… hey, I’m a bit of an RPer, and thematically it fits the character of my Guardian (A historian who specializes in studying the period of time between the Searing and the fall of the Great Destroyer… yes, the original GW games)
I’m gathering things as I go, so not really grinding. That said, I have the Gift of Exploration, the Gift of Ascalon, and almost have enough for the Mastery gift: 198 skill points on my warrior and about 320 Badges of honor. I can buy all the Obsidian Shards I need at any time, I’m just waiting… just in case.
On the other hand, I have about 20 bones, dust, and poison sacs, with less than 20 of each of the other rare mats, and only about 30 ectos (I had used several to craft fully exotic armor and weapons for my warrior. I liked the Draconic.). Also across my characters I have only around 30 gold or so. Other mats though, like the various metals and the like, I’m getting plenty of as the game moves on. Still don’t have the precursor, and haven’t even TRIED yet.
Compared to many of you I’m barely on my first steps, but we all started somewhere. I got a big grin on my face when I got the gift of Ascalon last night, because… well…
Like I said. I’m not a grinder. I’m getting them as I go. I don’t make hundereds of thousands of gold, and even in GW1 I think I only had around 150-200 plat at most.
So for me, I’ll be happy when I finally get me my legendary. It’ll be a long time coming, but I’ll get it eventually.
I just finished Frostfang friday, now I am working on The Howler. I would be working on a shield but I don’t really like The flameseeker.
Looking for any Legendary really, just to fill in the seal on the character select, so any precursor will do. specific legendary gift waiting until precursor is determined.
have 77 clovers.
have 10% of the ectos
Have 20% of might and mastery done.
Have skill points to spare (bloodstone shard)
have 50% of obsidean
Have exploration finished
have 2 runestones – waiting till I have more money before buying more.
Mostly I’m working on Infinite Light and waiting for a second round of Legendaries or Legendary Armor. None of them look right for my characters, so I’m in no real rush other than collecting t6 mats.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
1. I’m aiming for Frostfang and the moot. I really want Frostfang, but I already have the Energizer.
2. Do you have any gifts? If so, which one? I have a few gifts. Just finished the Gift of Mastery yesterday. I also have half of the Gift of Fortune. Just need gift of Magic and about 200 ectos. I already have The Energizer and most of the gift of Frostfang. I’m all over the place >.<
3. Which gift are you working on? And how far have you come on it? I’m currently working on any gift really. Anytime I get a gold, it goes into buy orders for t6 mats. I also farm ori and save gossamer. I have 4 80s though, so I can get all the ori I need in like 2 days.
4. Addition information you want us to know, maybe a picture. I’m crazy and aiming for 2 legendaries at once. I’ll probably get the moot first and then work on Frostfang. I just don’t want to deal with the forge or saving 400g for the precursor atm.
just finished my lodestones. onto the gift of lightning
I just finished Frostfang friday, now I am working on The Howler. I would be working on a shield but I don’t really like The flameseeker.
Congratulations dude! Job well done, and good luck on the howler!
ok I am going for the legendary Greatsword Eterinty
2. i have gift of mettal
3. im working on gift of battle gift of fortuen gift of twlight and surise and i need my precursers here is what i have atm
gift of battle, 2 gifts of exploration, 2 gifts of asclon, blood stone shards, 4 icy runestone, 13 onyx loadstones, 7onyx cores, 8 charged loadstones, and 2 charged cores.
(edited by Kenage Achalarus.4276)
Going for Rodgort on my ranger. It’s progressing surprisingly fast. Started a bit over month ago and only need powerful blood, elaborate tomes and crystalline dusts ~200 each, +200 ectos, runestones and the sigil.
Btw, had a good laugh when I noticed that the precursor is around 90 gold nowadays. Bought mine for 20
1. Going for Sunrise! (what a surprise I know )
2. So far I’ve got Gift of Mastery, Gift of Might and Magic, Gift of Light and Metal.
3. Currently I’m working on getting Gift of Fortune and I need like 180 ectos to get it. Dawn and the Icy Runestones are on my to do list too lol!
i’m going for juggernaut
-no precursor
-Gift of the Juggernaut
-Gift of Mastery
-77 mystic clovers, 110ish ectos (need gift of magic and might (less than 50 for each mat))
(edited by Shuguard.7125)
There is a nice legendary progress editor, looking like: http://secondtonone.pl/belegendary.php?l=9 Unfortunately the interface is only in some kind of klingon language…
(edited by Aksamitna.9680)
There is a nice legendary progress editor, looking like: http://secondtonone.pl/belegendary.php?l=9 Unfortunately the interface is only in some kind of klingon language…
It doesn’t appear to be an editor, just a guild who posted their individual efforts (in Polish).
Alright, just finished my 3rd legendary, Flameseeker prophecies. My other two are Sunrise and Bifrost. Here’s the gallery
and proof that I made all three
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/