Precursor crafting

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: harbinger.5834


So after a night of thought i came up with idea that A net should include a precursor crafting mechanic in the next update . Why do i think this way , well first of all A net now have a decent mechanic for crafting acended weapons wich can be used for precursor crafting the recipe and its ingrediants should be acc bound mostly. secondly, a net made many promised updates wich made game more rewarding like champion chests or more challenging content like more polished world boss battles , thirdly i like to mention that most Gw2 mechanics are kinda good so no need to work so hard towards upgrading them but i dont mind more polishing .

So that i think a net should do is to add a way to the problem , if u ask where problem is then take a trip to mistic forge and just throw stuff in it if u are using rare weapons u the rng can give many of rare quality items and 20 % chance for a exotic , but the problem is that the rare and exotic weapon numbers and diversity are so large that u can waste more then 2-3x times of gold then just buying them from tp . Also if u look at exotic prices lets say staff u will find the most exotic prices will jump from 30 g to 300 or 800 gold . mainly because of demand or expense of recipe . i understand why the cost of like wings of dwayna are that but why precursor price is over 400 g ?? (mostly) when precursor is = in rarity of an exotic wich is an dropable weapon . When i hear that precursos costed from 5-20 g at the begining i understand that theyre purpose was unknown to many players due to lack of knowlage of the mystic forge recipes but now …

So what i am trying to say is that precursor should range in ,,rarer" exotics not just a buffed out necesity , after all even no one wants to kill themselves with a lottery then some exotics are way better looking then precursors (like precursor are like a curse) .

So i dont know how many people will hear me but know this a game is game not a job or a job for a wage . So i hope the things will turn out for the best at this point .

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: juno.1840


I’m pretty confident that precursor crafting will make your eyes bleed.

It will not be a panacea to the current Mystic Forge method — and for good reasons.

On top of that you’ll need to do all the work everyone else does currently to get their legendaries — the crafting is only for precursors (not the actual legendary).

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: harbinger.5834


well i am sure a net wont make it hard like farming gift of fortune an becides i am stating facts , plus i got everything apart pre

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


based on what i’ve seen… think 8 vision crystals as 1 part of the crafting process…

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Grileenor.1497


I expect it to use the ascended mechanics and resources to craft them. If they price it too high, the people will simply farm gold and buy them of the trading post. So I expect something about 2-3 times an ascended weapon.

Or they use different types of vision crystals with dungeon token components in the recipes for them. Fractal tokens? WvW honor marks? Laurels? Name it, we have many options already in the game.

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Mesket.5728


expect something on the hundreds of gold for a crafted precursor.

Zerk is the average Joe build. Don’t pat yourself in the back too hard.

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Chuck.8196


Anet has talked about this some here:
stupid copy past cut off my 3. thanks for repost on that that junho

I don’t think precursors should be craftable. But, if they do, it better take some 500 Laurels, 250 commendations, 250 Pristine relics, time gated, require months to craft, be account bound, require you have x amount AP’s and have specific titles. GW2 is moving from R to PG-13 to soon to be G. (metaphor)

a·chieve·ment – a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment

(edited by Chuck.8196)

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: junho.7825


Anet has talked about this some here:

I don’t think precursors should be craftable. But, if they do, it better take some 500 Laurels, 250 commendations, 250 Pristine relics, time gated, require months to craft, be account bound, require you have x amount AP’s and have specific titles. GW2 is moving from R to PG-13 to soon to be G. (metaphor)

crafting precursors will be coming this year

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: marnick.4305


well i am sure a net wont make it hard like farming gift of fortune an becides i am stating facts , plus i got everything apart pre

I’ve only got pre thus far. I’m of the kind who likes to start out with the most difficult part, instead of whining I got everything except that.

Like buying wheels and wondering where the Ferrari is. Doesn’t work that way.

I think gift of fortune will be cheap compared to making a precursor. And rightfully so.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


All the people who think Anet is gonna make crafting a precursor easy are gonna be in for a surpise I bet. Remember, Anet expected legendaries to take a long time yet as those like myself who have crafted 3 or 4 or 5 legendaries knows, they aren’t hard at the moment once you got a precursor. So the only bottleneck is the precursor. I’m sure Anet knows this and is gonna make crafting them an epic adventure in itself.

And I agree with Chuck, precursors shouldn’t be craftable. I mean for Christ sakes do you feel like Anet should just mail everyone a precursor token that you take to a vendor and cash in? Quit being lazy and work for it. It’s Anets version of endgame and with how easy gold is to make now with the champ train and stuff, block out 1 month or so and suck it up and grind. You’d be surprised how much gold you could make in a month doing the train. Sure it’s boring as hell and sucks kitten but all good things come to those who work for it. Sure, some got lucky with the MF or with drops. Quit crying about how unfair it is and accept the fact that YOU are not that lucky person and YOU will need to work for yours. Flame me all you like but for those who played the old school MMOs like EQ1, EQ2, AoC etc etc, you know how long it took to get the endgame gear and how much work it took from you and a whole guild. Months of hours upon hours of camping Raster in Gukbottom for a single piece to the monk epic!! Be glad Anet doesn’t require 40 people to help you get pieces for your legendary. Legendaries here are childs play compared to stuff in other MMOs.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: LordByron.8369


Let be more fair.

Legendaries are no longer skins
Legendaries are easy to craft for TP speculators
Tp speculation is awfully broken since let player gain 10-100X any other in game activity…..

I also bet many TP speculators bought lot of precursor to resell …..

And i also “think” they have all interests in saying precursor will be impossible to craft.

Lets think logically.

Why anet is introducing precursors crafting?
To solve the issue of precursor cost….as they already did with crystalline dust, T6, Lodestones.

Do you really think they are working for nothing?

Consider also that precusor are a good part of gold sellers incomes……

P.S. You have to “work” and “game” are words that doesn t sound good together.
Also as said its impossible to have 5 legendaries unless you are soending real money or taking advantage of the TP at other players that doesn t like THAT economic pvp MINIGAME…
The only PvP enforced on players that doesn t like it….

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

(edited by LordByron.8369)

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Mesket.5728


Do you really think they are working for nothing?

They are working… on a way to make you use the gem store for that.

It’s gonna be “impossible” and probably tedious. They need you using real money, it is their business.

There is a reason why scavenger hunt (announced last year, epic quest for a precursor) never made it to the game. Even after staff from ANet said they were working on it.

I’m not putting that much hope on this “crafting” precursor thing.

Zerk is the average Joe build. Don’t pat yourself in the back too hard.

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


Let be more fair.

Legendaries are no longer skins
Legendaries are easy to craft for TP speculators
Tp speculation is awfully broken since let player gain 10-100X any other in game activity…..

I also bet many TP speculators bought lot of precursor to resell …..

And i also “think” they have all interests in saying precursor will be impossible to craft.

Lets think logically.

Why anet is introducing precursors crafting?
To solve the issue of precursor cost….as they already did with crystalline dust, T6, Lodestones.

Do you really think they are working for nothing?

Consider also that precusor are a good part of gold sellers incomes……

P.S. You have to “work” and “game” are words that doesn t sound good together.
Also as said its impossible to have 5 legendaries unless you are soending real money or taking advantage of the TP at other players that doesn t like THAT economic pvp MINIGAME…
The only PvP enforced on players that doesn t like it….

Actually I have never played the TP and I do have Sunrise, Kudzu, Juggernaut and almost finished with Minstrel. I have spent prolly around $50 buying gems for bank slots and bag slots on characters. I have been playing since headstart so again, making 3 almost 4 legendaries in just over a year isn’t hard. I bought the Leaf of Kudzu for 100g back during Karka event and I bought dawn for 400g and Colossus for 420g. And just recently bought Bard for 80g.

So lets take Colossus. If you do the FG champ train for say 5 hours a day, you should be able to make worst case 20g a day. Then add in Ori and Ancient wood harvesting on 3 level 80s. That’s another 16g a day. So you’re looking at around 36g a day, worst case. If you get lodestones or exotics, it adds up. Multiply the worst day x30 days in a month and you got 1080g. That is enough to almost buy 2 precursors at todays price. So again, it doesn’t take real money, just dedication for a couple months.

Like I said, if you just suck it up and do the kittenty for a month, you will have a legendary. All those bags in champ train drop T6 mats too. And about the “work” and “game” not going together, do you expect cause it’s a game, that you should be able to log in and do only stuff that YOU find fun and get rewarded endgame gear for? Hell in that case, I find it fun to log in and watch people run around, i log in every day so does that mean i should get a legendary for watching people run around? Just because it’s a game doesn’t mean you don’t have to work for stuff. Legendaries are not required, they are a luxury so if you don’t want to work for it, then you don’t need it. Simple as that. And think about game designers and programmers or anyone who WORKS creating a GAME. Look those 2 words are together and im sure on some days, those guys aren’t having fun……

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: LordByron.8369



Sorry but your word goes strongly against my experience…

I do any non TP activity….
Nodes farming is something that was efficient for a short time….
Champions boxes are a recent add and value of the stuff in them plummeted.

On top of that i add daily dungeon speedfarm (at least 12 paths daily)….
All i could do are 2 Legendaries farming like no tomorrow.
But i completely gave up ascended stuff for now.

In my guild there is a guy that never play dungeon, nor fractals, nor open world bosses.

He has thousands money and many legendaries…..and he is not lucky.

P.S: and are you really suggesting people to farm 6-8 hours per day?

Legendaries are not required, they are a luxury so if you don’t want to work for it, then you don’t need it.

stop this outdated mantra please.

In a mmorpg BEST IN SLOT items are REQUIRED.
Don t even try to say they are like ascended…..i have a quote ready from a dev saying they want people to chase legendaries for their usefullness and not only for appeareance…..

Disinformations at his best.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

(edited by LordByron.8369)

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821



Well your experience is not good then. Like I said, that’s how I did it and I am almost done with my 4th legendary. I really don’t care if you believe me or not but i’m telling you how I did it.

Node farming is efficient. If you just run around and harvest only Ori and Ancient wood in CS, ML, FG, SC, you can make around 5-6g in about 15-20 mins. Multiply that by 3 level 80s(in my case) and that’s 15-18g for about an hours work.

Champion boxes still make decent cash. You get around 5-7s per box and in FG, the run is 6 champs with 4 WPs used at about 1.5s per WP. So 1 box is subtracted to cover WPs per round. That’s still 5 boxes which is 25-35s of pure cash per round. Each round takes about 5 mins. So in an hour, you make 3-4.2g and that’s not counting the T6 mats you get or any exos or rares. Now if you break the rares to ectos, you get even more or keep them and use them. Exos same. The T6 mats you keep for the legendary or if you have the gifts made, sell them for 15-30s each. So really atm, champ train is the fastest way to make cash. A guy in the train today said he makes about 90-100g a day doing it. I’m guessing he does it all day though. But regardless, you will make a guaranteed 3-4.2g an hour counting only the silver from the boxes.

Dungeons work too. I sometimes run SE P1/3, TA P1/2, CoF P1, HoTW P1. I do this cause I got the jewelry recipe for tose dungeons and they used to make good cash. Now only the TA ring still makes around 5-6g per ring on the TP. But that’s not daily since you need 200 tokens, so I don’t really count that. Fractals used to make really good cash but they seem nerfed now.

I am not suggesting farming for 6-8 hours. Like I said above, about 1 hour if you have 3 80s will get you 15-18g from harvesting. Then another 2-3 hours doing the champ train will get you another 6-9g in silver from bags only. So 4 hours will get you a minimum of 21g not counting cores, lodestones, T6 mats, exos, rares.

As for the outdated mantra, its not outdated. You can do any dungeon run in blue gear even as long as you can dodge and don’t suck. This game has no gear checks like Tera or WoW so again unless you completely fail at running dungeons, you don’t need legendaries. Don’t believe me? Compare the stats of an exo vs a legendary. You are talking only around 55 less weapon strength and 6 less stat points from an exo to legendary. Hardly enough to make a difference.

So my information is not disinformation. There is efficient farming and then non efficient farming. Sounds like you are doing the non efficient way…..

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

(edited by Sauzo.6821)

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: LordByron.8369


You can run everything in blue…yes….



I know that some players likes to have a gun in a swordfight….but its not what most people feel is balanced.

P.S. i already answered the efficiency of other things you said…no need to answer more…people can use a calculator by themselves and check if what you say is true.

P.S. competent players knows perfectly you CAN T do dungeons in blue due to current tactics.

EXPECIALLY if you go there for gold.

Not to mention dps checks…

You can be carried by Others in blue….

As i said disinformation at its finest…..and also an old cliché that nobody believes to….
As “legendary are only skins” and “legendaries should be a status symbol”….

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

(edited by LordByron.8369)

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


Like I said and you just said, people can use a calculator or just go out and harvest Ori and ancient wood in the 4 maps I listed and sell it on 1 toon and then multiply that by 3 toons to get the number I listed. They can do the same with Fg champ train bags. Go get one, open it and see the silver. then figure it out. I have given hard numbers to back myself up while you have done nothing but say ’disinformation at its finest" yet you can not disprove my numbers.

As for running dungeons in blues, it CAN be done. Did I say it was efficient? No. I said it can be done. Boss big hits can be dodged or blocked using stuff like aegis etc etc. As for dps check, please tell me what dungeon has a dps check other than Arah P4. Now i’ll concede that doing stuff in blues is a bit of a stretch but this was in response to you saying “Best in slot items are required” which is bull. They are not. You can and a lot of people run all dungeons in full exos with no problem. I personally have had my dungeon master title for months and earned it with nothing but exos.

And like I said, the difference in stats between a legendary/ascended and an exotic is about 55 points of weapon strength and 6 stat points. If you think this is gonna break a dungeon run, then you need more help than the 6 points can give you. The only real advantage legendaries have at the moment is you can switch the weapons stat setup on the fly ie zerker, soldier, knights etc. So don’t try and make legendaries out to be some kind of “I WIN” item.

Keep spewing your saying of “disinformation at its finest”. I’ll keep laughing until you actually prove me wrong on the numbers I posted for bags and harvesting. I’m actually not sure if you are trying to troll me or not though but whatever, this is getting off track of the topic.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

(edited by Sauzo.6821)

Precursor crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: LordByron.8369


ori and sapling drop a lot….
I forgot to say i am in a big guild with organized mats farm groups and they discuss the market almost daily….

i am saying that “according to my knowledge and experience” its impossible you got so much gold for 5 legendaries.

Expecially since your profit activities relies on stuff that had a peak of income for a short time span.

Orichalcum and champ boxes are profitable since 2 months and they were optimal like you say for less than 1….they just plummeted being tied to speculations and short term demand increase.

P.S: Also about trolling:
Playing in blue can be done….
Try to tell me you can have a good gaming experience with subpar equipment…..(nobody will want you…and you are almost useless in fights outcome)
The game is not supposed to need work to “prepare to have fun”

just some citations.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.