Precursor scavenger hunt
Not sure what’s the rush. that only means one thing –
No more lodestones and T6 mats on the market.
You guys really honestly think it’ll be better to have a scavenger hunt for a precursor rather than the current situation? you must be dreaming.
Charged lodestones already at 3g each, imagine the case after we all get “free” precursors.
Free? Obiouvsly the scavenger hunt must be designed to allow the player to get, following the path, all the mats needed to craft his legendary, from 1st to last mat needed. Obiouvsly, everything you get (mats included) following the path is accountbound not resellable, . Ah wait, i guess we will never see an update with such a sense.
Haha yeah right Lucas.
The hunt will be for the precursor, and massively increased demand for all T6 mats and lodestones will drive their prices up ridiculously.
How long we have to wait for it to be online? The entire project (as i suspect) has been trashed? Just wondering.
Well mister impatient, if you can come up with a design for such a scavenger hunt that will:
A) Keep the majority of players happy
B) Don’t influence the game too much (like people are expecting easy to get, free precursors now)
C) Feel like a journey/fun instead of another ‘chore’ for your legendary
then please tell that here to anet, so that they can develop it and implement it.
Oh, you can’t think of something in 5minutes? Well neither can Anet so just be patient and keep quiet…
I’d say we’d be lucky to see it in 6 months. Not because of the usual “Anet lazy” complaints (valid or not, it’s irrelevant), but because to make it challenging/fair will mean it would have to be horrendously long and complicated to create. And of course, this is something they can’t afford to have seriously bugged where people get precursors in some absurdly short period of time through some hidden exploit.
No news of it being trashed, so I think it’s safe to assume it’s still being worked on.
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated
(edited by ExTribble.7108)
To prolong the game’s vitality, I’d say that this will include alts or something that will be done a lot faster with more maxed lvl characters available.
Make everyone keep spending more time in the game to work towards their goal.
Just a wild guess.
I’m sure they haven’t trashed the idea, just they want to make sure that the difficulty is correct and that they don’t make it too hard or too easy. In my opinion I think the mystic forge should have the best chance for the precursor but I don’t like that I can dump 300 gold into trying to get it without success where as the scavenger hunt i can say i’m 40% on my way to getting my precursor but the first option should be easier than the second one.
I won’t be expecting this project to be completed for 1-2 months or longer given that they have other things they are working on.
How long we have to wait for it to be online? The entire project (as i suspect) has been trashed? Just wondering.
Well mister impatient, if you can come up with a design for such a scavenger hunt that will:
A) Keep the majority of players happy
B) Don’t influence the game too much (like people are expecting easy to get, free precursors now)
C) Feel like a journey/fun instead of another ‘chore’ for your legendarythen please tell that here to anet, so that they can develop it and implement it.
Oh, you can’t think of something in 5minutes? Well neither can Anet so just be patient and keep quiet…
Did you even read my post, before type?
Free? Obiouvsly the scavenger hunt must be designed to allow the player to get, following the path, all the mats needed to craft his legendary, from 1st to last mat needed. Obiouvsly, everything you get (mats included) following the path is accountbound not resellable, . Ah wait, i guess we will never see an update with such a sense.
Free? Obiouvsly the scavenger hunt must be designed to allow the player to get, following the path, all the mats needed to craft his legendary, from 1st to last mat needed. Obiouvsly, everything you get (mats included) following the path is accountbound not resellable, . Ah wait, i guess we will never see an update with such a sense.
Hmm, so the precursor isn’t enough for you, you also want the materials for the legendary to come also with it?
Why don’t they just mail the legendary to you to save some developement time.
They either tossed the idea or you can expect it very soon to deploy.
This game is bleeding players like crazy. The gear treadmill was a quick filler to add a little extra longevity to the lifespan of the GW2 player. It has failed horrifically and even further fallout is happening.
With that they need more of a reason to keep people around and grinding on content and buying gems. The best way is to offer the precursor and next ascend gear stuff.
That should give them some extra time – bring players back and keep them playing longer and it wont be ground beef dungeon mix. They will work toward the most expensive items in the game praising anet for the great work and forget the grind.
That should give them time to get PVP and WvW sorted out a bit and content added that has seen that population decimated even more than PvE.
Or dropped it like its hot and I dont mean hands. Continue to hand it out at 1 time events pissing off 98% of the people who dont get one. (my vote here)
That would be an epic mail delivery.
They either tossed the idea or you can expect it very soon to deploy.
This game is bleeding players like crazy. The gear treadmill was a quick filler to add a little extra longevity to the lifespan of the GW2 player. It has failed horrifically and even further fallout is happening.
Oh i think you’re right, guess we will have to wait way, way more than expected, and maybe never online at all
Free? Obiouvsly the scavenger hunt must be designed to allow the player to get, following the path, all the mats needed to craft his legendary, from 1st to last mat needed. Obiouvsly, everything you get (mats included) following the path is accountbound not resellable, . Ah wait, i guess we will never see an update with such a sense.
Hmm, so the precursor isn’t enough for you, you also want the materials for the legendary to come also with it?
Why don’t they just mail the legendary to you to save some developement time.
What i wrote ( i still wonder if people before push the button post read the thread or just the title) is a path. Leading a worthy player to wield his legendary.
Obiouvsly, must be something not resellable, even mats needed. Just to be sure it’s a legendary scavenger hunt, not a way to exploit it to be rich selling t6 mats
I know, my idea is way over the roof, too much cool to be online on this game.
Crap, i still remember some other clone mmo (gw2 now falled into the clone status with geargrind) with similar / longer legendaries wielded just by a tiny number of worthy players, not the bunch of cheaters we have today
(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)
Legendary can’t be acquired in solid PvE / PvP play. I thought that was already discussed about.
How long we have to wait for it to be online? The entire project (as i suspect) has been trashed? Just wondering.
Well mister impatient, if you can come up with a design for such a scavenger hunt that will:
A) Keep the majority of players happy
B) Don’t influence the game too much (like people are expecting easy to get, free precursors now)
C) Feel like a journey/fun instead of another ‘chore’ for your legendarythen please tell that here to anet, so that they can develop it and implement it.
Oh, you can’t think of something in 5minutes? Well neither can Anet so just be patient and keep quiet…Did you even read my post, before type?
Free? Obiouvsly the scavenger hunt must be designed to allow the player to get, following the path, all the mats needed to craft his legendary, from 1st to last mat needed. Obiouvsly, everything you get (mats included) following the path is accountbound not resellable, . Ah wait, i guess we will never see an update with such a sense.
What I was saying with my post is that it takes a really long time to even design a scavenger hunt like this without breaking the game. Including a path that gets you everything from a legendary would make that task even more impossible, so my question to you: did you even read and understand my post?
Didn’t we paid the client? Some didn’t pay maybe gemshop with credit card? Is this game a cheap f2p one made by IT middleway students maybe where we can deal with low design and absence of something who can “justify” the legendary status of a weapon?
A scavenger hunt leading to a legendary weapon not exploitable is a task just for a strict elite of humans who learn how to program an mmo maybe?
No need to reprogram entire maps. We can use the existing world, adding a “path” leading, time by time, to your legendary. Doing that. Going there. Long hard task, everything souldbound. It’s not needed to design from scratch everything. Existing mats marked as soulbound playing the scavenger hunt, is it maybe something so incredibly hard to program? After 7 years, and gw1 experience, noone have a clue on their team how to deal with something like this?
(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)
Didn’t we paid the client? Some didn’t pay maybe gemshop with credit card? Is this game a cheap f2p one made by IT middleway students maybe
Totally irrelevant and childish to bring that up. But since you asked: you bought the game and you got the game. They are not obliged to bring you any content updates, and not even bug fixes.
A scavenger hunt leading to a legendary weapon not exploitable is a task just for a strict elite of humans who learn how to program an mmo maybe?
Strict elite humans, I lol’ed.
No need to reprogram entire maps. We can use the existing world
I’m pretty sure they won’t reprogram the world.
, adding a “path” leading, time by time, to your legendary. Doing that. Going there. Long hard task, everything souldbound. It’s not needed to design from scratch everything.
Yes it is because currently there is no scavenger hunt at all in this game, so a design from 0 is required.
Existing mats marked as soulbound
Would give all sort of weird stuff, like keeping them seperated in your bank, duplicate items in database etc.
playing the scavenger hunt, is it maybe something so incredibly hard to program? After 7 years, and gw1 experience, noone have a clue on their team how to deal with something like this?
Again, completely missing the point. It is not about the programming it’s mainly about the design. Yes, it is a moderate amount of coding work depending on how it will be implemented, but that won’t be anything special for the developers.
to quote any developer of any mmo/mmorpg “when it’s ready.”
Didn’t we paid the client? Some didn’t pay maybe gemshop with credit card? Is this game a cheap f2p one made by IT middleway students maybe
Totally irrelevant and childish to bring that up. But since you asked: you bought the game and you got the game. They are not obliged to bring you any content updates, and not even bug fixes.
Childish? I buy a product to have a result. If the company doesn’t give to his product any update or fix or bug , is a fail. And guess, the customer pretends back his money and the company refund you. Except if the company is doing a fraud, escaping with the cash
A scavenger hunt leading to a legendary weapon not exploitable is a task just for a strict elite of humans who learn how to program an mmo maybe?
Strict elite humans, I lol’ed.
Oh me too, because looking how beautiful the game is (graphically talking) , seems they got some talented devs as employee. Nothing alien, nor alien/elite human was who programmed other great mmos who made their name in the hystory of mmos. So, why not?No need to reprogram entire maps. We can use the existing world
I’m pretty sure they won’t reprogram the world.
That’s my point, there is no need to “design” nothing at all, just use the current content, giving a purpose to go there, do that, bring this to him/her. No, no need to program their boring static dialogues with your char chitchatting i skipped entirely on my storyline. Just simple dialogues with a balloon, and a long mail explaining the lore and what you did, with the reward. For example “250 ectos” “x lodestone”
, adding a “path” leading, time by time, to your legendary. Doing that. Going there. Long hard task, everything souldbound. It’s not needed to design from scratch everything.
Yes it is because currently there is no scavenger hunt at all in this game, so a design from 0 is required.
As explained, it’s a couple of balloons, nothing new to program at all, just use some “dead” npc around the world, we have so many of them camping there doing nothing, sometimes not even a dialogue except a hallo
Existing mats marked as soulbound
Would give all sort of weird stuff, like keeping them seperated in your bank, duplicate items in database etc.
Nothing wierd. The 250 ectos as reward are different from normal ectos. They are soulbound ( or accountbound before someone complain about it too) with a text “Used to craft legendary weapons”. Guess what, no exploits nor being rich abusing of the systemNo new design, no duplicates, just one more item in the database with the text, a block of 250 ectos not splittable/resellable/usable for any other purpose than your legendary weapon. More space in the bag? I understood who was so fond to wield a legendary was even ready to deal with 20 slot bags, some bank slots (gemstore, anet interests
) to be prepared to afford a great long, “cumbersome” adventure.
playing the scavenger hunt, is it maybe something so incredibly hard to program? After 7 years, and gw1 experience, noone have a clue on their team how to deal with something like this?
Again, completely missing the point. It is not about the programming it’s mainly about the design. Yes, it is a moderate amount of coding work depending on how it will be implemented, but that won’t be anything special for the developers.
As explained, no need to design a spit of nothing except a couple of ballons and existing mats marked as “Used for legendary weapons” Guess, this kind of “path” doesn’t require more than a weekend to be ready and online for every single legendary weapon, nor requiring any special unique talended alien dev from mars or the moon
(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)
I’ll not go into the personal vendetta above, I just wanted to comment on Lucas’ idea:
I’d really prefer a set path for obtaining a legendary over the RNG. random drops should help you cut the path short, even skipping large parts of it (i.e. if you get a precursor), but the path should work without any luck (some people just don’t have it).
right now it’s pretty much a path, only it’s just grind: grind there for several days/weeks, then move on and grind in another area to get your next items on the list. it’s highly random, mostly grind and the only way to spice it up is by grinding in another area and using the money to buy stuff from the tp. your you can (ab)use the tp to make money – at least that’s challenging and takes some intelligence so I’m not entirely against it, even if I don’t like to do it.
If there was a path with elements like:
- escort 50 patrols (there are multiple quests like this all over the world)
- save a 100 villages from destruction
- fight the secret champion mob in the thaumanova reactor (the key would have to be obtainable without luck ofc)
- master dungeon X
- find 20 pages of book Y in the world (fixed location, easy to read up but still fun for people who like scavenger hunts)
- climb the highest mountain
- gather kelp from the deepest abyss
etc it would help get players into all maps, be a real challenge instead of pure grind and most importantly, it would be fun! you could measure your progress and feel like you accomplished something. grinding is a very unsatisfactory way of spending your free time.
I’m all for allowing grind to be a way for getting a legendary, just not the only way. players want alternative ways of accomplishing something. In a highly customizable game (builds, classes, looks etc) there should also be alternative styles of gameplay..
Yup, most are like you Oranisagu, i should say 99% of the playerbase is enough bored of the RGN+grind even when he get his precursor. My idea is exploit-proof, uberfun, not hard to be implemented at all (everything ingame is used), a real big, enjoyable, incredible adventure to be worthy to wield a legendary not receiving some laugh on your back or people commenting “3 legendaries? Oh pfff, a cheater, or goldseller made a discount?”
(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)
How long we have to wait for it to be online? The entire project (as i suspect) has been trashed? Just wondering.
The posted about either at the start of this week or at the end of last week and said it likely won’t be in the upcoming December 14th update but would hopefully be in the update after that, which means January.
Haha yeah right Lucas.
The hunt will be for the precursor, and massively increased demand for all T6 mats and lodestones will drive their prices up ridiculously.
Assuming they don’t adjust drop rates for them or put another way to reliably get them in the same update. They have to know that that will be the next complaint they have to deal with after precursors because people are already complaining about them nearly as much as the precursor issue.
Fact is we don’t know what they’re going to do exactly besides that they are going to do something. Pointless to speculate and get all worked up over hypotheticals at this point because (unless I missed it) they have released literally no information on how it’s going to work.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
yes, that’s true. So that we can wield a Legendary with pride, different from those who obtain it through shortcuts
And all we need is to “Account bound” those legendaries and some of the req’d mats (not all of them). So we can still buy some and do the hard work to obtain the rest.
and I personally think that the current system of Legendary is meant for people with high resource (either money, or goldsellers). Mere perseverance and skills are far from enough to obtain one of those Legendaries
Ecchishin – Shirayuki Aline (Norn Ranger)
yes, that’s true. So that we can wield a Legendary with pride, different from those who obtain it through shortcuts
And all we need is to “Account bound” those legendaries and some of the req’d mats (not all of them). So we can still buy some and do the hard work to obtain the rest.
and I personally think that the current system of Legendary is meant for people with high resource (either money, or goldsellers). Mere perseverance and skills are far from enough to obtain one of those Legendaries
The current system is likely not going to change any and I don’t know why you think it would.
The only thing they have said they will be doing is putting in some sort of scavenger quest. And they were vague at best about that, too.
I’ll not go into the personal vendetta above, I just wanted to comment on Lucas’ idea:
I’d really prefer a set path for obtaining a legendary over the RNG. random drops should help you cut the path short, even skipping large parts of it (i.e. if you get a precursor), but the path should work without any luck (some people just don’t have it).
right now it’s pretty much a path, only it’s just grind: grind there for several days/weeks, then move on and grind in another area to get your next items on the list. it’s highly random, mostly grind and the only way to spice it up is by grinding in another area and using the money to buy stuff from the tp. your you can (ab)use the tp to make money – at least that’s challenging and takes some intelligence so I’m not entirely against it, even if I don’t like to do it.If there was a path with elements like:
- escort 50 patrols (there are multiple quests like this all over the world)
- save a 100 villages from destruction
- fight the secret champion mob in the thaumanova reactor (the key would have to be obtainable without luck ofc)
- master dungeon X
- find 20 pages of book Y in the world (fixed location, easy to read up but still fun for people who like scavenger hunts)
- climb the highest mountain
- gather kelp from the deepest abyss
etc it would help get players into all maps, be a real challenge instead of pure grind and most importantly, it would be fun! you could measure your progress and feel like you accomplished something. grinding is a very unsatisfactory way of spending your free time.
I’m all for allowing grind to be a way for getting a legendary, just not the only way. players want alternative ways of accomplishing something. In a highly customizable game (builds, classes, looks etc) there should also be alternative styles of gameplay..
What you want is a “welfare legendary” system, one that guarantees a precursor or a complete legendary (lol?). Sure, I think Anet sure please people like you, but these legendaries should be less flashy than the current ones. In fact, they should look boring but just have a purple text in the item description Why should the current legendary owners go through what they did to get it and see bunch of people just wait in line with some quests following step by step guide to get one so easily?
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
[QUOTE]Why should the current legendary owners go through what they did to get it and see bunch of people just wait in line with some quests following step by step guide to get one so easily?[/QUOTE]
Np. As long as i get the same chances as they did. Karma exploiting in certain events, certain dungeon exploits, a certain weapon for 21 karma that could have been easilly crafted into precursor and a few other things, that have since been removed from game. There is plenty of people who abused them – and they should have been permanently banned for that, and their inventory permanently frozen. Majority of legendaries already made have their origins in one of those activities. So why dont we talk about ‘exploited welfare legendaries’ instead?
Also, this is a game. Games are meant to be entertaining and fun. There is nothing fun about being forced to either spend 500+ hours on a tiny skin – either through grinding mats or through grinding gold. ‘Welfare legendaries’ is exactly that – items available through no challange. There is nothing challenging about current legendary item crafting. Its RNG for some parts, and a lot of gold farming for the other parts.
To give you a context for what deserves reward – in Prince of Persia, Warrior Within there is an alternative ending, available if you can visit several hidden places. They are all slightly out of the beaten path, and all have increasingly difficult set of traps to go through. None of them requires extra grind/external cash/RNG. All you need for everysingle one of them is good enough coordination and skill. And for that you are rewarded with a tiny little bit extra – one extra boss fight, and one extra cinematic. And legendary items are similar in their reward level, but the only thing that is truly legendary about them is the time requirement. Which is being increased with every patch, as more and more farming spots are nerfed (same spots which previous legendaries were farmed on), and the prices are driven up by gold being frozen in flippers savings (same people who farmed those now non existing places) and through their schemes.
Considering the above, any reasonable person would conclude that yes, a different system for obtaining legendaries, one that actually rewards active participation in primary game mechanics such combat, dungeons and dynamic events, would be much more preferable.
I’ll not go into the personal vendetta above, I just wanted to comment on Lucas’ idea:
I’d really prefer a set path for obtaining a legendary over the RNG. random drops should help you cut the path short, even skipping large parts of it (i.e. if you get a precursor), but the path should work without any luck (some people just don’t have it).
right now it’s pretty much a path, only it’s just grind: grind there for several days/weeks, then move on and grind in another area to get your next items on the list. it’s highly random, mostly grind and the only way to spice it up is by grinding in another area and using the money to buy stuff from the tp. your you can (ab)use the tp to make money – at least that’s challenging and takes some intelligence so I’m not entirely against it, even if I don’t like to do it.If there was a path with elements like:
- escort 50 patrols (there are multiple quests like this all over the world)
- save a 100 villages from destruction
- fight the secret champion mob in the thaumanova reactor (the key would have to be obtainable without luck ofc)
- master dungeon X
- find 20 pages of book Y in the world (fixed location, easy to read up but still fun for people who like scavenger hunts)
- climb the highest mountain
- gather kelp from the deepest abyss
etc it would help get players into all maps, be a real challenge instead of pure grind and most importantly, it would be fun! you could measure your progress and feel like you accomplished something. grinding is a very unsatisfactory way of spending your free time.
I’m all for allowing grind to be a way for getting a legendary, just not the only way. players want alternative ways of accomplishing something. In a highly customizable game (builds, classes, looks etc) there should also be alternative styles of gameplay..
What you want is a “welfare legendary” system, one that guarantees a precursor or a complete legendary (lol?). Sure, I think Anet sure please people like you, but these legendaries should be less flashy than the current ones. In fact, they should look boring but just have a purple text in the item description
Why should the current legendary owners go through what they did to get it and see bunch of people just wait in line with some quests following step by step guide to get one so easily?
Please tell me what is less legendary on doing that massive amount of tasks over abusing some lvl65 rare mystic forge glitch?
And the scavenger hunt will only be for precursors, so there goes your “welfare legendary” theory. The 250 stacks of t6 mats and lodestones will still be required.
What you want is a “welfare legendary” system, one that guarantees a precursor or a complete legendary (lol?). Sure, I think Anet sure please people like you, but these legendaries should be less flashy than the current ones. In fact, they should look boring but just have a purple text in the item description
Why should the current legendary owners go through what they did to get it and see bunch of people just wait in line with some quests following step by step guide to get one so easily?
while I wouldn’t call a few hundred hours of time investement (and yes, thats the timeframe I’d like a fixed path to be, not some 5-10 hour walkabout) a wellfare legendary system, I don’t really think your elitist arrogance is really relevant.
the people who have a legendary already did grind a lot. they spent hour after hour grinding out the mats and gold. nobody (sane) would invest the needed time if they didn’t like to grind. I don’t – but in no way did I ever state I want a shorter or easier route, I just want an alternative for about the same effort (I like exploring, hunting things down etc, they take just as much time, but are more fun for me). I won’t even begin to try for a legendary until I randomly get a precursor I can use (chaos gun just doesn’t do it for me, so it sits in the bank). a fixed path would give me a goal I can achieve and follow, it wouldn’t in any way make it easier to obtain one or give every player access to one (most players won’t find the time worthy to pursue a legendary either way).
so, for the future: please read before you respond and don’t interpret stuff into a statement for which there was no indication at all.
What I would like to see – is a “welfare” legendary for the wv3ers. A huge group of us don’t CARE what the weapon looks like – we just want to be on the same basic footing as some PVE’er who ran plinx for 3months non stop to buy his legendary that is soon to be better than my exotics. He will be hitting harder, able to take more damage (cause he also runs fractals and has all this pink gear :/ ). Make the ‘extended gear grind" badge and karma related gives us the stats that the other “legendaries/pink gear” have – just not ’look as nice’.
Yaksbend Commander
I’ll not go into the personal vendetta above, I just wanted to comment on Lucas’ idea:
I’d really prefer a set path for obtaining a legendary over the RNG. random drops should help you cut the path short, even skipping large parts of it (i.e. if you get a precursor), but the path should work without any luck (some people just don’t have it).
right now it’s pretty much a path, only it’s just grind: grind there for several days/weeks, then move on and grind in another area to get your next items on the list. it’s highly random, mostly grind and the only way to spice it up is by grinding in another area and using the money to buy stuff from the tp. your you can (ab)use the tp to make money – at least that’s challenging and takes some intelligence so I’m not entirely against it, even if I don’t like to do it.If there was a path with elements like:
- escort 50 patrols (there are multiple quests like this all over the world)
- save a 100 villages from destruction
- fight the secret champion mob in the thaumanova reactor (the key would have to be obtainable without luck ofc)
- master dungeon X
- find 20 pages of book Y in the world (fixed location, easy to read up but still fun for people who like scavenger hunts)
- climb the highest mountain
- gather kelp from the deepest abyss
etc it would help get players into all maps, be a real challenge instead of pure grind and most importantly, it would be fun! you could measure your progress and feel like you accomplished something. grinding is a very unsatisfactory way of spending your free time.
I’m all for allowing grind to be a way for getting a legendary, just not the only way. players want alternative ways of accomplishing something. In a highly customizable game (builds, classes, looks etc) there should also be alternative styles of gameplay..
What you want is a “welfare legendary” system, one that guarantees a precursor or a complete legendary (lol?). Sure, I think Anet sure please people like you, but these legendaries should be less flashy than the current ones. In fact, they should look boring but just have a purple text in the item description
Why should the current legendary owners go through what they did to get it and see bunch of people just wait in line with some quests following step by step guide to get one so easily?
So because people already have legendaries they should just leave the broken system in place?
You’d think they would be happy because it will be easier for them to get their second, or third. Assuming we can repeat the scavenger quest.
So let’s see, people say this game is bleeding players like crazy and giving them instant legendaries in the form of a quest chain that gives you the precursor AND all the mats will save the game. For how long? If they do this and the quest chain takes 20 hours to finish, that buys them 20 hours before people run out of stuff to do again and then cry more about nothing to do and quit. On the other hand, if they make the quest chain take 200 hours, people will cry it’s taking too long and they want instant gratification. Only thing i’ve really noticed is that the community seems to like to whine about legendaries. Suck it up and enjoy the ride to the legendary. And no i dont have mine yet but im having fun getting the mats aka doing dailies, doing dragons, doing dungeons, running around harvesting etc. The whole deal should be fun, not just the end of it. In the end, the precursor is only a very small part to it. Clovers, T6 mats and the 100 Icy runes alone are prolly close to double the cost of the precursor.
Am I legendary yet!?
So let’s see, people say this game is bleeding players like crazy and giving them instant legendaries in the form of a quest chain that gives you the precursor AND all the mats will save the game. For how long? If they do this and the quest chain takes 20 hours to finish, that buys them 20 hours before people run out of stuff to do again and then cry more about nothing to do and quit. On the other hand, if they make the quest chain take 200 hours, people will cry it’s taking too long and they want instant gratification. Only thing i’ve really noticed is that the community seems to like to whine about legendaries. Suck it up and enjoy the ride to the legendary. And no i dont have mine yet but im having fun getting the mats aka doing dailies, doing dragons, doing dungeons, running around harvesting etc. The whole deal should be fun, not just the end of it. In the end, the precursor is only a very small part to it. Clovers, T6 mats and the 100 Icy runes alone are prolly close to double the cost of the precursor.
well said. I am also slowly working on mine, running AC for tokens and doing dailies and WvW for Karma etc. I dont see these activities as a grind, I see them as working towards a goal. The way I see it, once Anet give in once, these people will keep doing til they have everything they wanted for doing less in game.
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
Haha yeah right Lucas.
The hunt will be for the precursor, and massively increased demand for all T6 mats and lodestones will drive their prices up ridiculously.
Agreed, This is what will kill GW2 if it is not handled correctly. At the moment people are made because they are told what they need yet not given a way to get the mats for what they want. Example: LODESTONES – Players want to farm for these they want to know what they have to kill and what the drop chance is, the RNG is killing this game currently you can farm earth elementals and you might get 1 in 2 hours or 0 in 6 hours.
This needs to be a solid % chance. even if its low like 10% chance that will still take awhile but players will at least see a reason to farm for it. when they dont get these items at all over 6-8 hours of farming that causes people to hate the game and thats not fun.
Thats why i suggested the end of the grind and exploits. “following the tutorial” , yes. With “used to craft legendaries” only mats not resellable – reusable.
But requiring a LONG, long, hard to complete, amazing and fun, beautiful sequence of things to do. Nothing to give a legendary after 20 hours, nor 200. A “bit of effort” is what we need. If so fond even work on 5 of them for your char and 5 more for your alt. A legendary path leading to a great reward. I still think Anet abused a bit of the word legendary about those weapons. They don’t have NOTHING to be legendary at all on playerside more than abuse of the system a bit before the nerf is online, and most are even crap about skin and effects. What are they, beta legendaries?
(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)
You know… there is an enormous scavenger hunt already IN the game…
I always thought it was weird that with all the ways you have to explore every facet of the game to make a legendary, completing your personal story counts for nothing in the process.
Two-birds-one-stone opportunity.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.