Predator designed for Warriors

Predator designed for Warriors

in Crafting

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I’ll be blunt, i find the design of predator cool but also very thoughtless to Engineers. Warriors aim down sights and crouch+aim down sights when they shoot, a scoped rifle makes sense for them.
They have a baseline 1200range, and inflict pain from a distance with carefully aimed shots. With their adrenaline-move being a carefully aimed, long range, single hardhitting shot.

Engineers, shoot their rifle from the hip, and dont ever aim down sights. A scoped weapon doesnt make sense. It just looks silly and immersion breaking to run around with a fine long-range precision weapon and use it like a shotgun without even aiming.
Thats what Engineer use their Rifle for. Or even more silly, with Jump shot i can see no possible scenario where the long barrel wouldnt clip all over the place with the ground.

Its aestethic design is tailored specifically for only 1 profession. Sucks for Engineer seeing as theyve already got a very very limited assortment of Legendaries and hardly see them due to kits.

Predator designed for Warriors

in Crafting

Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

There are legendary pistols… not to mention that would mean based on what you just said they would have to design 3-4 specific legendary engineer kits… as if you made a legendary flamethrower my grenade tossing engineer would say waaaaah why no legendary grenade kits… (not really just making a point).

Go look at the charzooka that might fit your engineer rifle desires.

Predator designed for Warriors

in Crafting

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I dont know what kind of mental jumps you made to get to the conclusion that i want Legendary kits for Engineer.

Predator is a Legendary rifle that is designed to look awesome for Warriors and stupid on Engineers.
Why i dont understand because the Engineer has the least available legendaries of all professions to begin with.